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Sample solutions for coding interview problems from LeetCode, in Java.

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Solved LeetCode Problems

Date # Name Topics Difficulty Link
6/8/24 739 Min Stack Array, Stack Medium Here
6/6/24 155 Min Stack Stack, Design Medium Here
6/5/24 1462 Course Schedule IV DFS, BFS, Graph Medium Here
6/5/24 169 Majority Element Array, Hash Table, Sorting Easy Here
6/3/24 75 Sort Colors Array, Two Pointers, Sorting Medium Here
6/3/24 606 Construct String from Binary Tree String, Tree, DFS Medium Here
6/2/24 50 Pow(x, n) Math, Recursion Medium Here
5/29/24 909 Snakes and Ladders Array, BFS, Matrix Medium Here
5/28/24 130 Surrounded Regions Array, DFS, Matrix Medium Here
5/27/24 743 Encode and Decode Strings BFS, Graph, Heap Medium Here
5/22/24 271 Encode and Decode Strings Array, String Medium Here
5/22/24 199 Binary Tree Right Side View Tree, Depth-First Search Medium Here
5/14/24 344 Reverse String Two Pointers, String Easy Here
5/3/24 1448 Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree Tree, Depth-First Search Medium Here
5/1/24 105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Array, Tree Medium Here
4/20/24 704 Binary Search Array, Binary Search Easy Here
4/16/24 48 Rotate Image Array, Math, Matrix Medium Here
4/13/24 994 Rotting Oranges Array, BFS, Matrix Medium Here
4/12/24 139 Word Break Array, DP, Memoization Medium Here
4/10/24 2331 Evaluate Boolean Binary Tree Tree, Depth-First Search Easy Here
4/10/24 404 Sum of Left Leaves Tree, Depth-First Search Easy Here
4/9/24 113 Path Sum II Backtracking, Tree, DFS Medium Here
4/7/24 53 Maximum Subarray Array, Two Pointers Medium Here
4/6/24 236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree Tree, Depth-First Search Medium Here
4/4/24 129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers Tree, Depth-First Search Medium Here
4/4/24 543 Diameter of Binary Tree Tree, Depth-First Search Easy Here
4/2/24 213 House Robber II Array, Dynamic Programming Medium Here
4/1/24 198 House Robber Array, Dynamic Programming Medium Here
3/30/24 322 Coin Change Array, Dynamic Programming Medium Here
3/28/24 110 Balanced Binary Tree Tree, Depth-First Search Easy Here
3/26/24 101 Symmetric Tree Tree, Depth-First Search Easy Here
3/26/24 347 Top K Frequent Elements Array, Hash Table, Heap Medium Here
3/23/24 22 Generate Parentheses Backtracking, Stack Medium Here
3/21/24 1047 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String String, Stack Easy Here
3/19/24 153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array Array, Binary Search Medium Here
3/18/24 141 Linked List Cycle Linked List, Two Pointers Easy Here
3/16/24 268 Missing Number Array, Bit Manipulation Easy Here
3/14/24 190 Reverse Bits Bit Manipulation Easy Here
3/12/24 216 Graph Valid Tree Graph, Depth-First Search Medium Here
3/11/24 338 Counting Bits Dynamic Programming, Bit Manipulation Easy Here
3/10/24 191 Number of 1 Bits Bit Manipulation Easy Here
3/9/24 323 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph Depth-First Search, Breadth-First Search Medium Here
3/7/24 1021 Remove Outermost Parentheses String, Stack Easy Here
3/6/24 2 Add Two Numbers Math, Linked List Medium Here
3/5/24 207 Course Schedule Depth-First Search, Graph Medium Here
3/5/24 20 Valid Parentheses String, Stack Easy Here
3/5/24 150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation Array, Math, Stack Medium Here
3/4/24 217 Contains Duplicate Array, Hash Table Easy Here
3/2/24 62 Unique Paths Dynamic Programming, Math Medium Here
3/2/24 15 3Sum Array, Two Pointers, Sorting Medium Here
2/27/24 230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST Binary Tree, Inorder Traversal Medium Here
2/27/24 88 Merge Sorted Array Array, Three Pointers Medium Here
2/27/24 98 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II Depth-First Search, Binary Tree Medium Here
2/26/24 78 Subsets Array, Backtracking Medium Here
2/25/24 107 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II Tree, Breadth-First Search Medium Here
2/25/24 102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal Tree, Breadth-First Search Medium Here
2/25/24 235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree Tree, Binary Search Tree, DFS Medium Here
2/24/24 104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Tree, DFS Easy Here
2/23/24 572 Subtree of Another Tree Tree, DFS Easy Here
2/23/24 100 Same Tree Tree, DFS Easy Here
2/23/24 1 Two Sum Array, Hash Table Easy Here
2/17/24 200 Number of Islands Graph, DFS, BFS Medium Here
2/17/24 133 Clone Graph Graph, DFS Medium Here
2/15/24 223 Rectangle Area Math, Geometry Medium Here
2/14/24 143 Reorder List Linked List, Two Pointers Medium Here
2/13/24 70 Climbing Stairs Dynamic Programming Easy Here
2/12/24 238 Product of Array Except Self Array, Prefix Sum Medium Here
2/10/24 226 Invert Binary Tree Tree, Recursion Easy Here
2/10/24 206 Reverse Linked List Linked List, Iteration Easy Here
2/8/24 49 Group Anagrams String, Hash Table Medium Here
2/8/24 417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow DFS, BFS Medium Here
2/3/24 424 Longest Repeating Character Replacement Two Pointers, Sliding Window Medium Here
1/26/24 11 Container With Most Water Array, Two Pointers Medium Here
1/9/24 19 Remove Nth Node From End of List Linked List, Two Pointers Medium Here
1/9/24 876 Middle of the Linked List Linked List, Tortoise and Hare Easy Here
1/9/24 3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Two Pointers, Sliding Window Medium Here
1/7/24 128 Longest Consecutive Sequence Array, Union Find Medium Here
1/7/24 237 Delete Node in a Linked List Linked List Medium Here
1/6/24 2870 Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Empty Math, Simulation Medium Here
1/6/24 18 4Sum Array, Two Pointers Medium Here
1/3/24 74 Search a 2D Matrix Binary Search Medium Here
1/3/24 31 Next Permutation Array, Next Permutation Medium Here
1/1/24 118 Pascal's Triangle Array Easy Here
1/1/24 73 Set Matrix Zeroes Array Medium Here

