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Meetecho Janus Server, javascript wrapper library with all bells and whistles

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Fully functional reactive and promisified wrapper around native janusjs


npm install typed_janus_js

Build for distribution

npm run build

Usage Examples

// video call screensharing example code
// you can see complete code in action under vanila-js example
import { JanusJs, JanusVideoCallPlugin } from 'typed_janus_js'
import { config } from './conf'

const janus = new JanusJs(config.meetecho)
await janus.init({ debug: false })
const session = await janus.createSession()
const publisher = await session.attach(JanusVideoCallPlugin)
publisher.onMessage.subscribe((msg) => {
    if (msg.jsep) {
        publisher.handleRemoteJsep({ jsep: msg.jsep })
const remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remotevideo')
let remoteStream = new MediaStream()
publisher.onRemoteTrack.subscribe(({ mid, on, track }) => {
    if (on) {
    } else {
remoteVideo.srcObject = remoteStream

const username = prompt('Enter your name: ')
await publisher.register(username)
const user = prompt('Enter user you want to call: ')
    await publisher.createOffer({
        tracks: [
            { type: 'audio', capture: true, recv: true },
            { type: 'screen', capture: true, recv: true },
// video room example code
// you can see complete code in action under vanila-js example
import { JanusJs, JanusVideoRoomPlugin } from 'typed_janus_js'
import { config } from './conf'
const janus = new JanusJs(config.meetecho)
await janus.init({ debug: false })
const session = await janus.createSession()
const publisher = await session.attach(JanusVideoRoomPlugin)
const subscriber = await session.attach(JanusVideoRoomPlugin)

const username = prompt('Enter your name: ')
await publisher.joinRoomAsPublisher(1234, { display: username })
await publisher.publishAsPublisher(
    await publisher.createOffer({ media: { audio: true, video: true } }),
    { bitrate: 2000000 }

publisher.onMessage.subscribe(async ({ jsep, message }) => {
    const result = message?.result
    const event = result?.event
    console.log(message, jsep)
    if (jsep) {
        publisher.handleRemoteJsep({ jsep })
// console.log(await publisher.listParticipants(1234));
subscriber.onMessage.subscribe(async ({ jsep, message }) => {
    if (jsep) {
        publisher.handleRemoteJsep({ jsep })

subscriber.onRemoteTrack.subscribe((track, on, mid) => {
    console.log({ track, on, mid })