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A simple tool for checking if a URL is up or down based on the status code.


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This is a simple python tool that checks the status of a list of URLs and send a notification if any of the URLs are down based on the status code.


First, create a checks.yaml file somewhere on your server. This file will contain the URLs you want to check and the status code you want to check for. Here is an example of the checks.yaml file:

- name: github # Name of the check (only used for logging purposes)
  url: # URL to check
  retries: 1 # Number of retries before sending a notification (0 to 5)
  status_accepted: # List of status codes that are considered acceptable
    - 200
    - 301

- name: code-server
  retries: 2
    - 200

Next, create a docker-compose.yaml file with the following content:

    container_name: urlchecker
    network_mode: host
      - "./checks.yaml:/app/checks.yaml" # update with path to your checks.yaml file
      # - TIME_BETWEEN_SCHEDULED_CHECKS=${TIME_BETWEEN_SCHEDULED_CHECKS} # Optional: default is 60 seconds
    restart: unless-stopped

You'll notice that there are some environment variables that are commented out. Youll want to setup at least one notification service. The tool usees Apprise to send notifications. You can use any of the supported notification services. The only requirement is that the environment variable must be in the format APPRISE_<SERVICE_NAME>. For example, to setup a Discord notification, you would set the APPRISE_DISCORD environment variable to your Discord webhook URL. You can have multiple notification services setup by adding more environment variables.

Finally, run the following command to start the container:

docker-compose up -d

Example output:

2024-04-07 21:23:44,990 - INFO - Result for: watchyourlan - -- 200
2024-04-07 21:23:44,990 - INFO - Saving status to file: status.yaml
2024-04-07 21:23:45,066 - INFO - Result for: zipline - -- 200
2024-04-07 21:23:45,066 - INFO - Saving status to file: status.yaml

To keep track of the status of the URLs, the tool saves the status of the URLs to a status.yaml file. This file is used to determine if a notification should be sent based on the number of retries specified in the checks.yaml file.

Final Notes

There are many tools out there that do the same thing. This tool was created to be simple and easy to use. I have a homelab where I run a bunch of services and I just wanted a simple tool to check the status of internal URLs and send me a notification if any of the URLs are down. This tool is not meant to be a replacement for more robust monitoring tools like Uptime-Kuma or Monika to name a few.

Please note, this tool may have bugs or imperfections. If you find any issues or have suggestions, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


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