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Focus is a cross language lightweight RPC framework that originated from JRPC.


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Focus is the next generation cross language lightweight RPC framework. It can quickly and easily develop microservice applications, which greatly simplifies RPC programming.

Focus 是下一代跨平台、跨语言的轻量级RPC框架。旨在帮助开发者可以更加高效地构建和维护微服务应用程序。他们可以利用统一的接口和协议,在不同的平台和语言之间进行通信和协作,从而提高开发效率和系统可靠性,简化多平台下的RPC编程,可以很轻松地实现云端编程和移动端编程。

通常,评价一个 RPC 框架是否优秀、高效能,有 3 个基本标准:

  • 简单易用,无侵入:不需要过多的研究使用文档,查看快速开始或 API 就能快速用起来,框架代码无需侵入业务代码就能完成调用。

  • 抽象适度,可扩展:框架分层耦合合理、模块职责内聚、实现简洁易懂,能覆盖绝大多数场景,对特殊场景可通过设置或扩展来满足需求。

  • 性能优越,可演进:“高性能”永远是一个绕不开的关注点,框架的实现也是编码能力的体现,保持 API 不变,但实现可持续迭代改进。

Focus 框架在高效能方面做了很多的努力,贯彻最小侵入性设计理念,坚持面向对象的SOLID原则,追求极简协议和代码简洁,能够让开发者和企业更轻松地集成和使用RPC框架。



  • 跨语言支持。同时支持多种串行化协议:Jackson和Protobuff。
  • 模块化API。模块化的客户端和服务端API,可扩展的系统架构核心小于1 MB。
  • 分层架构。合理严谨的分层(包括API层、代理层、调用层、协议层、传输层)使得依赖最小化、可控,适用于更多运行环境。
  • 可插拔的服务发现机制。支持 Consul,Nacos,Polaris等常见注册中心。
  • 可插拔的调用拦截机制。可实现Logging、Tracing、Metrics、限流、熔断等服务安全、可观测性、服务治理功能。
  • 支持同步调用、异步调用、泛化调用。满足各种场景下的不同诉求。
  • 高效的自定义协议。二进制消息交换协议PhotonFocus的RPC协议。
  • 不同级别的服务控制。全局级别、服务级别的序列化、压缩、超时、重试设置,方法级别的超时、重试设置。
  • Spring boot 集成支持友好。简化Spring应用的集成、开发难度。

Design Idea

  • Modular client and server APIs, scalable system architecture, and framework core less than 1 MB in size.
  • Support a variety of serialization protocol at the same time - Jackson、Protobuff、Protostuff
  • Layered architecture, including API layer, Proxy layer, Invoke layer, Protocol layer, Transport layer
  • Pluggable invoke interception mechanism, that facilitates extensions such as service security, observability, and service governance.

Ease of use

  • Out of the box client-side and server-side API
  • Spring boot starter integration friendly
  • Support synchronous, asynchronous and generalized calls


  • Efficient custom protocol (Photon message exchange protocol and Focus RPC protocol)
  • High-performance NIO socket framework support - Netty4

Quick Start

The quick start gives a basic example of running client and server on the same machine. For more advanced examples, please refer to the example project : focus-examples. For the detailed information about using and developing Focus, please jump to Documents.

The minimum requirements to run the quick start are:

  • JDK 1.8 or above
  • A java-based project management software like Maven or Gradle

Synchronous calls

  1. create maven project focus-quickstart and add dependencies to pom.
  1. create FooService interface.
package focus.quickstart;

public interface FooService {

    public String hello(String name);

    public CompletableFuture<String> async(String name);
  1. create FooService implement.
package focus.quickstart.server;

import focus.quickstart.FooService;

public class FooServiceImpl implements FooService {

    public String hello(String name) {
        return "hello " + name;

    public CompletableFuture<String> async(String name) {
        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("async hello " + name);
  1. create focus server and exporting service.
package focus.quickstart.server;


import com.dinstone.focus.server.FocusServer;
import com.dinstone.focus.server.ServerOptions;
import com.dinstone.loghub.Logger;
import com.dinstone.loghub.LoggerFactory;

import focus.quickstart.FooService;

public class FocusServerBootstrap {

    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FocusServerBootstrap.class);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
		ServerOptions serverOptions = new ServerOptions("focus.quickstart.server").listen("localhost", 3333);
		FocusServer server = new FocusServer(serverOptions);

