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Releases: ether/etherpad-lite


02 Jun 11:25
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Notable enhancements and fixes

  • Added PWA support. You can now add your Etherpad instance to your home screen on your mobile device or desktop.
  • Fixed live plugin manager versions clashing. Thanks to @yacchin1205
  • Fixed a bug in the pad panel where pagination was not working correctly when sorting by pad name

Compatibility changes

  • Reintroduced APIKey.txt support. You can now switch between APIKey and OAuth2.0 authentication. This can be toggled with the setting authenticationMethod. The default is OAuth2. If you want to use the APIKey method you can set that to apikey.


29 Apr 19:58
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Notable enhancements and fixes

  • Added documentation for replacing apikeys with oauth2
  • Bumped live plugin manager to 0.20.0. Thanks to @fgreinacher
  • Added better documentation for using docker-compose with Etherpad


10 Apr 17:34
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Notable enhancements and fixes

  • Fixed the locale loading in the admin panel
  • Added OAuth2.0 support for the Etherpad API. You can now log in into the Etherpad API with your admin user using OAuth2

Compatibility changes

  • The tests now require generating a token from the OAuth secret. You can find the generateJWTToken in the common.ts script for plugin endpoint updates.


17 Mar 21:39
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Notable enhancements and fixes

  • Fixed a bug where a plugin depending on a scoped dependency would not install successfully.


17 Mar 12:07
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First of all I am very happy to announce the second major version of Etherpad. During the course of the last months we have updated all dependencies, cleaned up some of the old Etherpad code and converted most of the things to Typescript.

Compatibility changes

  • Socket io has been updated to 4.7.5. This means that the json.send function won't work anymore and needs to be changed to .emit('message', myObj)
  • Deprecating npm version 6 in favor of pnpm: We have made the decision to switch to the well established pnpm ( It works by symlinking dependencies into a global directory allowing you to have a cleaner and more reliable environment.
  • Introducing Typescript to the Etherpad core: Etherpad core logic has been rewritten in Typescript allowing for compiler checking of errors.
  • Rewritten Admin Panel: The Admin panel has been rewritten in React and now features a more pleasant user experience. It now also features an integrated pad searching with sorting functionality.

Notable enhancements and fixes

  • Bugfixes

    • Live Plugin Manager: The live plugin manager caused problems when a plugin had depdendencies defined. This issue is now resolved.
  • Enhancements

    • pnpm Workspaces: In addition to pnpm we introduced workspaces. A clean way to manage multiple bounded contexts like the admin panel or the bin folder.
    • Bin folder: The bin folder has been moved from the src folder to the root folder. This change was necessary as the contained scripts do not represent core functionality of the user.
    • Starting Etherpad: Etherpad can now be started with a single command: pnpm run prod in the root directory.
    • Installing Etherpad: Etherpad no longer symlinks itself in the root directory. This is now also taken care by pnpm, and it just creates a node_modules folder with the src directory`s ep_etherpad-lite folder
    • Plugins can now be installed simply via the command: pnpm run install-plugins first-plugin second-plugin or if you want to install from path you can do:
      pnpm run install-plugins --path ../path-to-plugin

This wouldn't be possible as a single developer. Special thanks to:

  • @HMarzban for jumping in to update socket io
  • @Gared for implementing and fixing the Live Plugin Manager
  • @JannikStreek for adapting the Etherpad Docker build process, introducing PNPM workspaces and separating the bin and src folder
  • @AugustinMauroy for the roadmap and inspiration of modernizing the Etherpad structure


05 Feb 19:40
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Notable enhancements and fixes

  • Added Live Plugin Manager: Plugins are now installed into a separate folder on the host system. This folder is called plugin_packages.
    That way the plugins are separated from the normal etherpad installation.
  • Make repairPad.js more verbose
  • Fixed favicon not being loaded correctly


24 Dec 19:35
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Notable enhancements and fixes

  • Prevent etherpad crash when update server is not reachable
  • Use npm@6 in Docker build
  • Fix setting the log level in settings.json

Merry Christmas and an awesome start in 2024 from the Etherpad team 🌲🎁


11 Dec 20:34
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Compability changes

  • This version deprecates NodeJS16 as it reached its end of life and won't receive any updates. So to get started with Etherpad v1.9.5 you need NodeJS 18 and above.
  • The bundled windows NodeJS version has been bumped to the current LTS version 20.

Notable enhancements and fixes

  • The support for the tidy program to tidy up HTML files has been removed. This decision was made because it hasn't been updated for years and also caused an incompability when exporting a pad with Abiword.


28 Oct 15:04
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Compability changes

  • Log4js has been updated to the latest version. As it involved a bump of 6 major version a lot has changed since then. Most notably the console appender has been deprecated. You can find out more about it here

Notable enhancements and fixes

  • Fix for MySQL: The logger calls were incorrectly configured leading to a crash when e.g. somebody uses a different encoding than standard MySQL encoding.


23 Sep 13:17
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Compability changes

  • express-rate-limit has been bumped to 7.0.0: This involves the breaking change that "max: 0"
    in the importExportRateLimiting is set to always trigger. So set it to your desired value.
    If you haven't changed that value in the settings.json you are all set.

Notable enhancements and fixes

  • Bugfixes

    • Fix etherpad crashing with mongodb database
  • Enhancements

    • Add surrealdb database support. You can find out more about this database here.
    • Make sqlite faster: The sqlite library has been switched to better-sqlite3. This should lead to better performance.