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kawasaki is a fish theme that emphasizes a simple and useful prompt without useless cluttter.


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kawasaki is a customizable fish theme that emphasizes a simple and useful prompt without useless cluttter.

Oh My Fish license


Example customizations

Minimal Midnight Joker
midnight joker



  • Fish shell - a smart and user-friendly command line shell for OS X, Linux, and the rest of the family
  • Oh My Fish - The Fishshell Framework

Once Oh My Fish is installed:

omf install kawasaki

This theme was inspired by bira.


To use kawasaki's virtualenv prompt instead of the default virtualenv prompt append set -x VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT 1 to your


  • Completely customizable.
  • Display status of the working tree for Git projects.
  • Read/write indicator of the current working directory.
  • Background jobs indicator.
  • Virtualenv prompt indicator.


Override defaults

You can override the default display settings by specifying any of the following settings in your

## Enable the time to be displayed.
set -g theme_display_time yes

## Disable playing the user's current group.
set -g theme_display_group no

# Display the system hostname.
set -g theme_display_hostname no

## Disable Git-awareness.
set -g theme_display_git no

## Don't disable jobs indicator.
set -g theme_display_jobs no

## Always display the jobs indicator, even if there are no jobs.
set -g theme_display_jobs_always yes

## Hide the current directory read/write indicator.
set -g theme_display_rw no

## Don't display the VirtualEnv prompt.
set -g theme_display_virtualenv no

## Display the battery
set -g theme_display_batt no
set -g theme_display_batt_icon no

Look and feel

Nearly every aspect of kawasaki can be customized. The following can be set to adjust the look and feel of kawasaki:

set -g theme_color_error                           red
set -g theme_color_superuser                       red
set -g theme_color_user                            white
set -g theme_color_group                           666666
set -g theme_color_host                            brgreen
set -g theme_color_separator                       brblack
set -g theme_color_bracket                         brblue
set -g theme_color_normal                          normal
set -g theme_color_time                            666666
set -g theme_color_path                            brwhite
set -g theme_color_prompt                          white
set -g theme_color_virtualenv                      bryellow
set -g theme_color_status_prefix                   brblue
set -g theme_color_status_jobs                     brgreen
set -g theme_color_status_rw                       brwhite
set -g theme_color_batt_icon                       white
set -g theme_color_batt_charging                   brgreen
set -g theme_color_batt_discharging                red
set -g theme_color_batt_0                          red
set -g theme_color_batt_25                         red
set -g theme_color_batt_50                         bryellow
set -g theme_color_batt_75                         bryellow
set -g theme_color_batt_100                        brgreen

set -g theme_prompt_char_normal                    '$'
set -g theme_prompt_char_superuser                 '#'
set -g theme_prompt_char                           "$theme_prompt_char_normal"

set -g theme_prompt_superuser_glyph                \u2605
set -g theme_prompt_userhost_separator              '@'
set -g theme_prompt_group_separator                 ':'

set -g theme_prompt_segment_separator_char         ' '
set -g theme_prompt_segment_separator_color        normal

set -g theme_prompt_status_jobs_char               '%'
set -g theme_prompt_status_rw_char                 '.'
set -g theme_prompt_status_separator_char          '/'

set -g theme_prompt_virtualenv_char_begin          '('
set -g theme_prompt_virtualenv_char_end            ')'
set -g theme_prompt_virtualenv_color_char_begin    normal
set -g theme_prompt_virtualenv_color_char_end      normal

set -g theme_prompt_batt_charging_char             ''
set -g theme_prompt_batt_discharging_char          ''
set -g theme_prompt_batt_0                         ''
set -g theme_prompt_batt_25                        ''
set -g theme_prompt_batt_50                        ''
set -g theme_prompt_batt_75                        ''
set -g theme_prompt_batt_100                       ''

set -g theme_display_time_format                   '+%I:%M'

set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_merging             red
set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_branch              brblue
set -g __fish_git_prompt_showcolorhints            yes
set -g __fish_git_prompt_show_informative_status   yes
set -g __fish_git_prompt_char_stateseparator       ' '

set -g __fish_git_prompt_char_branch_begin         ''
set -g __fish_git_prompt_char_branch_end           ''
set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_branch_begin        bryellow
set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_branch_end          bryellow

Minimal midnight


set -gx fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length 0
set -g theme_display_group no
set -g theme_display_hostname no
set -g theme_color_user aa55ff
set -g theme_display_rw no



set theme_primary                                   1eb980
set theme_secondary                                 ffcf44
set theme_primary_variant                           045d56
set theme_secondary_variant                         ff6859
set theme_hilight                                   b15dff

set -g theme_color_user                             $theme_hilight
set -g theme_color_host                             $theme_primary_variant
set -g theme_color_separator                        brblack
set -g theme_color_normal                           normal
set -g theme_color_time                             $theme_secondary_variant
set -g theme_color_path                             $theme_primary
set -g theme_color_prompt                           $theme_secondary_variant
set -g theme_color_virtualenv                       $theme_secondary
set -g theme_color_status_prefix                    $theme_hilight
set -g theme_color_status_jobs                      $theme_primary
set -g theme_color_status_rw                        $theme_primary
set -g theme_display_group                          no
set -g theme_prompt_segment_separator_color         $theme_primary
set -g theme_prompt_userhost_separator              '.'
set -g __fish_git_prompt_char_branch_begin          '['
set -g __fish_git_prompt_char_branch_end            ']'
set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_branch_begin         brblack
set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_branch_end           brblack
set -g __fish_git_prompt_color_branch               $theme_secondary

set -gx fish_prompt_pwd_dir_length                  1
set -g theme_display_jobs_always                    yes


kawasaki is released under The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016 Beau Hastings