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AWS Infrastructure Deployment with Terraform

This repository contains Terraform configurations for deploying and managing AWS infrastructure. It follows a modular structure to organize different components of the infrastructure.

Folder Structure

  • Main Terraform configuration file where modules are instantiated and used.
  • File containing input variables used in the Terraform configuration.
  • File containing output values exposed by the Terraform configuration.
  • modules/: Directory containing sub-modules for different components of the infrastructure.
    • s3/: Module for creating an S3 bucket.
    • kms/: Module for creating a KMS key.
    • iam/: Module for creating IAM roles and policies.
    • lambda/: Directory containing sub-modules for uploader and retriever Lambda functions.
    • cloudwatch/: Module for configuring CloudWatch events and alarms.
    • api_gateway/: Module for setting up an API Gateway.
    • alarms/: Module for creating CloudWatch alarms.

Deployment Instructions and Dependencies

  1. Install Terraform: Make sure Terraform is installed on your system. You can download it from Terraform's official website.
  2. Clone this repository: git clone
  3. Navigate to the repository directory: cd aws-timestamp-service
  4. Initialize Terraform: terraform init
  5. Configure your AWS credentials: Ensure that your AWS access key and secret key are properly configured either through environment variables or AWS credentials file.
  6. Modify variables: Update the file with your desired values for deployment.
  7. Deploy the infrastructure: Run terraform apply and confirm the changes.
  8. Access deployed resources: Once the deployment is successful, access the deployed resources as per your requirements.

Tear-down Instructions

To tear down the deployed infrastructure:

  1. Navigate to the repository directory.
  2. Run terraform destroy to tear down the infrastructure.
  3. Confirm the destruction by typing yes when prompted.
  4. Review the output to ensure all resources are successfully destroyed.


  • Terraform
  • AWS CLI (for configuring AWS credentials)

Ensure you have appropriate permissions and configurations set up in your AWS account to deploy and manage the resources.