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Mix command for easily running specific tests in phoenix

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mix phxtest

Mix task for running specific tests in your phoenix project via mix test (ex_unit) and mix watch ( more conveniently.

Let's admit it, we're all lazy and running specific tests in a phoenix project can be a bit of a hassle when specifying the full path. I for one, would prefer to strip the boilerplate text from the command. So, here's a fitting library.

# Stop doing this
$ mix test test/myapp_web/controllers/resource_controller.exs:12

# Start doing this
$ mix phxtest c resource 12

Just add mix_phxtest as a dependency to your project via

{:mix_phxtest, "~> 0.2.2", only: [:test]}


Usage: mix phxtest <type> <name> [line]
       mix phxwatch <type> <name> [line]

type:  c - controller (/test/myapp_web/controllers/)
       v - view       (/test/myapp_web/views/)
       p - plug       (/test/myapp_web/plug/)
       w - web        (/test/myapp_web/)
       l - lib        (/test/myapp/)

name:  The name of your file, you can add additional
       subdirectories here, if needed.

line:  The line of the test, if you only want to execute
       a single test. This is optional.

idea:  The phx.test and phxwatch are just aliases that
       perform simple string interpolation. The commands
       you are generating are composed like this:
       $ mix phxtest c user 12
       $ mix test /test/controllers/user_controller_test.exs:12

Hint: You can access nested tests by putting the path in the name parameter:

$ mix phxtest c device/mobile 11

# Will become
$ mix test test/myapp_web/controllers/device/mobile_controller_test.exs:11