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Releases: prisma/prisma


04 Jun 15:24
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Today, we are excited to share the 5.15.0 stable release 🎉

🌟 Help us spread the word about Prisma by starring the repo or tweeting about the release. 🌟


Multi-File Prisma Schema support

Prisma ORM 5.15.0 features support for multi-file Prisma Schema in Preview.

This closes a long standing issue and does so in a clean and easy to migrate way.

To get started:

  1. Enable the prismaSchemaFolder Preview feature by including it in the previewFeatures field of your generator.
    datasource db {
      provider = "postgresql"
      url      = env("DATABASE_URL")
    generator client {
      provider        = "prisma-client-js"
      previewFeatures = ["prismaSchemaFolder"]
  2. Create a schema subdirectory under your prisma directory.
  3. Move your schema.prisma into this directory.

You are now set up with a multi-file Prisma Schema! Add as many or as few .prisma files to the new prisma/schema directory.

When running commands where a Prisma Schema file is expected to be provided, you can now define a Prisma Schema directory. This includes Prisma CLI commands that use the --schema option as well as defining schema via package.json

Our tooling has also been updated to handle multiple Prisma Schema files. This includes our Visual Studio Code extension and tools like database introspection, which will deposit new models in a introspected.prisma file. Existing models will be updated in the file they are found.

To learn more, please refer to our official documentation and announcement blog post. If you try out prismaSchemaFolder, please let us know!

Interesting Bug Fixes

Fix for PostgreSQL prepared statement caching for raw queries

This release fixes a nasty bug with the caching of prepared statements in raw Prisma Client queries that affected PostgreSQL when you ran the same SQL statement with differently typed paramters. This should not fail any more.

Fix for SQL Server introspection of (deprecated) CREATE DEFAULT

Our Introspection logic crashed on encountering certain multi-line CREATE DEFAULT, a deprecated way to define defaults in SQL Server. As many SQL Server users are working with established databases, this happened frequently enough that we now explicitly ignore these defaults instead of crashing.

Fix for Cloudflare D1’s lower parameter limit

Cloudflare’s D1 has a lower parameter limit than local SQLite, which caused bigger queries to fail. We adapted that limit to the D1 default for @prisma/adapter-d1, which will avoid such failures.

Fix for Cloudflare D1’s different PRAGMA support

Our generated migration SQL for SQLite did not always work for Cloudflare D1, because of differences in the supported pragmas. We adapted the SQL to work in both local SQLite and Cloudflare D1.

Fixes and improvements

Prisma Migrate

Prisma Client

Language tools (e.g. VS Code)


Huge thanks to @pranayat, @yubrot, and @skyzh for helping!


14 May 14:49
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Today, we are excited to share the 5.14.0 stable release 🎉

🌟 Help us spread the word about Prisma by starring the repo ☝️ or posting on X about the release. 🌟


Share your feedback about Prisma ORM

We want to know how you like working with Prisma ORM in your projects! Please take our 2min survey and let us know what you like or where we can improve 🙏


We’re happy to announce the availability of a new, top-level Prisma Client query: createManyAndReturn(). It works similarly to createMany() but uses a RETURNING clause in the SQL query to retrieve the records that were just created.

Here’s an example of creating multiple posts and then immediately returning those posts.

const postBodies = req.json()['posts']

const posts ={
  data: postBodies

return posts

Additionally,createManyAndReturn() supports the same options as findMany(), such as the ability to return only specific fields.

const postBodies = req.json()['posts']

const postTitles ={
  data: postBodies,
  select: {
    title: true,

return postTitles

Full documentation for this feature can be found in the Prisma Client API Reference.

Note: Because createManyAndReturn() uses the RETURNING clause, it is only supported by PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, and SQLite databases. At this time, relationLoadStrategy: join is not supported in createManyAndReturn() queries.

MongoDB performance improvements

Previously, Prisma ORM suffered from performance issues when using the in operator or when including related models in queries against a MongoDB database. These queries were translated by the Prisma query engine in such a way that indexes were skipped and collection scans were used, leading to slower queries especially on large datasets.

