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There was an issue with immich versions between v1.91.0 and v1.92.x Make sure to use an immich version higher or equal to 1.93.x

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Photoprism to Immich migrator

This tool can migrate albums and favorites from Photoprism to Immich. It does not migrate your photo files.


  1. The tool will only work if you keep the same file structure in immich that you already had in photoprism. This is the case if you take the originals folder from photoprism and use it in immich as external library.
  2. Photoprism and Immich must both be running at the same time, because the tool communicates with both APIs.

How it works


Migrate favorites

  1. The tool fetches all photos with a favorite tag from your photoprism instance
  2. For each photo, it retrieves the original filename and its respective path
  3. It connects to immich, tries to find the photo by filename and validates potential candidates on the immich side by comparing the file path
  4. If a match was found, it marks the photo on immich as favorite

Migrate album

  1. The tool fetches all photos of a certain album from your photoprism instance
  2. For each photo, it retrieves the original filename and its respective path
  3. It connects to immich, tries to find the photo by filename and validates potential candidates on the immich side by comparing the file path
  4. If a match was found, it creates a new album in immich and adds the matched photos


pip install ppim-migrator


Create a config.yaml file in the working directory where you want to run the command.



Migrate all favorites from photoprism to immich

python -m ppim-migrator migrate-favorites

Migrate a certain album from photoprism to immich

To get an album-id just open the album in photoprism. The id is part of the url. Example:

  • Url, when opening the album: The album-id would be aqrcixa2uf1q45iq
python -m ppim-migrator migrate-album <album-id-here>