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a simple Pipeline to generate ORC format(files) to HDFS, and then queryed it By Presto/Hive

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the advertisers always need real-time data feedback to optimize their delivery strategy.

firstly,We used a period of time in our test environment, we found some problems

hard to dealing with delayed update

This is very common in advertising, such as two-jump / conversion data is often a long delay to click, when you update, you need to perform the entire Reindex, this takes a long time

multidimensional data processing in real-time ingest always result in poor result

Advertising logs often need to deal with 60 + dimensions, 20 + metrics data, those data will be aggregated by druid in memory, it can easily lead to GC, resulting message with ZK interruption, which causing a constant Reindex

druid does not support sql

sql for most analysts is a better choice

After investigating a series of the current popular frameworks (eg: kylin, pinot, druid).
we found that the popular data warehouse design can actually be summed up with the following

issue parallel operation to Efficient storage of data on a highly available distributed file system

things becomes very simple

  1. ORC, Parquet is already well implemented in the column storage, no need to implement additional new file format
  2. HDFS has been proven a highly available file storage solution
  3. Presto is a very good parallel query engine, doing a lot of query optimization
  4. Hive Sql can easily use GroupBy sql clause to do data aggregation, HadoopIndexer of druid completely unnecessary; while hive sql is very flexible, you can create multiple cubes to speed up queries

The problem is redefined

issue parallel operation( by presto) to Efficient storage of data(by ORC) of a highly available distributed file system (by hdfs)

what we will to do becomes just generating ORC files to hdfs :-D

Meanwhile, in order to query efficiency, the aggregation granularity become hourly

insert overwite my_orc_table partition (pday = 20151201, phour = 4) select a, b, sum (imp), sum (click) from my_orc_table where log_type = 'ic' and pday = 20151201 and phour = 4
  1. source (kafka) -> orc file -> hdfs
  2. crontab for aggregation

Thus, eaux arises,


Eaux's role is read from the data source and produces a file format ORC then uploaded to the HDFS ~

Actually, there are several problems to be solved

when to generate the ORC files.

Eaux generate ORC provided in the following configuration file

1. `rotation.period`, PT10m represents a file every 10 minutes to generate. If you need more real-time data, you can consider setting a lower value
2. `rotation.gran`, hour, hour represents the critical point to force generation, for example 12.58 -> 13.00
3. `rotation.file.size.mb`, when the app is configured to use` CommitLog`, if the data size exceeds the set commitLog size, will generate the file.
generate different ORC files under some special condition

Eaux provides GroupFileWriter to provide custom logic.

Since the orc file wirter provided by hive is processed in the memory process, the need to ensure that data is persisted to disk when the program terminates and will not cause data loss

Eaux using the CommitLog mechanism to ensure the safety of the data is written. If the document fails to generate ORC, it will still be recovered from CommitLog ~


it 's easy to scale out , just copy the generated bin codes to another machine,then run it

install to local maven repo

mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip

hive table


Using the date field of logs for partition, while advertisers adv_id% 2 == 0 grouping

CREATE  TABLE eaux_grouped(
  day INT ,
  hour INT ,
  id_advertiser_id INT ,
  action_platform STRING ,
  bid_policy_data STRING ,
  bid_rank_data STRING ,
  imp BIGINT ,
  click BIGINT
) partitioned by (pDay int,pHour int,adv int) stored as orc ;


Using system date for partition

CREATE  TABLE eaux_plain(
  day INT ,
  hour INT ,
  id_advertiser_id INT ,
  action_platform STRING ,
  imp BIGINT ,
  click BIGINT
) partitioned by (pDay int,pHour int,adv int) stored as orc ;

after create those hive tables,their actural data hdfs path are /apps/hive/warehouse/eaux_grouped /apps/hive/warehouse/eaux_plain ,

We just need to put generated orc file to those paths



generate data for eaux_grouped table

//sink configuration
Configuration groupedConfiguration = new PropertiesConfiguration("");
//store local orc file
FileRegistry groupedFileRegistry = new FileRegistry() ;
//group/local/remote file pattern
FileNameGenerator groupedFileNameGenerator = new DateAdvertiserNameGenerator(groupedConfiguration) ;
final RecoverableWriter groupFileWriter = new GroupFileWriter(groupedConfiguration,
//recover failed writer               
//upload file to hdfs
UploadService groupedUploadService = new AsyncUploadService("grouped",groupedFileRegistry,
HdfsSink groupedHdfsSink = new GroupedHdfsSink(groupedConfiguration,groupFileWriter,groupedUploadService);

FileNameGenerator interface is used for define the local path and hdfs path. the grouping method is prefered to put in its implementation class

If setting the configuration of commitlog.enable=true , the Group FileWriter will automatically recover data form commitlog , you do not have to pass additional parameters, so here's arguments are null, groupFileWriter.recoverWith (null, null)


genertate data for eaux_plain table

//plain sink writer
FileRegistry plainFileRegistry = new FileRegistry() ;
Configuration plainConfiguration = new PropertiesConfiguration("");
HiveTableFileNameGenerator plainNameGenerator = new PlainNameGenerator(plainConfiguration);
//not using `CommitLog` if left commitLog is null
final RecoverableWriter plainWriter = new FileWriter(plainConfiguration, plainFileRegistry,
                plainNameGenerator,null);  //without commit log
UploadService plainUploadService = new AsyncUploadService("plain",plainFileRegistry,
HdfsSink plainSink = new PlainHdfsSink(plainConfiguration,plainWriter,plainUploadService) ;

Currently support provides kafka, rocketmq, file three data sources, you can also extend Source for your purpose ~

//kafka source
Configuration inputConfiguration = new PropertiesConfiguration("");
final TestKafkaSource kafkaSource = new TestKafkaSource(inputConfiguration);



key value MyConsumerGroup
zookeeper.connect 150000 120000
auto.offset.reset largest 60000
socket.receive.buffer.bytes 1048576
fetch.message.max.bytes 1048576
consumerTopics topic:thread_num,eg: imp:2,click:1

hdfs sink

key value
name nrt_orc
work.dir /tmp/multi/
hdfs.upload false/true ## upload to hdfs
hdfs.resources /tmp/core-site.xml,/tmp/hdfs-site.xml
rotation.period PT5m
rotation.file.size.mb 60
rotation.gran hour/day
writer.parallel 2
*commitlog.enable true/false ##use CommitLog for every group
*segment.expiry.check.interval.seconds 76 ##check interval for group data updates periodly
*segment.force.persist.interval.rp 5 ##force the group to generate orc file if no data update after 5 * 76

note : * for GroupFileWriter only


key value
graphite.prefix eaux144126
graphite.port 2003
graphite.poll.interval.seconds 60

graphite monitor

single node



a simple Pipeline to generate ORC format(files) to HDFS, and then queryed it By Presto/Hive







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