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Live subscription and review based app made using React and Graph QL.


Has real time review uploading and live reload using Apollo websockets and GraphQL mutations.

Contribution Guide

All PRs should be directed to Development branch which will eventually be merged into Main branch. Take a look at here to start contributing.

How to install this project on your local machine

This project uses React,Postgre SQL, Hasura and Apollo. So first fork & clone the repository to your local machine.

Use Yarn as your default package manager to install new dependencies instead of npm. It might create conflicts due to different package managers being used.

cd review-blocks to the folder where this project is cloned, and run yarn install to install all local dependencies.

yarn start is used to start the project, and it locates to localhost:3000 by default.

All other scripts used in this project can be found at package.json.

How to setup Hasura and GraphQL

I am using Postgres SQL being managed in a Hasura environment. So the instance is available at Hasura.
The GraphQL endpoint used is Do consider mailing me in order to get access to the console.
And the project is hosted at Heroku sourcing from the development branch.

Live Preview

The application is hosted at with automatic CI from the deployment branch.

Further Developments

  1. Add authentication to the application.Refer this
  2. Add styling using React Js.
  3. Spam protection
  4. Prevent cross browser script attacks