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The project aims to redesign the popular online platform Reddit in the theme of Discord. Reddit is a social news aggregation and discussion website where registered members can submit content, such as text posts or direct links. On the other hand, Discord is a communication platform primarily designed for creating communities. This project seeks to merge the functionalities and aesthetics of both platforms to create a unique and engaging user experience.


The main objective of this project is to provide Reddit users with a completely redesigned interface inspired by the familiar and visually appealing Discord theme. The proposed redesign will focus on enhancing user engagement, streamlining navigation, and improving overall user satisfaction. By combining the best aspects of Reddit and Discord, this project aims to create a fresh and immersive community experience.


  1. Discord-inspired Design: The project will employ the distinct color palette, typography, and layout elements of Discord to give Reddit a new and captivating visual identity.

  2. Streamlined Navigation: The current Reddit interface can sometimes be overwhelming, especially for newcomers. The redesign will simplify navigation by incorporating Discord's intuitive menu and sidebar elements for easy access to various subreddit, post, and user options.

  3. Advanced Moderation Tools: Taking inspiration from Discord's efficient moderation features, this project will introduce enhanced tools for subreddit moderators to manage communities effectively and ensure a safe and friendly environment.

  4. Voice and Video Integration: To further bridge the gap between Reddit and Discord, the redesign will integrate voice and video chat capabilities, allowing users to seamlessly communicate within subreddits or private groups.

  5. Customization Options: Users will have the ability to personalize their Reddit experience by choosing from different Discord-inspired themes, allowing for enhanced individually curated community experiences.


The project will start with a comprehensive analysis of the existing Reddit interface and Discord theme elements. This will be followed by designing wireframes and mockups to visualize the new interface. The development phase will involve implementing the redesigned features and integrating voice and video chat functionalities. Continuous testing and user feedback will be crucial to refine the design and ensure optimal performance. Finally, the completed redesign will be deployed and launched for Reddit users to experience and provide further input.


The Reddit Redesign in Discord Theme project aims to provide the Reddit community with a fresh and engaging interface inspired by the popular communication platform, Discord. By incorporating Discord's aesthetics, navigation, and moderation tools, the redesigned Reddit will enhance user engagement and satisfaction. The integration of voice and video chat features will create a seamless and immersive community experience. With this project, Reddit users can expect an exciting new interface that combines the best of both platforms.

Project Link

You can see the design files by clicking on the following link --> Here

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