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Distributed key-value store written in Go.

✅ Features

  • Simple API for managing data in key-value format
  • Rebalancing data across volume servers
  • Index build based on volumes data

🛠️ Installation

Run with Docker

To run tinykv with Docker on a single host:

$ make docker-up HOST=localhost VOLUME=3

HOST is the host address, by default it is set to localhost, but it will only work for Linux machines; for Windows/MacOS, change it to a real IP address.

VOLUME is the number of volume servers to run, by default is set to 3.

Build from source

To build and run master server from the source code:

  1. Requirements: go, make & nginx
  2. Install dependencies:
$ make setup
  1. Build:
$ make build
  1. Setup volume instances:
$ PORT=3001 VOLUME=tmp/vol1 ./volume/
$ PORT=3002 VOLUME=tmp/vol2 ./volume/
$ PORT=3003 VOLUME=tmp/vol3 ./volume/
  1. Run the master server binary:
$ ./bin/master -db ./tmp/indexdb/ -p 3000 -volumes localhost:3001,localhost:3002,localhost:3003

📘 Usage

Master API

Put "bigswag" in "wehave" key:

$ curl -L -X PUT -d bigswag localhost:3000/wehave

Get "wehave" key:

$ curl -L localhost:3000/wehave

Delete "wehave" key:

$ curl -L -X DELETE localhost:3000/wehave

List keys starting with "we":

$ curl -L "localhost:3000/we?list"
$ curl -L "localhost:3000/we?list&limit=100"
$ curl -L "localhost:3000?list&start=/we&limit=100"

Rebalance volumes

Change the amount of volume servers:

$ ./bin/master -cmd rebalance -db ./tmp/indexdb/ -volumes localhost:3001,localhost:3002

Before rebalancing, make sure the master server is down, as LevelDB can only be accessed by one process.

Rebuild the index

Regenerate the LevelDB:

$ ./bin/master -cmd rebuild -db ./tmp/indexdb-alt/ -volumes localhost:3001,localhost:3002,localhost:3003

🕜 Performance

Fetching non-existent key: ~10325 req/sec

$ wrk -t2 -c100 -d10s http://localhost:3000/key

Fetching existent key: ~9800 req/sec

$ wrk -t2 -c100 -d10s http://localhost:3000/wehave

📄 License

All my code is MIT licensed. Libraries follow their respective licenses.