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DigitalOcean Infrastructure Terraform - Kubernetes and LoadBalancer


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DigitalOcean Infrastructure Terraform - Kubernetes and LoadBalancer

Initial Config

DigitalOcean Cloud Dashboard

DigitalOcean Kubernetes Dashboard

DigitalOcean PAT Tokens

DigitalOcean CLI Releases Page

DigitalOcean CLI GitHub Repo

DigitalOcean Kubernetes Documentation

Load Balancer Docs LB for Kubernetes can only be created as service of type: LoadBalancer. Do NOT use Terraform/API calls.

Download and extract CLI:

curl -sL | tar -xzv

Move file

sudo mv ~/doctl /usr/local/bin

CLI initialize (paste in PAT)

doctl auth init

CLI list Kubernetes available node types

doctl kubernetes options sizes

Export PAT as environment variable for Terraform:


5m40s creation time via Terraform.

Download and install kubectl


curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"

sudo install -o root -g root -m 0755 kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

Configure kubeconfig via doctl

doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save cluster1

Example kubectl commands:

kubectl config current-context kubectl config get-contexts kubectl config use-context <context>

Download and install helm


curl | bash

(will install to /usr/local/bin/helm)

Argo CD

Can use ArgoCD to deploy apps including ingress.

Before ingress, cert-manager installed, can access web UI via port-forwarding.

kubectl create namespace argocd

helm repo add argo

helm install argocd argo/argo-cd -n argocd --version 5.23.3 -f values.yaml

or use instead Terraform resources: 2.argocd

export KUBE_CONFIG_PATH=~/.kube/config

terraform init

terraform plan

terraform apply

Equivalent to DigitalOcean's 1-click marketplace: DigitalOcean Marketplace-Kubernetes ArgoCD Stack

Validation: helm ls -n argocd

kubectl get pods -n argocd

Fetch password for web UI: kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo

Port forward: kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

username: admin password (as above)

Load Balancer - Research

Terraform resource exists - digitalocean_loadbalancer

Used here to bind to underlying 'node' dropet (requires tags) - Go continuous delivery with Terraform and Kubernetes

But official DO docs - How to Add Load Balancers to Kubernetes Clusters says:

The DigitalOcean Cloud Controller supports provisioning DigitalOcean Load Balancers in a cluster’s resource configuration file. Load balancers created in the control panel or via the API cannot be used by your Kubernetes clusters.

Shows provisioning a load balancer via Yaml.

DO's own tutorial: How To Set Up an Nginx Ingress on DigitalOcean Kubernetes Using Helm deploys nginx Type LoadBalancer using helm.

Also says here: Service Annotations

DigitalOcean cloud controller manager watches for Services of type LoadBalancer and will create corresponding DigitalOcean Load Balancers matching the Kubernetes service. The Load Balancer can be configured by applying annotations to the Service resource.

Then, there is a question from someone unable to create a working load balancer and the root cause of his issue seems to be trying to configure a resource originally deployed via Terraform: K8S Nginx LoadBalancer constant 503 No server is available to handle this request:

This is your issue. You shouldn’t create a loadbalancer by hand, just create the ingress-nginx Helm release and add the annotations in that, and it will request the creation of the loadbalancer (correctly) automatically.

Finally, I realized that on the DO Kubernetes dashboard itself, there is a note that says:

Important: Load balancers and volumes should only be created through kubectl.

Conclusion: For a load-balancer, deploy Kubernetes resources and do not use DigitalOcean (Terraform) resource.


Important: limit load-balancer to a single 'node'. More load-balancer nodes means more capacity but costs more. Default size is 1 node.


Can use ArgoCD to deploy ingress but choose to do with Terraform as ingress is fundamental.

