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Hierarchical multi-label text classification of the BlurbGenreCollection using capsule networks.


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Hierarchical classification of text with capsule networks

Capsule networks have been shown to demonstrate good performance on structured data in the area of visual inference. This repository enables the application of and comparison between simple shallow capsule networks for hierarchical multi-label text classification and other traditional neural networks, such as CNNs and LSTMs, and non-neural network architectures such as SVMs. For our experiments, we use the established Web of Science (WOS) dataset and introduce a new real-world scenario dataset, the BlurbGenreCollection (BGC).

Our results confirm the hypothesis that capsule networks are especially advantageous for rare events and structurally diverse categories, which we attribute to their ability to combine latent encoded information. Details on the experiments and results as well as an extensive analysis can be found in the following scientific publication:

Rami Aly, Steffen Remus, Chris Biemann (2019): Hierarchical Multi-label Classification of Text with Capsule Networks. In Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop, Florence, Italy. Association for Computational Linguistics

The dataset published with this scientific work, namely BlurbGenreCollection, consists of book blurbs and their respective hierarchically structured writing genres. The datset can be downloaded on the Language Technology page of the Universität Hamburg.

If you use the code in this repository, e.g. as a baseline in your experiment or simply want to refer to this work, we kindly ask you to use the following citation:

    title = "Hierarchical Multi-label Classification of Text with Capsule Networks",
    author = {Aly, Rami  and
      Remus, Steffen  and
      Biemann, Chris},
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop",
    month = jul,
    year = "2019",
    address = "Florence, Italy",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "323--330"

System Requirement

The system was tested on Debian/Ubuntu Linux with a GTX 1080TI and TITAN X.


  1. Clone repository:
  1. Install a dataset

    1. Either the BlurbGenreCollection-Dataset:

      cd BlurbGenreCollection_Classification && wget && unzip -d datasets
    2. Or install your own Dataset:

      The abstract class loader_abstract needs to be extended by your custom class that loads your dataset. Please adjust the return values of the methods to match the descriptions. The method load_data_multiLabel() should return a list of three sets: train, dev and test. Each collection is a list of tuples with each tuple being (String, Set of Strings) for the text and its respective set of labels.

The method read_relations() only needs to be implemented if a hierarchy exists. It should contain two sets -- the first consists of relation-pairs (parent, child) as Strings and the second set contains genres that have neither a parent nor a child. Furthermore, replace the following line with the name of your new loader_class: Line 15. For further reference, please take a look at which loads the BlurbGenreCollection dataset. Finally, read_all_genres stores co_occurences in a file to make the loading process quicker -- if the dataset changes please adjust the name so that the correct co_occurences are being loaded (only for label hierarchy relevant).

  1. Install project packages:
pip install -r code/requirements.txt
  1. Further packages needed:
pip install stop-words
python -m spacy download en
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
  1. Install word embeddings for the English language, e.g.:
mkdir resources && cd resources && wget

We recommend to put them into a ./resources folder. Please ensure to adjust the path and filename in case you decide to use different embeddings/path.

Hierarchical Multi-label Classification

Running the will run the complete Pipeline if in train mode: Loading the data, preprocessing and training the classifier. The preprocessed data is stored in the resources folder, to save time in sequential runs. Same applies to the computation of the embedding matrix, which is stored for a fixed sequence length.

Option Description Default
--mode Mode, e.g. train and test on validation or test on test set (train_test) train_validation
--classifier Select between CNN, LSTM and capsule capsule
--lang Datset to be used EN
--level Max Genre Level of the hierarchy 1

The level setting can only be used if the program is provided with a hierarchy, otherwise the networks handle the data as a traditional multi-label classification task.

General Settings:

Option Description Default
--sequence_length Maximum sequence imput length of text 100
--epochs Number of epochs to train the classifier 60
--use_statc Whether the embedding layer should not be trainable False
--use_early_stop Uses early stopping during training False
--batch_size Set minibatch size 32
--learning_rate The learning rate of the classifier 0.0005
--learning_decay Whether to use learning decay, 1 indicates no decay, 0 max. 1
--init_layer Whether to initialize the final layer with label co-occurence. False
--iterations How many classifiers to be trained, only relevant for train_n_models_final 3
--activation_th Activation threshold of the final layer 0.5
--adjust_hierarchy Postprocessing hierarchy correction None
--correction_th Threshold for threshold-label correction method False

Please note, that --init_layer, --correction_th --adjust_hierarchy are only usable, if the hierarchy of a dataset is given as input as well.

Capsule settings:

Option Description Default
--dense_capsule_dim Dimensionality of capsules on final layer 16
--n_channels Number of capsules per feature map 50

LSTM settings:

Option Description Default
--lstm_units Number of units in the lstm 700

CNN settings:

Option Description Default
--num_filters Number of filters for each window size 500

python3.5 --mode train_validation --classifier cnn --lang EN --sequence_length 100 --learning_rate 0.001 --learning_decay 1

For further inquries: