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Todo Tomorrow Visual Studio Code extension ✅

Visual Studio Code extension for highlighting TODO, HACK, FIXME, etc. comments.

Install from Visual Studio Marketplace

Todo Tomorrow Visual Studio Code extension


  • Very minimal and fast
  • Useful defaults to cover most use cases
  • Supports Bash, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Lua, Markdown, Perl, PHP, Python, R, Ruby, SQL, TypeScript, and any other language with C-style comments (// or /* */)
  • Supports light and dark modes out of the box


By default the extension highlights the most popular comment tags:

  • Warning comments, bold and darker color: BODGE, BUG, HACK, KLUDGE, UGLY, XXX, @bodge, @bug, @hack, @kludge, @ugly, and @xxx.
  • Informational comments, just bold: DEBUG, FIX, FIXME, NOTE, TODO, UNDONE, @debug, @fix, @fixme, @note, @todo, and @undone.

Supported types of comments

You can override the these keywords and their styles.

You can change the following options in the Visual Studio Code setting:

Description Setting Default
Groups of patterns to highlight todoTomorrow.patterns See below

All keywords are case insensitive. See all supported decoration options.

The colon (:) after the keyword is optional (@todo or @todo:) for all languages except Markdown (to avoid false-positives).

Here’s how a config file would look like with default options:

  "todoTomorrow.patterns": [
      "keywords": [
      "fontWeight": "bold"
      "keywords": [
      "fontWeight": "bold",
      "light": {
        "color": "#4c4b4e"
      "dark": {
        "color": "#dcd5c0"


The changelog can be found on the file.

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This software has been developed with lots of coffee, buy me one more cup to keep it going.

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Bug fixes are welcome, but not new features. Please take a moment to review the contributing guidelines.

Authors and license

Artem Sapegin, and contributors.

MIT License, see the included file.