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This is Task 2 of sparks foundation intern GRIP Task


This is Task 2 of sparks foundation intern GRIP Task in which basic banking app has to made in which the there must be 10 customers and no option of adding and deleteing the customers.In this application the flow of functions are Home Screen-->View all Customers-->Select and view one customer-->Transfer Money-->Select Customer-->View all customers-->History

In this application SQLite database is used to store the customer information is used.In this application the concept of recycleview is widely is used.

There are six Activities in the app :

  1. Home Screen-It is a activity in which the application name and Image is displayed for 4 sec.
  2. View all Customers-It is a activity in which the list of all Customers stored in databse is displayed in this concept of recyclebiew is used.
  3. Select and view one Customers-It is a activity in which the information of particular selected customer is displayed.
  4. Transfer Money.It can be activated by pressing Transfer money button in above Select and view one Customers activity and enter the amount greater than 0 or it will give error.
  5. Select Customer-It is activity in which the user has to select the custmoer whom user want to transfer money and after successful transaction the view all customer activity is displayed
  6. History-It is activity shows the history of transaction performed.

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