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cgpt is a simple command line interface (CLI) for interacting with OpenAI's chat completion APIs. It can be thought of as a command line ChatGPT clone.

✨ Features

  • Streaming Output: Real-time responses as you type.
  • History Management: Save and load conversation history.
  • Customizable Prompts: Set system and assistant prompts.

🚀 Installation

To install cgpt, you'll need Go installed on your machine. Then, run:

go install

📖 Usage

Run cgpt with the -h flag to see available commands and options:

cgpt -h

Example output:

Usage of cgpt:
  -backend string
    	The backend to use (default "openai")
  -completions int
    	Number of completions (when running non-interactively with history)
  -config string
    	Path to the configuration file (default "config.yaml")
    	Run in continuous mode
  -in string
    	File to read completion history from
  -input string
    	The input text to complete. If '-', read from stdin. (default "-")
  -model string
    	The model to use (default "gpt-4o")
  -out string
    	File to store completion history in
    	Stream results (default true)

VIM Integration

cgpt can be used as a completion engine in Vim. To do this, you can use the following configuration:

    Plug 'tmc/cgpt', { 'rtp': 'vim', 'do': 'go install ./cmd/cgpt' }


To use cgpt, you need to provide your OpenAI API key. You can do this by either exporting it as an environment variable or specifying it in a configuration file (config.yaml).

Example config.yaml:

# This file is a sample configuration file for cgpt.

# The OpenAI model name to use.
modelName: "gpt-4o"
# Whether or not to stream output.
stream: true
# Optional system prompt.
systemPrompt: "You are PoemGPT. All of your answers should be rhyming in nature."
# Maximum tokens to return (including input).
maxTokens: 2048

🎉 Examples

Below is an example of a session using cgpt. Make sure to replace placeholders with your actual values:

export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_openai_api_key
cgpt -config path/to/your/config.yaml

Here's a visual example of using cgpt:

sample session

🤝 Contributing

We welcome contributions to cgpt! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.

📝 License

cgpt is released under the MIT License.

🛠️ Development

To run cgpt locally for development:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd cgpt
  2. Install dependencies:

    go mod tidy
  3. Build and run:

    go build -o cgpt
    ./cgpt -h
  4. Run tests:

    go test ./...

Feel free to reach out for any questions or further assistance!

Happy hacking! 🚀