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Gather information from multiple tabs

Short Demo Video:



  1. Toolbar button opens GFT script management view
  2. To run a script against all tabs in the current window, just click the `play` button in the script row you want to run
  3. To add a script, use the first row of the table
  4. All add, edit and delete actions are non-persistent. To make the current table state persistent, click the `Save` button at the top right or use the `Discard` button to reset the table into its last saved state
  5. Use the import/export to restore or save the current scripts locally as/from JSON files
  6. The textareas whill auto expand when focused, use the Minimize Button to shrink them back into oneliner that only shows the first line of the script.
  7. Granting the "Input data to the clipboard" permission places the output of a run directly into the clipboard