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command line client for Hermes Openstack Auditing Service


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Hermes CLI is a command line interface for interacting with Hermes, an OpenStack service for storing and retrieving audit events. It allows users to easily retrieve and display audit events from the service, without the need for manual API calls or a separate client library.


We provide pre-compiled binaries for the latest release.

Alternatively, you can build with make or install with make install. The latter understands the conventional environment variables for choosing install locations: DESTDIR and PREFIX.


Hermes CLI offers the following commands:

  • list: Retrieve a list of audit events
  • show: Show details for a specific event
  • attributes: List attributes related to audit events


List Hermes events

  hermescli list [flags]

      --action string           filter events by an action
  -A, --all-projects            include all projects and domains (admin only) (alias for --project-id '*')
  -h, --help                    help for list
      --initiator-id string     filter events by an initiator ID
      --initiator-name string   filter events by an initiator name
  -l, --limit uint              limit an amount of events in output
      --outcome string          filter events by an outcome
      --over-10k-fix            workaround to filter out overlapping events for > 10k total events (default true)
      --project-id string       filter events by the project or domain ID (admin only)
  -s, --sort strings            supported sort keys include time, observer_type, target_type, target_id, initiator_type, initiator_id, outcome and action
                                each sort key may also include a direction suffix
                                supported directions are ":asc" for ascending and ":desc" for descending
                                can be specified multiple times
      --source string           filter events by a source
      --search string           filter events by a full event search
      --target-id string        filter events by a target ID
      --target-type string      filter events by a target type
      --time string             filter events by time
      --time-end string         filter events till time
      --time-start string       filter events from time

Global Flags:
  -c, --column strings   an event column to print
  -d, --debug            print out request and response objects
  -f, --format string    the output format (default "table")


$ hermescli list --time 2019-04-23T22:07:16+0000 --sort time:asc
|                  ID                  |           TIME           |     SOURCE      | ACTION | OUTCOME |                TARGET                | INITIATOR |
| 1878df7c-d3ec-52d0-8b56-11ad68d25102 | 2019-04-23T22:07:16+0000 | service/network | update | success | network/port                         | neutron   |
|                                      |                          |                 |        |         | 88c4c917-f5de-43e5-a403-b7c023bfc13d |           |



Show Hermes event

  hermescli show <event-id> [<event-id>...] [flags]

  -A, --all-projects        include all projects and domains (admin only) (alias for --project-id '*')
  -h, --help                help for show
      --project-id string   show event for the project or domain ID (admin only)

Global Flags:
  -c, --column strings   an event column to print
  -d, --debug            print out request and response objects
  -f, --format string    the output format (default "table")


$ hermescli show 1878df7c-d3ec-52d0-8b56-11ad68d25102
|       KEY               |                      VALUE                       |
| ID                      | 1878df7c-d3ec-52d0-8b56-11ad68d25102             |
| Type                    | activity                                         |
| Time                    | 2019-04-23T22:07:16+0000                         |
| Observer                | neutron                                          |
| TypeURI                 | service/network                                  |
| Action                  | update                                           |
| Outcome                 | success                                          |
| Target                  | network/port                                     |
|                         | 88c4c917-f5de-43e5-a403-b7c023bfc13d             |
| Initiator               | neutron                                          |
| InitiatorDomain         | Default                                          |
| InitiatorAddress        |                                      |
| InitiatorAgent          | python-neutronclient                             |
| InitiatorAppCredential  | ee1246022693405e81b4e12fac1111cd                 |
| RequestPath             | /v2.0/ports/88c4c917-f5de-43e5-a403-b7c023bfc13d |



hermescli requires the full set of OpenStack auth environment variables. See documentation for openstackclient for details.

List Hermes attributes

  hermescli attributes observer_type|target_type|target_id|initiator_type|initiator_id|initiator_name|action|outcome [flags]

  -A, --all-projects        include all projects and domains (admin only) (alias for --project-id '*')
  -h, --help                help for attributes
  -l, --limit uint          limit an amount of attributes in output
      --max-depth uint      limit the level of detail of hierarchical values
      --project-id string   filter attributes by the project or domain ID (admin only)

Global Flags:
  -c, --column strings   an event column to print
  -d, --debug            print out request and response objects
  -f, --format string    the output format (default "table")


$ hermescli attributes outcome


$ make
# or within the docker container
$ make docker


We welcome contributions to the Hermes CLI in the form of bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests.