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Git | Docker | unRAID

Docker Registry

This docker image contains a Docker Registry server to self-host your own docker registry.

To secure this service, we suggest a separate reverse proxy server, such as an NGINX container.

You can spin up a quick temporary test container like this:

docker run --rm -p 5000:5000 -it nephatrine/docker-registry:latest /bin/bash

Docker Tags

  • nephatrine/docker-registry:latest: Registry Main / Alpine Latest

Configuration Variables

You can set these parameters using the syntax -e "VARNAME=VALUE" on your docker run command. Some of these may only be used during initial configuration and further changes may need to be made in the generated configuration files.

  • PUID: Mount Owner UID (1000)
  • PGID: Mount Owner GID (100)
  • TZ: System Timezone (America/New_York)

Persistent Mounts

You can provide a persistent mountpoint using the -v /host/path:/container/path syntax. These mountpoints are intended to house important configuration files, logs, and application state (e.g. databases) so they are not lost on image update.

  • /mnt/config: Persistent Data.

Do not share /mnt/config volumes between multiple containers as they may interfere with the operation of one another.

You can perform some basic configuration of the container using the files and directories listed below.

  • /mnt/config/etc/crontabs/<user>: User Crontabs. [*]
  • /mnt/config/etc/registry/config.yml: Registry Configuration. [*]
  • /mnt/config/etc/logrotate.conf: Logrotate Global Configuration.
  • /mnt/config/etc/logrotate.d/: Logrotate Additional Configuration.

[*] Changes to some configuration files may require service restart to take immediate effect.

Network Services

This container runs network services that are intended to be exposed outside the container. You can map these to host ports using the -p HOST:CONTAINER or -p HOST:CONTAINER/PROTOCOL syntax.

  • 5000/tcp: Registry Server. This is the server interface.