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Bangla News Summarization with Gemma-7b (Instruct)

This GitHub repo outlines an approach for building a Bangla News Summarization project utilizing Gemini-7b (Instrct).


Reason for using this Dataset

  1. Focuses on Bengali Abstractive News Summarization (BANS): This dataset is specifically designed for training models that can generate summaries of Bengali news articles, unlike datasets that focus on extractive summarization (copying sentences from the article).
  2. Large corpus for Bengali NLP tasks: With over 19,000 articles and summaries, this dataset provides a valuable resource for training and evaluating Bengali Natural Language Processing (NLP) models, especially those focused on summarization.
  3. Publicly available and well-documented: The dataset is hosted on Kaggle, a popular platform for data science, making it easily accessible for researchers and practitioners. The dataset description includes details about the data collection process and statistics about the articles and summaries.

Model Choice

Text-to-Text, Decoder-only

This architecture is commonly used for summarization tasks, where the model takes the article as input and generates a summary as output.

Large Language Model (LLM)

LLMs are known for their ability to handle complex language tasks like summarization.

Zero Shot Bangla Text Handling

Without any kind of finetuning, it was noticed that Gemma-7b understood Bengali quite well compared to other Models.

How to run

  1. Clone this repo
    git clone
  2. Replace the kaggle.json file with yours one. Link: -> API -> Create New Token
  3. [Training] Run the training.ipynb. It was trained with NVIDIA RTX A6000 from
  4. [Inference] Run the inference.ipynb. Can be done with ~8GB VRAM. Was used NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090.


Loading Gemma 7b Model with Quantization Configuration (Bits and Bytes)

Quantization configuration is applied during the loading process. Quantization is a technique used to reduce the memory footprint and computational cost of neural networks by representing weights and activations with lower precision data types, such as 8-bit integers or bfloat16. Bits and Bytes is a library for model quantization and compression developed by Hugging Face. It offers tools and techniques for reducing the size of neural network models, making them more memory and computationally efficient. In the provided code, Bits and Bytes is used for quantization of the Gemma 7b model. The configuration used in the code specifies parameters such as whether to load weights in 4-bit format, the type of quantization method to use, and the data type for computation during quantization (bfloat16). By applying quantization techniques from the Bits and Bytes library, the loaded model can be trained and fine-tuned more efficiently while still maintaining performance levels.

Defining LoraConfig for LoRA Layer Integration

LoraConfig is defined to integrate LoRA (Learned Optimizer for Rethinking Attention) layers into the model. LoRA is a technique that aims to improve the attention mechanism in transformer models by learning the optimal attention pattern for each layer dynamically during training. This can lead to more efficient and effective attention mechanisms.

Preparing for Training with Peft and LoRA:

The model is prepared for training with Peft (Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning) and LoRA techniques. Peft is a method for fine-tuning pre-trained language models with reduced computational and memory requirements compared to traditional fine-tuning approaches. It aims to achieve similar performance while using fewer resources. By integrating Peft and LoRA into the model configuration, the model is set up to undergo efficient fine-tuning with improved attention mechanisms.

Prompt for Finetuning

Provide a concise Bengali summary of the following news article, focusing on the most important information. 

Use only Bengali for the summary.
Stay objective and factual in your summary.


Article: {data_point["Text"]}



Summary: {data_point["Summary"]} 




Training Output

TrainOutput(global_step=260, training_loss=3.2770693999070386, metrics={'train_runtime': 16852.8414, 'train_samples_per_second': 3.966, 'train_steps_per_second': 0.015, 'total_flos': 7.048804415292273e+17, 'train_loss': 3.2770693999070386, 'epoch': 4.98})


Predicted Summary: ময়মনসিংহে বাস  অটোরিকশার সংঘর্ষে পাঁচজন নিহত
True Label: ময়মনসিংহে বাসঅটোরিকশা সংঘর্ষে নিহতPredicted Summary: নারায়ণগঞ্জে সাত খুনের ঘটনায় পুলিশের গ্রেপ্তার
True Label: নাগঞ্জেখুন: আরেকজন গ্রেপ্তার

Predicted Summary: নিজস্ব অর্থে বহু প্রতীক্ষিত পদ্মা সেতুর কাজ চলছে পুরোদমেTrue Label: নিজস্ব অর্থে এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে পদ্মা সেতুর কাজ


  • Many times the LLM didn't follow the prompt template, as a result, there was sometimes no output.
  • Coulnt generate new words that were not in the main article which was seen in the dataset.
  • Our model's BLEU Score is 0.4 which is higher than [BLEU: 0.3]. [Note: We skipped the sentences that the model could not generate any result]


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