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A code execution sandbox running natively on Kubernetes. Written in Kotlin. The project leverages the power of Kubernetes orchestration and the security capabilities of Kata containers to create a robust and secure(one day) environment for executing untrusted code.

The project uses Kata containers as a runtime environment, which provide lightweight, secure and isolated containerized virtual machines that offer an additional layer of protection compared to traditional container runtimes.

Try it out here.

Building images

To build service images, use defined Github Actions.

Setting up dev cluster with k3s and Kata Containers

We'll be using kata-containers stable-3.1.

  1. Setup clean ubuntu-server or some other base OS
  2. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install git
  3. git clone
  4. git checkout stable-3.1
  5. curl -sfL | sh -
  6. Wait till k3s is up and running (check with kubectl get nodes)
  7. cd /kata-containers/tools/packaging/kata-deploy
  8. kubectl apply -f kata-rbac/base/kata-rbac.yaml
  9. kubectl apply -k kata-deploy/overlays/k3s
  10. Wait till kata-containers is up and running (check with kubectl -n kube-system wait --timeout=10m --for=condition=Ready -l name=kata-deploy pod)
  11. Add kata-containers runtime-classes: kubectl apply -f
  12. Run an example kata-containers deployment: kubectl apply -f
  13. Check if the example deployment works correctly: kubectl describe deployment php-apache-kata-dragonball


Setting up ArgoCD and Grafana/Loki/Promtail stack for monitoring

  1. Run terraform apply on a machine which keeps the state of the cluster.

Accessing Grafana

kubectl port-forward svc/prometheus-grafana -n monitoring 3000:80

Accessing ArgoCD

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

Accessing PostgreSQL

kubectl port-forward svc/postgresdb -n postgres 5432:5432

Then log into database using any database client and secrets available on the cluster (namespace postgres).

Deploying my version of Kubexecutor on dev env

In order to run my version of Kubexecutor on dev cluster:

  1. Create a feature branch with desired changes.
  2. Modify image tag version in k8s/overlays/dev/kustomization.yaml
  3. Run Build & push Github Actions workflow of the modified service.
  4. Connect to ArgoCD, enter kubexecutor app -> app details -> edit.
  5. Change Target Revision to name of Your feature branch, i.e. feature/test-deploy-from-branch.
  6. Sync the state of the application in ArgoCD.

After testing the changes:

  1. Create a pull request with the changes and merge it.
  2. Change Target Revision in ArgoCD to HEAD.