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Tools usage monitoring

This project is used as an example to receive user logs from different tools/systems, and then store them into a mongodb for further analysis. Can take Gmail, Google Drive and YouTube as an analogy to the tools.

After setup and started the server, there will be a Swagger UI console with live documentation and ‘try it out’ feature under the url: UI


  • python 3
    • Flask
    • connexion
    • pydantic
    • Swagger UI for OpenAPI
  • Mongodb



  1. Create database in the mongodb instance:
    USE ABC;
  2. Create collection logs in the database:
  3. Create unique index on log_id:
     db.logs.createIndex({'log_id': 1}, {unique: true});


  1. Setup mongodb as above
  2. Install python modules by
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Add .env under src/monitor-data-mongodb. Can refer to .env.example under the same directory
  4. To start the server, run
    python src/monitor-data-mongodb/

System Structure



  1. Each tool will have their unique log_id.
  2. Users use the same account across different tools, so when usage log is sent to this server from them, they will come with the same user_id

Mongodb schema

We will only use one collection logs for all the log records:

Field Type Description
_id ObjectId Mongodb object id
log_id String Unique id across different tools
tool_id String Tool unique id
user_id String User unique id
start_dt ISODate User session start datetime
end_dt ISODate User session end datetime
create_dt ISODate Record created datetime
update_dt ISODate Record updated datetime
is_delete Boolean Is Record soft deleted or not
delete_dt ISODate Record soft delete datetime

In case we want to put more detail for further analysis, e.g. user's gender, country, tool's version, we can add another collections users and tools, and use mongodb aggregate and $lookup to group them together.