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Agent Workbench Python Wrapper

The Agent Workbench Python Wrapper is a Python package that provides a set of classes and methods for constructing agents tailored to specific tasks. This wrapper simplifies the process of building agents that interact with web browsers or language models by offering a convenient and easy-to-use interface.


First you must install the agent workbench itself following the instructions from

You can install the Agent Workbench Python Wrapper using pip:

pip install git



The Command module includes all the commands you can implement for browser and llm operations. Here's how you can use it:

Browser Commands

Browser Commands can be initialized either by passing in arguments to a new BrowserCommand object, or by initializing from a dictionary in the correct format.

- Navigate Command

Initializing with arguments:

  • Arguments:
    • url: The url for the webpage to open
from agent.config.command import Navigate
# Navigate to a webpage
navigate_command = Navigate("")

Initializing with a dictionary:

from agent.config.command import Navigate
navigate_command_dict = {
    "command_name": "open_web_page",
    "params": {"url": ""}
navigate_command = Navigate.init_from_dict(navigate_command_dict)
- FullPageScreenshot Command

Initializing with arguments:

  • Arguments:
    • quality: quality of the image, higher = better
    • name: name of the screenshot file
    • snap_shot_name: what snapshot folder to save too
from agent.config.command import FullPageScreenshot
# Take a full page screenshot
full_page_screenshot_command = FullPageScreenshot(quality=80, name="example_page", snap_shot_name="<location>")

Initializing with a dictionary:

from agent.config.command import FullPageScreenshot
full_page_screenshot_command_dict = {
        "command_name": "full_page_screenshot",
        "params": {
            "quality": 90,
            "name": "full_page_screenshot.png",
            "snap_shot_name": "snapshot",
full_page_screenshot_command = FullPageScreenshot.init_from_dict(full_page_screenshot_command_dict)
- Element Screenshot Command

Initializing with arguments:

  • Arguments:
    • scale: The size and quality of the image
    • selector: the xpath selector used to capture the image
    • name: the name of the image file that will be written in
    • snap_shot_name: the snapshot folder to save the image too
from agent.config.command import ElementScreenShot
# Take a screenshot of a specific element
element_screenshot_command = ElementScreenShot(scale=2, selector="<css selector>", name="<example_name>", snap_shot_name="<location>")

Initializing with a dictionary:

from agent.config.command import ElementScreenShot
Element_screenshot_command_dict = {
        "command_name": "element_screenshot",
          "params": {
            "name": "element.png",
            "selector": "<selector for the element to capture>",
            "snap_shot_name": "s1"
element_screenshot_command = ElementScreenShot.init_from_dict(Element_screenshot_command_dict)
- CollectNodes Command

Initializing with arguments:

  • Arguments:
    • selector: The css selector that represents the section you want to extract
    • snap_shot_name: the folder to write the data to
    • wait_ready: whether to wait for the element to appear, defaults to False
from agent.config.command import CollectNodes
# Collect nodes (elements) from a webpage
collect_nodes_command = CollectNodes(selector="<css selector>", snap_shot_name="snapshot_1")

Initializing with a dictionary:

from agent.config.command import CollectNodes
collect_nodes_command_dict = {
        "command_name": "collect_nodes",
          "params": {
            "wait_ready": 'false',
            "snap_shot_name": "s1"
collect_nodes_command = CollectNodes.init_from_dict(collect_nodes_command_dict)
- SaveHtml Command

Initializing with arguments:

  • Arguments:
    • snap_shot_name: The snapshot to save the html too
from agent.config.command import SaveHtml
# Save HTML content to a file
save_html_command  = SaveHtml(snap_shot_name="snapshot_1")

Initializing with a dictionary:

from agent.config.command import SaveHtml
save_html_command_dict = {
        "command_name": "save_html",
          "params": {
            "snap_shot_name": "s1"
save_html_command = SaveHtml.init_from_dict(save_html_command_dict)
- Sleep Command

