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Command line batch job that run java runtime environment to extract and load marketing data using Facebook Marketing API, Google Analytics API, Mailchimp API, Google Webmasters API, Google Sheets API, Mysql, Postgresql, Clickhouse, etc

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Command line batch jobs that run java runtime environment to extract and load marketing data using Facebook Marketing API, Google Analytics API, Mailchimp API, Google Sheets API, Mysql, Postgresql, Clickhouse, etc

Setup overview

  1. Clone or download & extract this repository

  2. Decide what connectors you will use and comment/uncomment (Linux/Mac) or run.bat (Windows) what you need or not, and see detailed connectors setup section.

  • FB_Campaigns: Copy fb-sample.csv to fb.csv and edit the copy as appropiate
  • GA_Campaigns: Copy ga-sample.csv to ga.csv and edit the copy as appropiate
  • GW_SearchAnalytics: Copy gw-sample.csv to gw.csv and edit the copy as appropiate
  • Mailchimp_Campaigns: Copy mailchimp-sample.csv to mailchimp.csv and edit the copy as appropiate
  • GSheets: Copy sheets-sample.csv to sheets.csv and edit the copy as appropiate
  • Mysql: Copy mysql-sample.csv to mysql.csv and edit the copy as appropiate
  • Postgresql: Copy postgresql-sample.csv to postgresql.csv and edit the copy as appropiate
  • Clickhouse: Copy clickhouse-sample.csv to clickhouse.csv and edit the copy as appropiate
  1. Give execution permisions and execute:
  • On Linux or Mac, use file from terminal
$ cd your-absolute-file-path
$ chmod u+x ./
$ ./
  • On Windows, check run.bat properties and run from command line (cmd.exe)
> cd your-absolute-file-path
> run.bat
  1. You may want to schedule it daily using cronjob. For example, at 8am every day on Linux:
$ crontab -e

0 8 * * * /your-absolute-file-path/

Detailed connectors setup


  1. On facebook, Create an app or add Marketing API product to an existing one:

  2. You need to generate a access_token and you need to know your ad_account_id.

  • The ad_account_id format is like this one act_#####. You can see it "act=" as a parameter on you business manager account and it will be written as "act_"


  • The access_token is a very long string that you get when you give read_insights and ads_read permissions to your app.


  1. Open fb.csv and change at last facebook_ads_ad_account_id & facebook_ads_access_token with your ad_account_id & access_token
  • In days, set the numbers of days you want to go back from yesterday.
  • In facebook_ads_version, set the Marketing API version you want to use.
  1. Check execution results on output/facebook_ads.csv. You can open it using Libreoffice or any spreadsheet software.



  1. If you don't currently have a service account and download its p12 file, create a service account and download its p12 file.
  • Open the Service Accounts page in the GCP Console
  • Click Select a project, select your project and click Open.
  • Click Create Service Account and enter a service account name (friendly display name), an optional description, select a role you wish to grant to the service account, and then click Save.
  • Create a key and select P12. Download your p12 file.
  • Write down your google_service_account_email and google_key_file_p12
  1. Enable APIs Google Analytics Reporting API v3 on

  2. Add google_service_account_email as user with read permisions on you GA View. Write down viewId.

  3. Change ga.csv with your google_service_account_email, google_key_file_p12 and google_ga_view

  • Check google_ga_view on the admin section of your Google Analytics view.
  • Upon succesful execution, output/ga.csv will show aquisition data for last days with the indicated goal metric as last column too.


  1. You should have a service account and its p12 file. Enable Google Search Console API on

  2. Add google_service_account_email as user with Restricted or Full permisions on your Google Search Console Property. Write down siteUrl

  3. Change gw.csv with your google_service_account_email, google_key_file_p12 and siteUrl

  • Check siteUrl on the settings section of your Google Search Console property.
  • Upon succesful execution, output/gw_query.csv, output/gw_page.csv, output/gw_query_page.csv and output/gw_query_page_country_dimension.csv will be generated with impressions, clicks, ctr, position metrics.


  1. Login your Mailchimp account, go to Account / Extras / API keys and click Create A Key.
  2. Edit mailchimp.csv:
  • Name your account.
  • Set your apikey.
  • Last part of apikey contains your datacenter (example us3 or us10).
  • Set your count (Numbre of campaigns you will get with this connector).
  • Upon succesful execution, you will get campaign data at retrieve date on output/mailchimp_campaigns.csv file.


  1. See FB_Campaigns, GA_Campaigns, Mailchimp_Campaigns and GW_SearchAnalytics connector setup first.

  2. You should have a service account and its p12 file. Enable APIs Google Sheets API on

  3. Open or create a new Google Spreadsheet and write down its file id.

  1. Change gsheets.csv with your google_service_account_email, google_key_file_p12, google_sheet_file_id.
  • Upon succesful execution, CSV input data should be seen (insert at first row) on google_sheet_name sheet of the google_sheet_file_id spreadsheet.
  • Is important to set desired 'type' as used in other connectors: fb_campaigns, fb_campaigns_stats, fb_campaigns_actions, ga_campaigns, ga_campaigns_stats, ga_campaigns_goals and mailchimp_campaigns, gw_query, gw_page, gw_query_and_page, gw_query_page_country_and_device.


  1. See FB_Campaigns, GA_Campaigns, Mailchimp_Campaigns and GW_SearchAnalytics connector setup first.

  2. You should have mysql server database with its user and password.

  3. Change mysql.csv with your mysql "host", "port", "database", "username" and "password"

  • Upon succesful execution, CSV input data should be replaced (update and insert) on "table" of your "database"
  • Is important to set desired 'type' as used in other connectors: fb_campaigns, fb_campaigns_stats, fb_campaigns_actions, ga_campaigns, ga_campaigns_stats, ga_campaigns_goals and mailchimp_campaigns, gw_query, gw_page, gw_query_and_page, gw_query_page_country_and_device.


  1. See FB_Campaigns, GA_Campaigns, Mailchimp_Campaigns and GW_SearchAnalytics connector setup first.

  2. You should have Postgresql server database with its schema, user and password.

  3. Change postgresql.csv with your Postgresql "host", "port", "database", "schema", "username" and "password"

  • Upon succesful execution, CSV input data should be replaced (update and insert) on "table" of your "database" and "schema"
  • Is important to set desired 'type' as used in other connectors: fb_campaigns, fb_campaigns_stats, fb_campaigns_actions, ga_campaigns, ga_campaigns_stats, ga_campaigns_goals and mailchimp_campaigns, gw_query, gw_page, gw_query_and_page, gw_query_page_country_and_device.


  1. See FB_Campaigns, GA_Campaigns, Mailchimp_Campaigns and GW_SearchAnalytics connector setup first.

  2. You should have Clickhouse server database with its user and password.

  3. Change clickhouse.csv with your Clickhouse "host", "port", "database", "username" and "password"

  • Upon succesful execution, CSV input data should be seen (truncate and insert) on "table" of your "database"
  • Is important to set desired 'type' as used in other connectors: fb_campaigns, fb_campaigns_stats, fb_campaigns_actions, ga_campaigns, ga_campaigns_stats, ga_campaigns_goals and mailchimp_campaigns, gw_query, gw_page, gw_query_and_page, gw_query_page_country_and_device.

About us

  • I'm Jordi Rosell, working at The ducks in a row.
  • Disclaimer: Provided "AS IS". Hire me at if you need enterprise support or a professional ETL service.
  • Open for collaborations. Please, open an issue if you need help or if you want to suggest improvements or new features.