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README/ Contents

About SocialPredict

Empowering Communities with Domain-Specific Insights

Have you heard of Prediction Markets?

  • Prediction Markets, unlike polls, incentivize accuracy. Participants take a stake in what they think is correct, promoting rigorous research and reducing bias.

Efficiency through Community Engagement

SocialPredict is Open Source Software Which:

  • Embraces the open-source ethos, making our platform free for anyone to deploy under the MIT License.

Domain-Specific Prediction Markets

Imagine a prediction market platform tailored to specific interests, for example, photography and cameras:

  • An admin runs a photographers-and-industry-specialists-only prediction market platform.
  • Discussions and bets on technology predictions, specific to photography and adjacent technology.

Community Empowering Mission

We strive to:

  • Empower communities to predict outcomes efficiently.
  • Foster a deeper understanding of chosen domains.
  • Facilitate the exchange of valuable insights.

Join us in shaping the future of prediction markets by building connections and expertise within your community!