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This is a playground to explore the ExLlama project in a Windows environment.

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Learning ExLlama

This is a playground to explore the ExLlama project in a Windows environment.


1. Install Prerequisites

Download and install the latest versions:

Hint: When installing Visual Studio 2022 it is sufficent to just install the Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022 package. Also make sure that Desktop development with C++ is enabled in the installer.

2. Clone the repository from GitHub

Clone the repository to a nice place on your machine via:

git clone --recurse-submodules

3. Update the exllama submodule to the latest version (optional)

This repository can reference an outdated version of the exllama repository. To update the submodule to the latest version execute the following.

git submodule update --remote --merge

Then add, commit and push the changes to make the update available for others.

git add --all; git commit -am "Update exllama submodule to latest commit"; git push

Hint: This is optional because the build script will pull the latest version.

4. Create a new Conda environment

Create a new Conda environment for this project with a specific version of Python:

conda create --name exllama python=3.10

5. Initialize Conda for shell interaction

To make Conda available in you current shell execute the following:

conda init

Hint: You can always revert this via conda init --reverse.

6. Execute the build script


7. Download a large language model

Download a large language model (LLM) with weights in the GPTQ format into the ./models directory. You can for example download the vicuna-7b-v1.3 model in a quantized GPTQ format via:

git clone ./models/vicuna-7B-v1.3-GPTQ

Hint: See the 🤗 Open LLM Leaderboard for best in class open source LLMs.



Activate the conda environment to make the dependencies available via:

conda activate exllama

Execute the following to chat with a GPTQ formatted model:

python ./vendor/exllama/ `
    --directory "./models/vicuna-7B-v1.3-GPTQ" `
    --prompt "./prompts/chatbot.txt" `
    --botname "Vicuña" `
    --username "User" `
    --length 2048 `


Activate the conda environment to make the dependencies available via:

conda activate exllama

Execute the following to benchmark your system:

python ./vendor/exllama/ `
    --directory "./models/vicuna-7B-v1.3-GPTQ" `

Measure model perplexity

Activate the conda environment to make the dependencies available via:

conda activate exllama

Execute the following to measure the perplexity of the GPTQ formatted model:

python ./vendor/exllama/ `
    --directory "./models/vicuna-7B-v1.3-GPTQ" `
    --perplexity `
    --perplexity_dataset "./vendor/exllama/datasets/wikitext2_val_sample.jsonl"


This is a playground to explore the ExLlama project in a Windows environment.







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