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Server-side manager for active JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)


Install from GitHub:

Spesific release:

Note: Replace $VERSION with the version number.

$ npm install --save$VERSION/package.tgz

Install from git.lan:

Internet people can ignore this section.

Latest release:

$ npm install --save https://git.lan/mist@node/jwt-manager@latest/npm-pack.tgz

Spesific release:

Note: Replace $VERSION with the version number.

$ npm install --save https://git.lan/mist@node/jwt-manager@v$VERSION/npm-pack.tgz


Note: await is not actually available in the global context, but let's assume it is for the following example.

import { JWTManager } from "@revam/jwt";

// Our example user
const user = {
  id: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  name: "John Smith",
  username: "josm",

// Our id stack
let idCount = 0;

// Create a new manager instance, "find" and "generateID" are both mandatory.
const jm = new { JWTManager }({
  // Find subject (and optional custom fields) with arguments provided to
  // `{ JWTManager }.generate({args})`.
  find(...args) {
    console.log(args.join(" "));
    // Our (open) secret combination of arguments to find our example user.
    if (args.length === 3 && args[0] === "this" && args[1] === "is" && args[2] === "SPARTA") {
      return { sub:, name: };
  // Generate an unique identifier for token
  generateID: () => (++idCount).toString(),
  // Custom verification of content, e.g. verify subject or custom fields.
  verify(jwt) {
    return jwt.sub === && === "John Smith";

// Return undefined if no subject could be found with given arguments.
let token = await jm.generate({ args: ["this", "is", "GREEK"]}); // `token` is `undefined`.

// From above we know if we provide the three arguments "this", "is", and
// "SPARTA" we get a signed token for our example user.
token = await jm.generate({ args: ["this", "is", "SPARTA"]}); // `token` is a valid jwt, for our manager at least.

// Verifies an existing signed token, and returns the decoded content if successfull.
let obj1 = await jm.verify(token); // `obj1` is an object holding the decoded fields and values of the token payload.

// Decodes token without verifying signature or content.
let obj2 = jm.decode(token);// `obj` is an object holding the decoded fields and values of the token payload.

// Invalidates either a stringified or decoded token.
let result = await jm.invalidate(token || obj1); // return true if token or obj is now invalid.

// Since we just invalidated the token above, the verification will fail, and
// the object below will be `undefined`.
let obj3 = await jm.verify(token); // `obj3` is `undefined`


Documentation is available online at GitHub Pages, or locally at http://localhost:8080/ with the following command:

$ npm run-script docs


This module includes a TypeScript declaration file to enable auto complete in compatible editors and type information for TypeScript projects. This module depends on the Node.js types, so install @types/node:

npm install --save-dev @types/node

Changelog and versioning

All notable changes to this project will be documented in

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See license for the full terms.