With 5.14.0, Prisma ORM now rewrites queries to use a combination of $or and $eq operators, leading to dramatic performance increases for queries that include in operators or relation loading.

Fixes and improvements

Prisma Client

Prisma Migrate

Language tools (e.g. VS Code)

Company news

Prisma Changelog

Curious about all things Prisma? Be sure to check out the Prisma Changelog for updates across Prisma's products, including ORM, Accelerate, and Pulse!

New product announcement: Prisma Optimize

With this release, we are excited to introduce a new Prisma product. We’re calling it “Optimize” because that’s what it does! Let your favorite ORM also help you debug the performance of your application.

Check out our announcement blog post for more details, including a demo video.


Huge thanks to @pranayat, @yubrot, @skyzh, @anuraaga, @gutyerrez, @avallete, @ceddy4395, @Kayoshi-dev for helping!


23 Apr 15:46
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Today, we are excited to share the 5.13.0 stable release 🎉

🌟 Help us spread the word about Prisma by starring the repo or posting on X about the release.


omit fields from Prisma Client queries (Preview)

We’re excited to announce Preview support for the omit option within the Prisma Client query options. The highly-requested omit feature now allows you to exclude fields that you don’t want to retrieve from the database on a per-query basis.

By default, when a query returns records, the result includes all scalar fields of the models defined in the Prisma schema. select can be used to return specific fields, while omit can now be used to exclude specific fields. omit lives at the same API level and works on all of the same Prisma Client model queries as select. Note, however, that omit and select are mutually exclusive. In other words, you can’t use both in the same query.

To get started using omit, enable the omitApi Preview feature in your Prisma schema:

// schema.prisma
generator client {
  provider        = "prisma-client-js"
  previewFeatures = ["omitApi"]

Be sure to re-generate Prisma Client afterwards:

npx prisma generate

Here is an example of using omit:

// Includes all fields except password
await prisma.user.findMany({
  omit: {
   password: true

Here is an example of using omit with include:

// Includes all user fields except user's password and title of user's posts
await prisma.user.findMany({
  omit: {
   password: true
  include: {
    posts: {
      omit: {
        title: true
Expand to view the example Prisma schema
model User {
  id       Int     @id @default(autoincrement())
  email    String  @unique
  name     String?
  password String
  posts    Post[]

model Post {
  id       Int    @id @default(autoincrement())
  title    String
  author   User   @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
  authorId Int

Many users have requested a global implementation of omit. This request will be accommodated in the future. In the meantime, you can follow the issue here.

📣 Share your feedback: omitApi Preview feature

📚 Documentation: omit - Prisma Client API Reference

Fixes and improvements

Prisma Migrate

Prisma Client


Huge thanks to @ospfranco, @pranayat, @yubrot, @skyzh, @anuraaga, @yehonatanz, @arthurfiorette, @elithrar, @tockn, @Kuhave, @obiwac for helping!


04 Apr 13:09
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Today, we are issuing the 5.12.1 patch release to fix two small problems with our new Cloudflare D1 support.

Fixes in Prisma CLI

Windows-only fix for new D1 specific flags for migrate diff and db pull

The flags --from-local-d1 and --to-local-d1 for migrate diff and --local-d1 to db pull we added in 5.12.0 were not working as expected when running on Windows only. This is now fixed.

📚 Documentation: Deploying a Cloudflare worker with D1 and Prisma ORM

New option for migrate diff: -o or --output

We added a new parameter --output to migrate diff that can be used to provide a filename into which the output of the command will be written. This is particularly useful for Windows users, using PowerShell, as using > to write into a file creates a UTF-16 LE file that can not be read by wrangler d1 migrations apply. Using this new option, this problem can be avoided:

npx prisma migrate diff --script --from-empty --to-schema-datamodel ./prisma/schema.prisma --output ./schema.sql

Related issues:


02 Apr 14:10
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Today, we are excited to share the 5.12.0 stable release 🎉

🌟 Help us spread the word about Prisma by starring the repo or posting on X about the release.


Cloudflare D1 (Preview)

This release brings Preview support for Cloudflare D1 with Prisma ORM 🥳

D1 is Cloudflare’s SQLite database that can be used when deploying applications with Cloudflare.

When using Prisma ORM with D1, you can continue to: model your database with Prisma schema language, specify sqlite as your database provider in your Prisma schema, and interact with your database using Prisma Client.

To use Prisma ORM and D1 on Cloudflare Workers or Cloudflare Pages, you need to set sqlite as your database provider and use the @prisma/adapter-d1 database adapter via the driverAdapters Preview feature, released back in version 5.4.0.

Here is an example of sending a query to your D1 database using Prisma Client in your Worker:

// src/index.ts file
import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
import { PrismaD1 } from '@prisma/adapter-d1'

// Add the D1Database to the Env interface
export interface Env {
// This must match the binding name defined in your wrangler.toml configuration
  DB: D1Database

export default {
  async fetch(
    request: Request,
    env: Env,
    ctx: ExecutionContext
  ): Promise<Response> {
    // Make sure the database name matches the binding name in wrangler.toml and Env interface
    const adapter = new PrismaD1(env.DB)
    // Instantiate PrismaClient using the PrismaD1 driver adapter
    const prisma = new PrismaClient({ adapter })

    const users = await prisma.user.findMany()
    const result = JSON.stringify(users)
    return new Response(result)

📚 Documentation: D1 Documentation

✍️ Blog post: Build Applications at the Edge with Prisma ORM & Cloudflare D1 (Preview)

📣 Share your feedback: D1 Driver Adapter

🚀 Example project: Deploy a Cloudflare Worker with D1

createMany() for SQLite

Bringing support for createMany() in SQLite has been a long-awaited feature

createMany() is a method on Prisma Client, released back in version 2.16.0, that lets you insert multiple records into your database at once. This can be really useful when seeding your database or inserting bulk data.

Here is an example of using createMany() to create new users:

const users = await prisma.user.createMany({
  data: [
    { name: 'Sonali', email: '' },
    { name: 'Alex', email: '' },
    { name: 'Yewande', email: '' },
    { name: 'Angelina', email: '' },

Before this release, if you wanted to perform bulk inserts with SQLite, you would have most likely used $queryRawUnsafe to execute raw SQL queries. But now you don’t have to go through all that trouble 🙂

With SQLite, createMany() works exactly the same way from an API standpoint as it does with other databases except it does not support the skipDuplicates option. At the behavior level, SQLite will split createMany() entries into multiple INSERT queries when the model in your schema contains fields with attributes like @default(dbgenerated()) or @default(autoincrement()) and when the fields are not consistently provided with values across the entries.

📚Documentation: createMany() - Prisma Client API Reference

Fixes and Improvements

Prisma Client


Huge thanks to @yubrot, @skyzh, @anuraaga, @onichandame, @LucianBuzzo, @RobertCraigie, @arthurfiorette, @elithrar for helping!


12 Mar 14:56
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Today, we are excited to share the 5.11.0 stable release 🎉

🌟 Help us spread the word about Prisma by starring the repo ☝️ or posting on X about the release.


Edge function support for Cloudflare and Vercel (Preview)

We’re thrilled to announce that support for edge function deployments with Prisma ORM is now in Preview 🥳 As of this release, you can deploy your apps that are using Prisma ORM to:

  • Vercel Edge Functions and Vercel Edge Middleware
  • Cloudflare Workers and Cloudflare Pages

In order to deploy to an edge function, you’ll need to use a compatible database driver (along with its Prisma driver adapter):

  • Neon Serverless Driver (for PostgreSQL databases hosted via Neon)
  • PlanetScale Serverless Driver (for MySQL databases hosted via PlanetScale)
  • pg driver (for traditional PostgreSQL databases)
  • @libsql/client driver (for SQLite databases hosted via Turso)

Check out our documentation to learn how you can deploy an edge function using any combination of supported edge function provider and database.

You can also read more about it in the announcement blog post!

Performance improvements in nested create operations

With Prisma ORM, you can create multiple new records in nested queries, for example:

const user = await prisma.user.update({
  where: { id: 9 },
  data: {
    name: 'Elliott',
    posts: {
      create: {
        data: [{ title: 'My first post' }, { title: 'My second post' }],

In previous versions, Prisma ORM would translate this into multiple SQL INSERT queries, each requiring its own roundtrip to the database. As of this release, these nested create queries are optimized and the INSERT queries are sent to the database in bulk in a single roundtrip. These optimizations apply to one-to-many as well as many-to-many relations.

With this change, using the nested create option to create multiple records effectively becomes equivalent to using a nested createMany operation (except that createMany only works with one-to-many relations, whereas create works both with one-to-many and many-to-many).

Note: Only the deepest nested operation is optimized. If a user specified create (1) -> create (2) -> create (3) in their query, only create (3) will be optimized.

Fixes and improvements

Prisma Client

Prisma Migrate

Prisma Engines


21 Feb 18:56
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Today, we are issuing the 5.10.2 patch release.

Fix in Prisma CLI


20 Feb 20:03
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Today, we are issuing the 5.10.1 patch release.

Fix in Prisma Client / Prisma CLI


20 Feb 15:06
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Today, we are excited to share the 5.10.0 stable release 🎉

🌟 Help us spread the word about Prisma by starring the repo ☝️ or posting on X about the release.


Optimized relation queries in MySQL (Preview)

This release brings the optimizations for relation queries from the previous releases to MySQL as well! This means that by enabling the relationJoins Preview feature with the mysql database provider, you now also get access to the relationLoadStrategy option in relation queries that let you choose whether you want to merged relations on the application- or database-level.

If you enable the relationJoins Preview feature, you can choose between the join and query options:

  • join (default): Sends a single query to the database and joins the data on the database-level.
  • query: Sends multiple queries to the database and joins the data on the application-level.

To get started, enable the Preview feature in your Prisma schema:

// schema.prisma
generator client {
  provider        = "prisma-client-js"
  previewFeatures = ["relationJoins"]

Be sure to re-generate Prisma Client afterwards:

npx prisma generate

And finally, specify the relation loading strategy for your relation query via the relationLoadStrategy option as follows:

await prisma.user.findMany({
  relationLoadStrategy: 'join', // or 'query' 
  include: {
    posts: true,

Note that in the example above, the relationLoadStrategy could be omitted altogether because join is used as the default value.

A few notes about relationLoadStrategy support on MySQL:

  • relationLoadStrategy is supported for MySQL v8.0.14 and higher. MariaDB is not supported.
  • Prisma ORM uses correlated sub-queries for MySQL (as opposed to LATERAL JOINs which are used on PostgreSQL).

Configure transaction options in the PrismaClient constructor

This feature enables you to configure the following transaction options on a global level via the PrismaClient constructor:

  • isolationLevel: Sets the transaction isolation level. By default, this is set to the value currently configured in your database.
  • timeout: The maximum amount of time the interactive transaction can run before being canceled and rolled back. The default value is 5 seconds.
  • maxWait: The maximum amount of time Prisma Client will wait to acquire a transaction from the database. The default value is 2 seconds.

Here is an example of how you can set this value globally for all transactions:

const prisma = new PrismaClient({
  transactionOptions: {
    isolationLevel: 'ReadCommitted',
    timeout: 1_000, // 1 sec
    maxWait: 2_000  // 2 sec

Thanks a lot to our fantastic community member @tockn, who took the initiative to implement this feature in Prisma ORM 🎉

Note that you can still override the global values by setting them on a particular transaction.

New P2037 code for “Too many database connections opened” errors

We introduced a new error code for “Too many database connections opened” errors: P2037. You can find all error codes in our documentation.

Access the Prisma Data Platform via Prisma CLI

Now available in Early Access, you can manage your workspace and configure Prisma Accelerate and Prisma Pulse directly from the terminal.

Visit our docs to learn more about the integration and try it out for yourself!

Fixes and improvements

Prisma Client


01 Feb 16:02
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