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add dark chee-theme
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chee committed Nov 6, 2013
1 parent bc590a3 commit 3b4ac30
Showing 1 changed file with 386 additions and 0 deletions.
386 changes: 386 additions & 0 deletions chee-theme.el
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
;;; chee-theme.el --- chee's emacs 24_ theme.

;; version 1
;; keywords: deftheme theme
;; author: chee <>
;; url:

;; this isn't part of gnu emacs

;; this program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of gnu general public licence as published by the
;; free software foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
;; later version.

;; this program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;; without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
;; merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. see the gnu
;; general public licence for more details.

;; you should have received a copy of the gnu general public licence
;; along with this program; if not, write to the free software
;; foundation, inc., 675 mass ave, cambridge, ma 02139, usa.
;; or go here lol

;; code:

(deftheme chee "chee -- i love you and colours")
(defvar chee/colors
'(("background" . "#021d24")
("foreground" . "#086F8A")
("hot" . "#ee046f")
("subtle" . "#043340")
("subtle2" . "#06485A")
("mint" . "#0ACB87")
("mustard" . "#D7C500")
("uhoh" . "#F12D00")
("wishy" . "#fafaee")
("function" . "#DB4E80")
("type" . "#0CADD6")
("variable" . "#ACAD82")
("myeyes" . "#D1453F")
("sky" . "#3999FF"))
"colours for chee-theme")
;; thanks to bbatsov for this macro
(defmacro chee/with-colors (&rest body)
"lets bind colors"
(declare (indent 0))
`(let ((class '((class color) (min-colors 89)))
,@(mapcar (lambda (cons)
(list (intern (car cons)) (cdr cons)))

((t (:foreground ,foreground :background ,background))))

((t (:foreground "white" :background ,hot))))

((t (:foreground ,hot))))

((t (:foreground ,subtle2))))

((t (:foreground ,subtle2 :family "sans-serif" :slant italic))))

((t (:foreground ,wishy))))

((t (:foreground ,mustard))))

((t (:foreground ,function))))

((t (:foreground ,myeyes))))

((t (:foreground ,uhoh))))

((t (:foreground ,sky))))

((t (:bold t
:weight bold))))

((t (:bold t
:weight bold))))

((t (:foreground ,mint :background ,background))))

((t (:foreground ,type))))

((t (:foreground ,variable))))

((t (:bold t
:foreground ,uhoh
:weight bold))))

((t (:background ,background))))

((t (:background "#303636"
:foreground "#eee"))))

((t (:inherit 'fringe
:foreground "#ccc"
:background ,subtle2
:box ,subtle))))

((t (:inherit 'mode-line
:box nil))))

((t (:box "#abb4a1"
:background "#012"))))

((t (:foreground ,hot))))

((t (:background ,foreground
:foreground ,background))))

((t (:background "#FA2573"))))

((t (:foreground ,hot))))

((t (:background ,subtle))))

((t (:background ,subtle))))

((t (
:inherit (shadow default background)
:foreground ,subtle2
:slant oblique
:height 0.94))))

((t (:background ,hot))))

((t (:bold t
:background "#571C0E"
:foreground "#331C10"
:weight bold))))

;; ISearch
((t (:background ,foreground
:box "white"))))

((t (:background "#382323"
:foreground ,uhoh))))

;; Twittering mode
((t (:foreground "#729FCF"))))

((t (:foreground "#FC951E"
:bold t))))

;; Usual UI stuffs
((t (:background ,foreground :foreground "white"))))

((t (:bold t
:foreground "#67D9F0"
:weight bold
:height 1.2))))

((t (:bold t
:foreground "#729FCF"
:weight bold))))

((t (:foreground "#A6E32Dr"))))

((t (:foreground "#729FCF"
:underline nil))))

;; JS2 stuff
((t (:foreground ,variable))))

((t (:inherit 'js2-function-param-face))))

;; Diff
((t (:foreground "#A6E32D"))))

((t (:foreground "#67D9F0"))))

((t (:foreground "#FA2573"))))

((t (:background "#555753"))))

((t (:bold t
:background "#555753"
:weight bold))))

((t (:foreground "#EEEEEE"))))

;; Whitespace mode
((t (:background ,background
:foreground "#82996A"))))

((t (:background ,background
:foreground "#7A6D89"))))

((t (:foreground ,background
:weight normal))))

((t (:background ,background
:foreground ,background))))

((t (:background ,background
:foreground ,background))))

((t (:background "#303636"
:foreground "#82996A"))))

((t (:background "#382323"
:foreground "#82996A"))))

((t (:inherit 'trailing-whitespace))))

((t (:background "#382323"
:foreground "#624935"))))

((t (:background "#382323"
:foreground "#82996A"))))

;; Flyspell stuff
((t (:background "#382323"
:underline "#FC951E"
:bold t))))

((t (:background "#382323"
:underline "#E52222"
:bold t))))

;; ERC
((t (:foreground "#75766A"))))

((t (:foreground "#FA2573"))))

((t (:foreground "#ABB4A1"))))

((t (:foreground "#729FCF"))))

((t (:foreground "#FC951E"
:background nil))))

((t (:foreground "#75766A"))))

;; ReStructuredText
((t (:foreground "#729FCF"
:background nil
:bold t))))

((t (:inherit 'rst-level-1-face))))

((t (:inherit 'rst-level-2-face))))

((t (:inherit 'rst-level-3-face))))

((t (:inherit 'rst-level-4-face))))

((t (:inherit 'rst-level-5-face))))

;; Outline
((t (:foreground "#437BA5"))))
((t (:foreground "#729bb6"))))
((t (:foreground "#a2bcc8"))))
((t (:foreground "#d1dcd9"))))
((t (:foreground "#437ba5"))))
((t (:foreground "#729bb6"))))
((t (:foreground "#a2bcc8"))))
((t (:foreground "#d1dcd9"))))

;; ORG Mode
((t (:foreground "#303636"))))
((t (:inherit 'font-lock-type-face))))

;; Perspective mode
((t (:foreground "#eeeeee"
:background "#382323"
:box "#382323"))))
;; Yasnippet
((t (:background "#586045"
:box "#ACAE95"))))))

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