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Simple Network layer for Xamarin apps


Doing network such as downloading a JSON file from a webserver can be difficult on mobile devices

  • You need to ensure you're using the platform-specific optimized network api calls to get SPDY, GZIP, HTTP/2, Connection Pooling etc.
  • You need to have a retry mechanism if the server is unresponsive
  • You need to have a caching layer to
    • Minimize network usage by caching redundant requests, as connections are often metered
    • Improve performance
    • Handle unresponive servers / endpoints / no internet connection
  • You need to handle the Cold Start problem: the very first time an app is started and there is no internet available. You should be able to ship your app with preloaded data for a given url.


Goals for this project:

  • Simple and easy to use - Prefer reasonable opinionated defaults over complex interfaces or configuration
  • Stable and predictable - Unit tests helps with this, but please open an issue or pull request if you experience crashes or surprising behavior
  • Minimal dependencies - Keep the library as small as possible. Dont add big dependencies (E.g. Realm database backing store) unless we have to
  • Distribution and easy installation - CI builds and publishes the library using NuGet. Include the library in all your projects and you should be good to go


Find the package in your IDE's nuget explorer


Install-Package artm.fetcher


nuget install artm.fetcher

Example time!


// 1. Instantiate these on Android / iOS. If using dependency injection, you can register them as singletons.
IFetcherLoggerService loggerService = new FetcherLoggerService();
IFetcherRepositoryStoragePathService path = new FetcherRepositoryStoragePathService();
IFetcherWebService webService = new FetcherWebService();
IFetcherRepositoryService repository = new FetcherRepositoryService(loggerService, path);

// 2. Initialize the repository. This creates the underlying database and is safe to call on every app startup
await ((FetcherRepositoryService)repository).Initialize();

// 3. Primary interface you should use from your Core/PCL project
IFetcherService fetcher = new FetcherService(webService, repository, loggerService);


String url = "";

// Try our hardest to give you *some* response for a given url. 
// If an url has been recently created or updated we get the response from the local cache.
// If an url has NOT recently been created or updated we try to update 
// the response from the network. 
// If we cannot get the url from the network, and no cached data is available, we try to use preloaded data.
IUrlCacheInfo response = await fetcher.FetchAsync(new Uri(url));

// (Optional) Cold start: You can ship with preloaded data, and thus avoid
// an initial requirement for an active internet connection
await fetcher.PreloadAsync(new FetcherWebRequest()
    Url = url
}, new FetcherWebResponse() { Body = "<html>Hello world!</html>" });

// Dont like HTTP GET? Dont like the default cache expiration of 1 day? No problem!
IUrlCacheInfo postResponse = await fetcher.FetchAsync(new FetcherWebRequest()
    Url = url,
    Method = "POST",
    Headers = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>(),
    Body = @"[{ ""myData"": ""data"" }]",
    ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
}, TimeSpan.FromDays(14));

Caching rules

By default, a new cache entry will be created (that is, a FetchAsync call is considered unique) if the IFetcherWebRequest (and accompanying IUrlCacheInfo) does not already exist. The default caching policy ONLY caches responses with a successful Http Status (200 - 300).

You can modify this behavior either when instantiating/registering the IFetcherService, or by passing a IFetcherCachePolicy to the IFetcherService.FetchAsync() method:

IFetcherService fetcher = new FetcherService(webService, repository, loggerService, new AlwaysCachePolicy());

AlwaysCachePolicy is included and will cache every response, regardless of the Http Status of the response. The default cache policy used is OnlySuccessfulResponsesCachePolicy

NOTE: Regardless of which IFetcherCachePolicy implementation is used, nothing will be cached if the server could not be reached.

Searching the cache:

You can search through the cached items using the IFetcherRepositoryService interface. Example:

// Search cached entries by Url...
IEnumerable<IUrlCacheInfo> info = await repository.GetUrlCacheInfoForRequest(new FetcherWebRequest
    Url = ""

// ... or anything else
IEnumerable<IUrlCacheInfo> info2 = await repository.GetUrlCacheInfoForRequest(new FetcherWebRequest
    Url = "",
    Method = "POST",
    Headers = new Dictionary<string, string>
        {"X-ZUMO-APPLICATION" , "Hello world!" }

GetUrlCacheInfoForRequest() has additional overloads, go explore :P

Finally you can use the ID's from the underlying SQLite database:

IUrlCacheInfo info = await repository.GetUrlCacheInfoForId(15);

If these are not sufficient, you can retrieve all cached items and do the search yourself:

IEnumerable<IUrlCacheInfo> info = await repository.GetAllUrlCacheInfo();
IEnumerable<IFetcherWebRequest> request = await repository.GetAllWebRequests();
IEnumerable<IFetcherWebResponse> response = await repository.GetAllWebResponses();


await repository.DeleteEntriesOlderThan(14); // Days


On android if you get an error popup about denied access to local libraries, add a reference to System.Data.SQLite in your Android project. PLEASE OPEN AN ISSUE IF YOU STILL EXPERIENCE THIS!

For contributors

Consider using the Playground.Touch and Playground.Droid projects if you want to experiment with the code. Both projects are set up with dependencies and references so that you can get started quicker - Pull requests are very welcome!

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