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PHP implementation of JavaScript's Request, Response, Headers, & URL classes


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A PHP implementation of JavaScript's Request, Response, URL, URLSearchParams, FormData, and Headers interfaces.



use \shgysk8zer0\HTTP\{Request, Response, Body, FormData, Headers, File, URL};

use \shgysk8zer0\HTTP\Abstracts\{HTTPStatusCodes as HTTP};

use \shgysk8zer0\PHPAPI\{ConsoleLogger, FileCache};

use \DateInterval;


set_include_path($classes_dir . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());

try {
  $url = new URL('../some/endpoint', '');

  $cache = new FileCache();
  $logger = new ConsoleLogger();

  $req = new Request($url, [
    'method'      => 'POST',
    'referrer'    => 'no-referrer',
    'redirect'    => 'follow',
    'credentials' => 'omit',
    'cache'       => 'default',
    'headers'     => new Headers([
        'Accept' => 'application/json',
        'X-FOO'  => 'bar',
    'body'        => new FormData([
        'username' => $username,
        'token'    => $token,
        'file'     => new File($filename, null, 'file'),
        'upload'   => new UploadFile('upload'),


  // For compatibility with `CacheInterface` `Request.cache = 'default'` -> `Request::setCacheMode('default')`
  // and `Request::setCache(CacheInterface $cache)`

  if ($resp = $req->send($timeout)) {
    $resp->headers->set('Content-SecurityPolicy', ContentSecurityPolicy::fromIniFile('./csp.ini'));

    $resp->headers->set('Feature-Policy', new FeaturePolicy([
      'geolocation' => 'self',
      'camera'      => 'self',

    $resp->headers->append('Set-Cookie', new Cookie('name','value', [
      'secure'   => true,
      'httpOnly' => true,
      'expires'  => new DateInterval('P1D'),
      'sameSite' => 'Strict',

    // `Response::send()` sends HTTP status code, headers, & body
  } else {
    $resp = new Response(new Body('An unknown error occured'), [
      'headers' => new Headers([
        'Content-Security-Policy' => new ContentSecurityPolicy(['default-src' => 'self']),
        'Content-Type'            => 'text/plain',
      'status'                    => HTTP::BAD_GATEWAY,

} catch (Throwable $e) {
  $logger->error('[{class} {code}] "{message}" at {file}:{line}', [
    'class'   => get_class($e),
    'code'    => $e->getCode(),
    'message' => $e->getMessage(),
    'file'    => $e->getFile(),
    'line'    => $e->getLine(),

  $resp = new Response(new Body('An error occured'), [
    'headers' => new Headers([
      'Content-Type' => 'text/plain',



This is built to be installed as a submodule and loaded using spl_autoload

To install, just

git submodule add $classes_dir/shgysk8zer0/http


Loggers and caches are used from shgysk8zer0/PHPAPI. You will need to add that as a submodule to $classes_dir/shgysk8zer0/phpapi.