		// exporting service
		server.exporting(FooService.class, new FooServiceImpl());

		server.start();"server start");
		try {;
		} catch (IOException e) {
		server.close();"server stop");

  1. create focus client to importing service and invoke RPC.
package focus.quickstart.client;

import com.dinstone.focus.client.ClientOptions;
import com.dinstone.focus.client.FocusClient;

import focus.quickstart.FooService;

public class FocusClientBootstrap {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		ClientOptions option = new ClientOptions("focus.quickstart.client").connect("localhost", 3333);
		FocusClient client = new FocusClient(option);
		try {
			FooService fooService = client.importing(FooService.class);
			String reply = fooService.hello("dinstone");

			CompletableFuture<String> rf = fooService.async("dinstone");
		} finally {

Asynchronous calls

  1. another way to call RPC asynchronously is to create an asynchronous interface class in client side.
package focus.quickstart.client;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

public interface FooAsyncService {
    public CompletableFuture<String> hello(String name);
  1. create focus client to importing service and async invoke RPC.
package focus.quickstart.client;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

import com.dinstone.focus.client.ClientOptions;
import com.dinstone.focus.client.FocusClient;
import com.dinstone.focus.client.ImportOptions;

public class FocusClientAsyncCallBootstrap {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		ClientOptions option = new ClientOptions("focus.quickstart.client").connect("localhost", 3333);
		FocusClient client = new FocusClient(option);
		try {
			ImportOptions importOptions = new ImportOptions("focus.quickstart.api.FooService");
			FooAsyncService fooService = client.importing(FooAsyncService.class, importOptions);
			CompletableFuture<String> replyFuture = fooService.hello("dinstone");
		} finally {


Generic calls

  1. the generalized call does not need to build the client interface class

  2. create focus client to importing GenericService and sync/async invoke RPC.

package focus.quickstart.client;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

import com.dinstone.focus.client.ClientOptions;
import com.dinstone.focus.client.FocusClient;
import com.dinstone.focus.client.GenericService;

public class FocusClientGenericCallBootstrap {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		ClientOptions option = new ClientOptions("focus.quickstart.client").connect("localhost", 3333);
		FocusClient client = new FocusClient(option);
		try {
			GenericService genericService = client.generic("focus.quickstart.server",

			String reply = genericService.sync(String.class, "hello", "dinstone");
			System.out.println("sync call reply : " + reply);

			CompletableFuture<String> replyFuture = genericService.async(String.class, "hello", "dinstone");
			System.out.println("async call reply : " + replyFuture.get());
		} finally {


Secure Call

1.Set server parameters, enable SSL in the accept options, and set certificate information.

package focus.quickstart.ssl;


import com.dinstone.focus.server.FocusServer;
import com.dinstone.focus.server.ServerOptions;
import com.dinstone.focus.transport.photon.PhotonAcceptOptions;

import focus.quickstart.api.FooService;
import focus.quickstart.service.FooServiceImpl;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.util.SelfSignedCertificate;

public class SslFocusServerBootstrap {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        // setting ssl
        SelfSignedCertificate cert = new SelfSignedCertificate();
        PhotonAcceptOptions acceptOptions = new PhotonAcceptOptions();
        acceptOptions.setCertChain(new X509Certificate[] { cert.cert() });

        // setting accept options
        ServerOptions serverOptions = new ServerOptions("focus.quickstart.server").listen("localhost", 3333)

        FocusServer server = new FocusServer(serverOptions);

        // exporting service
        server.exporting(FooService.class, new FooServiceImpl());

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {

2.Set client parameters and enable SSL in the connection options.

package focus.quickstart.ssl;

import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;

import com.dinstone.focus.client.ClientOptions;
import com.dinstone.focus.client.FocusClient;
import com.dinstone.focus.transport.photon.PhotonConnectOptions;

import focus.quickstart.api.FooService;

public class SslFocusClientBootstrap {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        PhotonConnectOptions connectOptions = new PhotonConnectOptions();
        // setting ssl
        ClientOptions clientOptions = new ClientOptions("focus.quickstart.client").connect("localhost", 3333)
        FocusClient client = new FocusClient(clientOptions);
        try {
            FooService fooService = client.importing(FooService.class);
            String reply = fooService.hello("dinstone");

            CompletableFuture<String> rf = fooService.async("dinstone");
        } finally {




Focus is released under the Apache License 2.0.