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iOS compatible plist serialization and deserialization library for Android


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iOS compatible plist serialization and deserialization library for Android


XML plist

  • Character by character accurate output*1 from method PropertyListSerialization.dataFromPropertyList() with iOS method [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList:format:options:error:]
  • dict dictionaries are sorted by key (as per CFPropertyList.c)
  • key (dictionary) and string values are escaped for < > and & characters to \&lt; \&gt; and \&amp; (as per CFPropertyList.c)

*1 character by character accuracy excludes <real> numbers - the floating point representation output on Android will have on average 6 decimal places, compared to 12 decimal places on iOS).

Binary plist

  • Supports version bplist00 constructs only (all data type conversions as per XML - if you can serialize/deserialize an object tree into XML, then you can serialize/deserialize the same object tree into Binary)
  • Byte by byte accurate output*2 from method PropertyListSerialization.dataFromPropertyList() with iOS method [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList:format:options:error:]

*2 byte by byte accuracy excludes <dict> dictionaries with more than one key/value pair - unlike XML plists, they are not sorted by key, and therefore the ordering of the key/value pairs will differ.


  • Minimum SDK 15 (4.0.3 Ice cream sandwich)
  • Target SDK 27
  • Full instrumented test suite
  • Developed with Android Studio 3.1
  • Friendly BSD-2 license
  • Hosted on JCenter


propertylistserialization is hosted in JCenter. In the dependencies section of your modules build.gradle file add the following:

implementation ""

Building instructions

To clean: ./gradlew clean

To test: ./gradlew connectedAndroidTest (on connected Android device).

To build: ./gradlew assembleRelease. The AAR file will be output in ./propertylistserialization/build/outputs/aar/propertylistserialization-release.aar

XML Example



List list = new ArrayList();
Map dict = new HashMap();
dict.put("Selected", true);
dict.put("IconName", "largeIcon.png")
dict.put("IconSize", 32);
try {
	byte[] result = PropertyListSerialization.dataWithPropertyList(list, Format.XML);
} catch(PropertyListSerializationException e) {



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">




InputStream is = ... // using the property list in 'Results' above.
List list;
try {
	list = (List) PropertyListSerialization.propertyListWithData(is, Format.XML);
} catch(PropertyListSerializationException e) {
Map dict = (Map) list.get(0);
boolean selected = dict.get("Selected"); // true
String iconName = dict.get("IconName"); // "largeIcon.png"
long iconSize = dict.get("IconSize"); // 32

Data type conversions

Serialization (Java -> plist)

Input Java type Equivalent ObjC type Output plist type
java.lang.String NSString <string>
java.lang.Integer NSNumber (integerValue) <integer> *3
java.lang.Long NSNumber (longValue) <integer>
java.lang.Float NSNumber (floatValue) <real> *4
java.lang.Double NSNumber (doubleValue) <real>
java.util.Map<String, Object> NSDictionary <dict>
java.util.List NSArray <array>
java.util.Date NSDate <date>
Boolean.valueOf(true) NSNumber (boolValue) YES <true>
Boolean.valueOf(false) NSNumber (boolValue) NO <false>
byte[] NSData <data>

*3 Serialization only, deserialization will always output java.lang.Long.

*4 Serialization only, deserialization will always output java.lang.Double.

Deserialization (plist -> Java)

Input plist type Equivalent ObjC type Output Java type
<string> NSString java.lang.String
<integer> NSNumber (longValue) java.lang.Long
<real> NSNumber (doubleValue) java.lang.Double
<dict> NSDictionary java.util.Map<String, Object>
<array> NSArray java.util.List
<date> NSDate java.util.Date
<true> NSNumber (boolValue) YES Boolean.valueOf(true)
<false> NSNumber (boolValue) NO Boolean.valueOf(false)
<data> NSData byte[]

Class PropertyListSerialization

void dataWithPropertyList(Object,Format)

public static @NonNull byte[] dataWithPropertyList(@NonNull Object obj, Format format) throws PropertyListWriteStreamException;

For the object graph provided, returns a property list as byte[] (encoded using utf8 for Format.XML)

Equivalent to iOS method [NSPropertyList dataWithPropertyList:format:options:error]

params obj - The object graph to write out as a property list. The object graph may only contain the following types: String, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Map<String, Object>, List, Date, Boolean or byte[].

params format - Either Format.XML or Format.Binary

returns byte[] of the property list.

throws PropertyListWriteStreamException if the object graph is incompatible.

void writePropertyList(Object,OutputStream,Format)

public static void writePropertyList(@NonNull Object obj, @NonNull OutputStream os, Format format) throws PropertyListWriteStreamException {

For the object graph provided, writes the property list (encoded using utf8 for Format.XML) to the output stream.

Equivalent to iOS method [NSPropertyList writePropertyList:toStream:format:options:error]

params obj - The object graph to write out as a property list. The object graph may only contain the following types: String, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Map<String, Object>, List, Date, Boolean or byte[].

params os - The output stream to write the property list to.

params format - Either Format.XML or Format.Binary

throws PropertyListWriteStreamException if the object graph is incompatible.

Object propertyListWithData(byte[],Format)

public static @NonNull Object propertyListWithData(@NonNull byte[] data, Format format) throws PropertyListReadStreamException;

Creates and returns a property list from the specified byte[].

Equivalent to iOS method [NSPropertyList propertyListWithData:options:format:error]

params data - For Format.XML - byte[] of property list (utf8 encoding). For Format.Binary - byte[] of binary plist.

params format - Either Format.XML or Format.Binary

returns Returns one of String, Long, Double, Map<String, Object>, List, Date, Boolean or byte[].

throws PropertyListReadStreamException if the plist is corrupt, values could not be converted or the input stream is EOF.

Object propertyListWithData(InputStream,Format)

public static @NonNull Object propertyListWithData(@NonNull InputStream is, Format format) throws PropertyListReadStreamException;

Creates and returns a property list by reading from the specified input stream.

Equivalent to iOS method [NSPropertyList propertyListWithStream:options:format:error]

params is - For Format.XML - input stream of utf8 encoded string. For Format.Binary - input stream of binary plist.

params format - Either Format.XML or Format.Binary

returns Returns one of String, Long, Double, Map<String, Object>, List, Date, Boolean or byte[].

throws PropertyListReadStreamException if the plist is corrupt, values could not be converted or the input stream is EOF.