Written Notes

Leetcode 1462 Leetcode 1462 Course Schedule IV

Leetcode 105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal Leetcode 105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal

Leetcode 48 Rotate Image Leetcode 48 Rotate Image

Leetcode 22 Generate Parentheses Leetcode 22 Generate Parentheses 1 Leetcode 22 Generate Parentheses 2

Leetcode 268 Missing Number Leetcode 268 Missing Number

Leetcode 133 Clone Graph DFS Approach Leetcode 133 Clone Graph

Leetcode 1021 Remove Outermost Parentheses Leetcode 1021 Remove Outermost Parentheses

Leetcode 100 Is Same Tree Leetcode 100 Is Same Tree

Leetcode 78 Subsets Leetcode 78 Subsets

About me

My name is Winston Tsui! I'm a Computer Science student who loves coding and programming. I like to create, experiment and develop technical applications, and am generally passionate about using code and technology as part of digitally-based solutions to some of our biggest challenges in healthcare technology, media and finance.

I am experienced in multiple CS domains, including Graphics (C++, OpenGL), Data Analysis (Python, Scikit-learn), Virtual Reality (C#, Unity), Pervasive Computing (Android Studio, Kotlin), Operating Systems, Algorithms and Data Structures. In my free time, I have developed full stack e-commerce, portfolio and messaging applications using languages such as Dart and JavaScript and also frameworks such as daisyUI, React and Next.js. (Check out my open source code at I have experience deploying these applications on the Play Store and on the web using Netlify and Vercel. (Check out my website at My software engineering experience thoroughly encompasses multiple programming languages, frameworks and technologies, spanning from version control knowledge of Git and GitHub to SQL database design and MongoDB.

My research interest lies in full-stack software engineering incorporating machine learning (ML) predictive analytics features. Dr. Hoda Eldardity's work from Virginia Tech is a great example- addressing challenges in extracting new attribute-value pairs with limited labeled data through a multi-label learning framework. Her deep learning research using dynamic threshold learning for multi-label inference has shown significant improvement in unseen scenarios. I’m motivated by this research because scientific data extraction can drastically improve our current automated analysis of clinical diagnostics; this is something I want to explore.

I see myself utilizing my technical expertise in web development and Android development to create digital solutions to some of the our most pressing challenges, especially healthcare technology and ML predictive-analytics based work.

Hoping to become a software engineer one day🙏 Check out my projects:


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