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Design flexible node-based workflows using AiiDA.

In AiiDA, there are two workflow components: workfunction and WorkChain. Workfunction is easy to implement but it does not support automatic checkpointing, which is important for long-running calculations. Workchain supports automatic checkpointing but it is difficult to implement and also not as flexible as the workfunction. AiiDA-WorkGraph provides the third component: WorkGraph. It is easy to implement and supports automatic checkpointing. It is also flexible and can be used to design complex workflows.

Here is a detailed comparison between the WorkGraph with two AiiDA built-in workflow components.

Aspect WorkFunction WorkChain WorkGraph
Use Case Short-running jobs Long-running jobs Long-running jobs
Checkpointing No Yes Yes
Execution order Sequential Hybrid Sequential-Parallel Directed Acyclic Graph
Non-blocking No Yes Yes
Implementation Easy Difficult Easy
Dynamic No No Yes
Ready to Use Yes Need PYTHONPATH Yes
Subprocesses Handling No Launches & waits Launches & waits
Flow Control All if, while if, while, match
Termination Hard exit ExitCode ExitCode
Data Passing Direct passing Context Link & Context
Output Recording Limited support Out & validates Out
Port Exposing Limited support Manual & automatic Manual


    pip install aiida-workgraph

To install the latest version from source, first clone the repository and then install using pip:

git clone
cd aiida-workgraph
pip install -e .

In order to use the widget, you also need to run:

cd aiida_workgraph/widget/
npm install
npm run build


Explore the comprehensive documentation to discover all the features and capabilities of AiiDA Workgraph.


Visit the Workgraph Collections repository to see demonstrations of how to utilize AiiDA Workgraph for different computational codes.


Suppose we want to calculate (x + y) * z in two steps. First, add x and y, then multiply the result with z.

from aiida.engine import calcfunction
from aiida_workgraph import WorkGraph

# define add calcfunction
def add(x, y):
    return x + y

# define multiply calcfunction
def multiply(x, y):
    return x*y

# Create a workgraph to link the nodes.
wg = WorkGraph("test_add_multiply"), name="add1"), name="multiply1")["add1"].outputs["result"], wg.nodes["multiply1"].inputs["x"])

Prepare inputs and submit the workflow:

from aiida import load_profile


wg.submit(inputs = {"add1": {"x": 2, "y": 3}, "multiply1": {"y": 4}}, wait=True)
print("Result of multiply1 is", wg.nodes["multiply1"].outputs[0].value)

Start the web app, open a terminal and run:

workgraph web start

Then visit the page, you should find a first_workflow Worktree, click the pk and view the WorkGraph.

One can also generate the node graph from the process:

verdi node generate pk


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To contribute to this repository, please enable pre-commit so the code in commits are conform to the standards.

pip install -e .[tests, pre-commit]
pre-commit install

Web app

See the

Build and publish

Build package:

pip install build
python -m build

Upload to PyPI:

pip install twine
twine upload dist/*
