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This is a small module and cli to access the Microsoft Planner API from Delphi.

Recommended Scope for the cli and the module:

GroupMember.Read.All, Tasks.ReadWrite


1.1 Installation

Just download the latest release from the release page. Execute planner_cli.exe in a command prompt. If you want to use the CLI from anywhere, add the directory to your PATH environment variable.

TIP: if you dont want to type the info needed for authentication everytime, you can just make a powershell script that sets the environment variables and then calls the CLI. For example:

$env:PLANNER_CLI_TENANT_ID = "<your tenant id>"
$env:PLANNER_CLI_CLIENT_ID = "<your client id>"
$env:PLANNER_CLI_REDIRECT_URI = "<your redirect uri>"
$env:PLANNER_CLI_REDIRECT_PORT = "<your redirect port>"
$env:PLANNER_CLI_SCOPE = "<scope>,<scope>,<scope>"
planner_cli $args


planner_cli $args --TenantID "<your tenant id>" --ClientID "<your client id>" --RedirectURI "<your redirect uri>" --RedirectPort "<your redirect port>" --Scope "<scope>,<scope>,<scope>"

1.2 Usage

For help, just type

planner_cli --help


planner_cli <command> --help

1.2.1 listing

planner_cli list

This will list all the plans in your tenant you are allowed to see.

The structure is always the following:

  ┌ Groups (-g, --Group)
  ├─┬ Plans (-p, --Plan)
  │ │
  │ ├─┬ Buckets (-b, --Bucket)
  │ │ │
  ╵ ╵ └── Tasks (-t, --Task)

1.2.2 Listing without an ID

Option Description
-g, --Group List all groups you are allowed to see.
-p, --Plan List all groups and their plans.
-b, --Bucket List all groups, their plans and the buckets in their plans.
-t, --Task List all groups, their plans, the buckets in their plans and the tasks in their buckets.

1.2.3 Listing with an ID

Option Description
-g, --Group List the specified Group.
-p, --Plan List the specified Plan.
-b, --Bucket List the specified Bucket.
-t, --Task List the specified Task.

Now if you want to list all buckets in a specific plan, you can do it like this:

planner_cli list --Planner <plan id> --Bucket

You could also list all tasks in a specific bucket:

planner_cli list --Bucket <bucket id> --Task

Or all tasks in a specific plan:

planner_cli list --Planner <plan id> --Task

This doesnt work "the other way around" unfortunately. (what i mean ist --Planner --Task <task id> wont work)

2 Module

2.1 Installation (with boss)

boss install MeroFuruya/ms-graph-planner-api_delphi

Notice: boss currently has a "bug" that prevents it from compiling the cli. You can still use the module though. #139 fixes this.

2.2 Installation (without boss)

Just download the latest source code release from the release page and add all contents of the the src directory to your project. Then go to MeroFuruya/MicrosoftApiAuthentication and follow the installation instructions there.

2.3 Usage

First you need to set up your authentication as described here.

Then you can set create a new instance of TMsPlanner providing the TMsGraphAuthenticator you created before.


  Autenticator: TMsAuthenticator;
  Planner: TMsPlanner;
  // Create the authenticator
  // Create the planner-api-wrapper
  Planner := TMsPlanner.Create(Authenticator);

  // Do stuff with the planner


2.3.1 Basic concepts

This framework uses records to represent and store data from the planner api. This has the benefit of not needing to worry about freeing the objects what makes it easier to work with the data.

The downside is that you cant inherit one record from another one what makes it impossible to have dedicated objects for different information stages (e.g. TMsPlannerGroup and TMsPlannerGroupWithPlans).

The records are also not very "smart" and dont have any methods. They are just containers for the data.

That means that you have to do some things yourself. For example if you want to get all plans in a group, you have to do it like this:

  Task: TMsPlannerTask;

  // set the id of the task you want to get
  Task.ID := '<task id>';
  // Get the task
  // Now the task contains information you can use
  Writeln('Title:', Task.Title);

2.3.2 Listing

  Plan: TMsPlannerPlanner;
  i: integer;

  // set the id of the plan you want to get
  Plan.ID := '<plan id>';

  // Get all buckets in the plan
  for i := 0 to length(Plan.Buckets) - 1 do
    // Now the bucket contains information you can use
    Writeln('Name:', Plan.Buckets[i].Name);

2.3.3 Creating

At the time, only tasks and buckets can be created.

  Bucket: TMsPlannerBucket;
  // set the id of the plan you want to create the bucket in
  Bucket.PlanID := '<plan id>';

  // Create a new bucket
  Bucket.Name := 'New Bucket';
  // The bucket now is filled with all the information from the api, just like when you "get" it
  Writeln('Name:', Bucket.Name);

To get a list of fields you can fill, look at help of the cli.

planner_cli create --help

2.3.4 Updating

At the time, only tasks, buckets and planner-categorys (PlannerDetails) can be updated.

Only fill the fields you want to update.

  Bucket: TMsPlannerBucket;
  // set the id of the bucket you want to update
  Bucket.ID := '<bucket id>';

  // Update the bucket
  Bucket.Name := 'New Bucket Name';

To get a list of fields you can fill, look at help of the cli.

planner_cli update --help

To update categorys of a task, add those you want to change to the Categorys array of the task and then update the task. If you want to remove a category, set its enabled property to false. The id of the category must match the id of the category in the plan. The Name of the category can only be changed by changing the name of the category in the plan.

  Task: TMsPlannerTask;
  // set the id of the task you want to update
  Task.ID := '<task id>';

  // Add a category
  SetLength(Task.Categorys, 1);
  Task.Categorys[0].ID := '<category id>';
  Task.Categorys[0].Enabled := true;

  // Update the task

To update the checklist of a task, add those you want to change to the Checklist array of the task and then update the task. If you want to remove a checklist item, set its IsDeleted property to true.

  Task: TMsPlannerTask;
  // set the id of the task you want to update
  Task.ID := '<task id>';

  // Add a checklist item
  SetLength(Task.Checklist, 1);
  Task.Checklist[0].Title := 'New Checklist Item';
  Task.Checklist[0].IsDeleted := false;

  // Update the task

2.3.5 Deleting

At the time, only tasks and buckets can be deleted.

  Bucket: TMsPlannerBucket;
  // set the id of the bucket you want to delete
  Bucket.ID := '<bucket id>';

  // Delete the bucket

3 Further information

You can always go take a look at the Microsoft Graph Planner API documentation to get more information about the api. That is a pretty good resource.