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Higher-level programming at Holberton School/Alx-Africa with specialization in Python 3, JavaScript and SQL

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Higher Level Programming


  • Files written in vi, vim, and emacs editors.
  • C files compiled using gcc 9.4.0.
  • C files wriiten according to the betty coding style. Checked using and
  • Files tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using gcc.
  • Python3.4 files
  • SQL files executed on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using MySQL 8.0 (version 8.0.25)


Directory Description
0x00-python-hello_world Fundamental introduction to Python programming.
0x01-python-if_else_loops_functions Implenting if, if ... else statements, while and for loops, break and continues statements, else clauses on loops, pass statement do, and when to use it, and range in Python3
0x02-python-import_modules Implents python Modules, Command line arguments, and Pycodestyle – Style Guide for Python Code
0x03-python-data_structures Implements data structures n python - lists and tuples.
0x04-python-more_data_structures More on data Structures: Set, Dictionary in python.
0x05-python-exceptions Implementng Errors and Exceptions in Python.
0x06-python-classes Implements objects and classes in Python.
0x07-python-test_driven_development Implementing both Unit Test and Doctest in Python.
0x08-python-more_classes Implements python Objects and Classes
0x09-python-everything_is_object Examines how Python works with different types of objects.
0x0A-python-inheritance Implementes inheritance in classes using python
0x0B-python-input_output Implenting I/O in python.
0x0C-python-almost_a_circle Python logics and output.
0x0D-SQL_introduction Introduction to SQL
0x0E-SQL_more_queries More on SQL including creating, databases, tablers users, and granting permissions to users
0x0F-python-object_relational_mapping Python object relational mapping- SQLAlchemy.
0x10-python-network_0 Networking in Python
0x11-python-network_1 Networking in Python.
0x12-javascript-warm_up An introduction to JavaScript.
0x13-javascript_objects_scopes_closures Implementting objects, closures and classes in Javascript
0x14-javascript-web_scraping Implenting web scrapping in JavaScript
0x15-javascript-web_jquery JavaScript JQuery

Contributors: micah Ondiwa