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C++14 port for the Node.js: native performance and modern simplicity


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nodenative is a C++14 (aka C++1y) port for node.js. This is alive project of d5's node.native changed considerably for better maintenance.

Linux and OSX Coverage Status

Please note that nodenative project is under heavy development.

Feature highlights

  • Basic functionality of Promise/A+ based on event pool (native::Promise<R>, native::Future<R>, native::async(F, Args...)). A Future callback may return a future object.
  • Thread pool (native::worker(F, Args...))
  • TCP protocol (native::net::Tcp)
  • HTTP server integrated with ServerPlugin and asynchronous callbacks (native::Future<void>)
  • HTTP client (native::http::get())
  • File System I/O (native::fs)
  • Timer (native::Timer)

Sample code

An web-server example using asynchronous callback.

#include <iostream>
#include <native/native.hpp>

using namespace native;
using namespace http;

int main() {                                                                                                                                                                                                                             std::shared_ptr<Loop> loop = Loop::Create();
  std::shared_ptr<Server> server = Server::Create(loop);
  server->get("/", [](std::shared_ptr<ServerConnection> connection) -> Future<void> {
    // some initial work on the main thread
    std::weak_ptr<ServerConnection> connectionWeak = connection;

    ServerResponse &res = connection->getResponse();
    res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");

    // wait... I have some async work too. I will update you when I'm done.
    return worker([]() {
             // Some work on the thread pool to keep the main thread free
             std::chrono::milliseconds time(2000);
        .then([]() {
          // and some work on the main thread to sync data and avoid race condition
          std::chrono::milliseconds time(100);
        .finally([connectionWeak]() {
          // in the end send the response.
          connectionWeak.lock()->getResponse().end("C++ FTW\n");

  server->onError([](const Error &err) { std::cout << "error name: " <<; });

  if (!server->listen("", 8080)) {
    std::cout << "cannot start server. Check the port 8080 if it is free.\n";
    return 1; // Failed to run server.

  std::cout << "Server running at" << std::endl;
  return run();

Getting started

nodenative requires libuv and http-parser lib to use.


Build code

To compile included sample application(webserver.cpp) first run the following command in the project directory:

git submodule update --init

then generate the build files and compile:

make -C out will try to download build dependencies (gyp) if missing. If you prefer to download manually you can do:

$ git clone build/gyp


$ svn co build/gyp

By default will try to generate ninja file if possible, alternatively make file. After it will build in Debug and Release mode. If you want to generate for a specific build tool use -f <buildtool>. e.x:

./ -f ninja
ninja -C out/Debug/

alternatively you can set custom paths to http-parser and libuv if you dont want to use the submodules. If it is build with make in debug mode, then executables are saved to out/Debug dir.

Build documentation

To build documentation just run the doxygen doxyfile command from the project root. The result document will be generated into ./out/doc/ path.

Run samples

In samples dir you can see samples which use native library.

To run webserver sample compiled by make in debug mode:


Run tests

To run tests compiled by make in debug mode:


Tested on

  • Linux with GCC 5.3.0.
  • OSX 10.10.2 with xcode7