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Automation starter kit

It is a starter kit for automation projects so that you can focus on the stuff to be automated over project configuration.

How to use this project

Clone this repository, delete .git folder to delete git history and start a new git project using git init. Modify tests for your use case. Supply any variables using environment variables. Alternatively, fork this project to make a quick copy of it on your Github account.

Manage sensitive credentials

Sensitive credentials like username and password must be supplied as an environment variable and not be added in codebase.


A project effortless is built and configured on CI on the same lines. You can see it here.

Setup Travis CI for scheduled jobs in 5 steps

  1. Make a free account or login with an existing account at Github.
  2. Fork automation-starter-kit project that makes a copy of the project in your account.
  3. Make a free account at a leading Continuous Integration SaaS software Travis CI using Github credentials or login with an existing account.
  4. Add environment variables in Travis CI:
USERNAME: john.doe
PASSWORD: password
  1. At 5pm on one of these days, add a cron job in Travis CI so that it runs a build everyday.

How to stop using this project

If you decide to stop using automation of your project for any reason, you should turn off builds for your project listed under Travis CI profile.

Development pre-requisites

node, npm
java8 or java version "1.8.0_xxx"

Install node and npm using nvm


npm i


TEXT=radiohead npm start

Console output

$ TEXT=radiohead npm start

> automation-starter-kit@1.0.0 start /Users/Spock/Development/labs/automation-starter-kit
> npm t

> automation-starter-kit@1.0.0 test /Users/Spock/Development/labs/automation-starter-kit
> nightwatch tests

Starting selenium server... started - PID:  23355

[Automation] Test Suite

Running:  automation
 ✔ Element <input[title="Search"]> was visible after 71 milliseconds.
 ✔ Element <input[value="Google Search"]> was visible after 57 milliseconds.

OK. 2 assertions passed. (29.026s)

Made with ❤️ in India.