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Script to create a local backup of a cloud folder.


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Backup Cloud Folder

During my time at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), I often collaborated with others using tools like LRZ Sync&Share or Microsoft 365. Since I wanted to have a local copy of the files and git version history, I copied the files in a directory under git version control. Later, I wrote this script to automate this process.


$ backup-cloud-folder --help
Usage: backup-cloud-folder [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Script to create a local backup of a cloud folder.

  --version                       Version
  --install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Install completion for the specified shell.
  --show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
                                  Show completion for the specified shell, to
                                  copy it or customize the installation.
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

  copy-cloud-folder  Copies a folder into a git directory and adds new...

Copy Cloud Folder

The first script can be used to copy a folder, e.g., a folder in LRZ Sync&Share, to a folder under git version control. You can execute the script periodically with cron. In this case, you will have periodic commits and a git history for your LRZ Sync&Share folder. Notabene: The Sync&Share client has to be running. Otherwise, changes from other collaborators will not be reflected in your history.

The command is the following:

$ backup-cloud-folder copy-cloud-folder --help
Usage: backup-cloud-folder copy-cloud-folder [OPTIONS]

  Copies a folder into a git directory and adds new files to stage.

  -s, --source-directory DIRECTORY
                                  The source directory. Usually, this folder
                                  is in LRZ Sync&Share, e.g.,
                                  '/Users/testuser/LRZ Sync+Share/testfolder'
  -g, --git-directory DIRECTORY   The directory under git version control,
                                  e.g., /Users/testuser/Documents/git/backup_t
                                  estfolder  [default: .]
  -f, --force                     If target already exists, the script will
                                  stop. If you have passed the force tag, the
                                  script will delete the existing folder.
  -S, --sub-folder TEXT           The sub-folder under which the files will be
                                  copied.  [default: syncandshare]
  -r, --read-only                 Make files read-only
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Copy Cloud Folder: Example

An example could be

backup-cloud-folder copy-cloud-folder \
  --source-directory /Users/testuser/LRZ\ Sync+Share/test_folder \
  --git-directory /Users/testuser/Documents/git/test_folder_backup \

This will result in the creation of a folder called /Users/testuser/Documents/git/test_folder_backup/syncandshare which contains a copy of all the files in /Users/testuser/LRZ\ Sync+Share/test_folder.

Copy Cloud Folder: Cron

  1. You create script, e.g., with this content.
cd /path/to/this/project/ || exit 1
lrz-sync-and-share-scripts \
  --source_directory /Users/testuser/LRZ\ Sync+Share/test_folder \
  --git_directory /Users/testuser/Documents/git/test_folder_backup \
cd /Users/testuser/Documents/git/test_folder_backup || exit 1
git commit -m "LRZ Sync&Share update" --no-verify
  1. You open the cron service
crontab -e
  1. Add a line for your script, e.g.,
1/10  8-20  * * 1-5 /path/to/ >> /path/to/commit.log 2>&1


If you have any question, please contact Patrick Stöckle.