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#Ultimate Tic Tac Toe iMessage App

####What is Ultimate Tic Tac Toe? Ultimate Tic Tac Toe is a version of Tic Tac Toe that involves playing 9 games of Tic Tac Toe inside of a big game of Tic Tac Toe. It sounds confusing, but it's actually pretty simple (in its premise, the game itself involves a lot of thinking and strategy). Check here for a more in depth description of the rules.

####What is this project? This project is an open source Ultimate Tic Tac Toe iMessage App.

####Why is this project? Luke LaScala and I were taking a class at our high school in which we had to work on a project for a trimester. It just so happened that the iMessage App Store opened up a few days prior, and we were inspired to port this awesome game to it.

We also want to provide an example game for the iMessage platform for others to use for reference.

####This is super confusing. How can I understand this mess of Swift? Take a look at the docs over at We've written a guide on how the flow of the app works, and also generated documentation for every class we've written (with a few exceptions).

####I found a bug when playing this game / looking at the code! Great! Either submit an issue or, preferably, fix it yourself and write a pull request.

When we have a substantial amount of bug fixes either through our own work or pull requests, we'll push an update to the iMessage App Store. We'll also give credit to every contributor to that update in the patch notes.