Recreate Cluster

Increase node size to 4cpu/8gb (48 USD/month) i.e. 4vcpu-8gb from doctl kubernetes options sizes

doctl auth init

Recreate cluster: doctl k8s cluster delete cluster1 Check any LBs left over: doctl compute load-balancer list --format IP,ID,Name,Status

doctl k8s cluster create cluster2
--node-pool "name=basicnp;size=s-4vcpu-8gb-amd;count=1;tag=cluster2;label=type=basic;auto-scale=false"
--region ams3

Check: kubectl config current-context

If not: doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save <your_cluster_name>

Check: kubectl get nodes doctl k8s cluster list

If not ready do: kubectl describe node <worker_node_name> kubectl describe pod <problempod>

Required for helm auth: export KUBE_CONFIG_PATH=~/.kube/config

Ingress Install

helm repo add ingress-nginx helm repo update ingress-nginx helm search repo ingress-nginx

NGINX_CHART_VERSION="4.1.3" helm install ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version "$NGINX_CHART_VERSION"
--namespace ingress-nginx
-f "manifests/nginx-values-v${NGINX_CHART_VERSION}.yaml"

(proxy protocol is set to allow client IP to be passed to applications)

If error from earlier install, deleting namespace or helm uninstall won't remove everything, use this: kubectl delete clusterrole nginx-ingress kubectl delete nginx-ingress kubectl delete clusterrole ingress-nginx kubectl delete clusterrole ingress-nginx-admission kubectl delete clusterrolebindings ingress-nginx kubectl delete clusterrolebindings ingress-nginx-admission kubectl delete ingressclass nginx kubectl delete ValidatingWebhookConfiguration ingress-nginx-admission

Check: helm ls -n ingress-nginx kubectl get all -n ingress-nginx Wait for LB external IP: watch -n 2 kubectl get all -n ingress-nginx doctl compute load-balancer list --format IP,ID,Name,Status

Get external IP: kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx


  • At registrar, configure domain name with DO's nameservers
  • At DO, manually add A records "echo", "quote" with ttl 30

Create 2x Apps

(Cert configuration not yet required)

kubectl create ns backend Create backend services (and deployments): kubectl apply -f manifests/echo_deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f manifests/quote_deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f manifests/echo_service.yaml kubectl apply -f manifests/quote_service.yaml

Check: kubectl get deployments -n backend kubectl get svc -n backend

Cert Manager Install

(required for https/TLS)

helm repo add jetstack helm repo update jetstack

CERT_MANAGER_HELM_CHART_VERSION="1.8.0" helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --version "$CERT_MANAGER_HELM_CHART_VERSION"
--namespace cert-manager
-f manifests/cert-manager-values-v${CERT_MANAGER_HELM_CHART_VERSION}.yaml

Check: helm ls -n cert-manager kubectl get all -n cert-manager Look for 3 deployments, 3 replicasets, 1 pod each, one svc Check: kubectl get crd -l Look for 6 crds

Create secret, put API token below:

DO_API_TOKEN= kubectl create secret generic "digitalocean-dns"
--namespace backend

Issuer Create (customize email address): kubectl apply -f manifests/cert-manager-wcard-issuer.yaml

Check: kubectl get issuer letsencrypt-nginx-wcard -n backend

Check for 'Ready' status: kubectl describe issuer letsencrypt-nginx-wcard -n backend

Create CRD certificate (customize domain): kubectl apply -f manifests/cert-manager-wcard-certificate.yaml

Check: kubectl get certificate <domain name> -n backend (Can take 15-60 minutes to be ready)

If still not ready: kubectl logs -l app=cert-manager, -n cert-manager

Check secret: kubectl describe secret <domain name> -n backend (should show wildcards and tls keypair)

Create Ingress resource (customize domain): kubectl apply -f manifests/wildcard-host.yaml kubectl get ingress -n backend

Site Testing:

curl -Li http://echo.<domain name>/ curl -Li http://quote.<domain name>/

(Shows also client IP in header)

Terraform Alternative

Use instead Terraform resources: 3.ingress

export KUBE_CONFIG_PATH=~/.kube/config

terraform init

terraform plan

terraform apply

Equivalent to DigitalOcean's 1-click marketplace: DigitalOcean Marketplace-Kubernetes Ingress-Nginx Stack

Equivalent to DigitalOcean's 1-click marketplace: DigitalOcean Marketplace-Kubernetes Cert-Manager Stack



DigitalOcean Infrastructure Terraform - Kubernetes and LoadBalancer








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