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Backup databases from dockerized PostgresSQL to any S3-compatible storage with a single backup container. Supporting periodic backup schedule, manual backup, encrypted backup and retention policy.

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Quick Start

version: '3'
    image: postgres
      - backup.postgres=true  # Add this label on database containers you wish to backup
    image: mariadb:10.6
      - backup.mariadb=true  # Not implemented yet
    image: ithuan/multiple-databases-backup
    - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      S3_REGION: region
      S3_BUCKET: my-bucket
      S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: key
      S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: secret
      SCHEDULE: "0 * * * *"  # Optional
      GPG_PUBLIC_KEY: ${GPG_PUBLIC_KEY:-}  # Optional


Backup Multiple Databases Simultaneously

To backup multiple databases simultaneously, you can label the database containers that require backup with the backup.postgres=true label. The backup script will then identify all containers with this label and execute the backup command for each of them.

Easy Configuration

All custom settings including backup schedule, S3 storage and encryption key can be configured in the environment part in docker-compose.yml file of backup container. See the docker-compose part for example configuration.

Supports Any S3-compatiable Storages

Using the S3 CLI, it is possible to upload backup files to S3-compatible storage services offered by various vendors. The S3 connection settings can be customized through the "environment" configuration. See S3 Storage Configurations for details.

Manual Backup

To perform an instant backup manually, simply launch a new backup container with the SCHEDULE variable left empty. See Backup Schedule for details.

Retention Strategy to Remove Old Backup Files

Retention strategy can be established to remove backups older than a designated time period and retain the earliest backup of every day or month for a set duration. See Retention Policy for details.

Confidentiality and Integrity

GPG-encrypted backup is supported. See GPG Key for details on how to configure encrypted backups. Data is transferred on shell pipeline without leaving any unencrypted intermediate data on the disk, in order to preserve confidentiality and integrity of the backup files.

Automated Test and Build

The codebase undergoes automatic testing using Travis CI, which covers backup scripts and docker configurations. An automated build on dockerhub is also in place. These automated processes minimize the possibility of introducing bugs or vulnerabilities into our codebase.


S3 Storage Configurations

  • S3_ENDPOINT_URL (required): The S3 endpoint URL in the form of http://<hostname>/ or https://<hostname>/ . Note that the scheme should be included.
  • S3_REGION: The name of the S3 region (eg. eu-west-1). This may be optional depending on your storage vendor.
  • S3_BUCKET (required): The bucket name.
  • S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID (required): The S3 Access Key ID.
  • S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (required): The S3 Secret Access Key.

Backup Schedule

  • SCHEDULE: The backup schedule specified in a string following crontab syntax where the five fields are minute, hour, day of month, month and day of week. If set to a blank string, the script will perform a instant backup and exit. The default value is a blank string.


  • GPG_PUBLIC_KEY: Base64-encoded GPG public key used in the encryption process. If not set, backup files will be uploaded and saved un-encrypted.

Generate and Encode a GPG Public Pey

  1. Generate a new GPG key if there is not any existing GPG key.
  2. Encode GPG public key in base64 format and write it into the .env file.
GPG_PUBLIC_KEY=`gpg --armor --export <GPG key ID> | base64 --wrap 0`
  1. Export the private key and store it securely. The private key is needed when decrypting a backup file.
gpg --export-secret-keys --armor <GPG key ID> > <gpg-private-key.asc>

Decrypt a Backup File

  1. Import the gpg private key if it hasn't been imported yet.
gpg --import <gpg-private-key.asc>
  1. Decrypt the backup file to get the original SQL.
gpg --decrypt <postgres15.sql.gz.gpg> | zcat

Retention Policy

There are 3 variables available for users to setup their retention policy. Backup files that are older than a specified period will be deleted, while the earliest backup file of the day/month will be kept for a specified period.

  • MAX_PERIOD_IN_HOURS_TO_KEEP_EVERY_BACKUPS: The time period in hours to keep all the recent backups. Backup files that are older than this period will be deleted, except for the daily and monthly backups that are to be kept. The value should be any positive integer. The default value is 72 hours.
  • MAX_PERIOD_IN_DAYS_TO_KEEP_DAILY_BACKUPS: The time period in days to keep all the daily backups. Set the value to any positive integer to keep daily backups, or set it to 0 to disable this behavior. The default value is 90 days.
  • MAX_PERIOD_IN_MONTHS_TO_KEEP_MONTHLY_BACKUPS: The time period in months to keep all the monthly backups. Set the value to any positive integer to keep monthly backups, or set it to 0 to disable this behavior. The default value is 36 months.