Initializing with arguments:

  • Arguments:
    • seconds: The sleep duration
from agent.config.command import Sleep

# Sleep for a specified duration
sleep_command = Sleep(seconds=5)

Initializing with a dictionary:

from agent.config.command import Sleep
sleep_command_dict = {
        "command_name": "sleep",
          "params": {
            "seconds": 1
sleep_command = Sleep.init_from_dict(sleep_command_dict)
- Click Command

Initializing with arguments:

  • Arguments:
    • selector: The value you are using to discriminate your selection
    • query_type: the type of the selector ex: x_path
from agent.config.command import Click
# Click on a particular element on the webpage
click_command = Click(selector="<css selector>", query_type="xpath")

Initializing with a dictionary:

from agent.config.command import Click
click_dict = {
        "command_name": "click",
        "params": {
            "selector": "//button[@id='submit']", 
            "query_type": "xpath"
click_command = Click.init_from_dict(click_dict)

LLM Commands

LLM Commands can be initialized either by passing in arguments to a new LLMComand object, or by initializing from a dictionary in the correct format.

- Standard LLM Commands

Initializing with arguments:

  • Arguments:
    • role: the role of the message to the LLM (generally will be 'user')
    • content: the content of the message to send to the LLM
from agent.config.command import Standard
# These commands are standard text based prompts to the model selected
standard_command = Standard(role="user", content="Can you be a helpful assistant?")

Initializing with a dictionary:

from agent.config.command import Standard
# These commands are standard text based prompts to the model selected
standard_command_dict = {
    "message": {
        "role": "user",
        "content": "can you be a helpful assistant?"
standard_command = Standard.init_from_dict(standard_command_dict)
- Multimodal LLM Command

Initializing with arguments:

  • Arguments:
    • role: the role of the message to the LLM (generally will be 'user')
from agent.config.command import Multimodal
# These commands allow users to engineer prompts for multimodal models 
explain_image = Multimodal('user')
explain_image.add_content('text', "explain what is happening in this image")
explain_image.add_content("image_url", "<path to image or image url>" , True)

Initializing with a dictionary:

from agent.config.command import Multimodal
multimodal_command_dict = {
    "message": {
        "role": "user",
        "content": [
            {"type": "text", "text": "Hello"},
                "type": "image_url",
                "image_url": {"url": ""},
multimodal_command = Multimodal.init_from_dict(multimodal_command_dict)
- Assistant LLM Commands

Initializing with arguments:

  • Arguments:
    • role: the role of the message from the LLM (will be 'assistant' for assistant commands)
    • content: the content of the message to send to the LLM
from agent.config.command import Assistant
# These commands represent responses from LLMs which users can access to 
# construct continuous conversations with a model
assistant_command = Assistant(role="assistant", content="<response form LLM>")

Initializing with a dictionary:

from agent.config.command import Assistant
assistant_command_data = {
    "message": {"role": "assistant", "content": "<response from LLM>"}
assistant_command = Assistant.init_from_dict(assistant_command_data)


The Operation module allows you to create operation objects. Operation objects are lists of either browser commands or llm commands to be executed. Here's how you can implement them.

Browser Operations

The BrowserOperations class allows you to construct operations that involve interacting with web browsers. Below is an example of how to use it:

  • Conduit Arguments:

    • operations: a list of Operation objects
  • Arguments:

    • headless: Sets if you wish to visually see the agent operate on the browser
    • timeout: the maxtime the browser operation can operate for
from agent.config.operation import BrowserOperations
from agent.config.command import Navigate, FullPageScreenshot
from agent.conduit import Conduit

# Create a BrowserOperations instance
browser_ops = BrowserOperations(headless=True, timeout=30)

# Add commands to the operation
browser_ops.append(FullPageScreenshot(quality=80, name="example_page", snap_shot_name= "example_name"))

#running the Browser Operations list
agent = Conduit([browser_ops]) = True)

LLM Operations

The LLMOperations class is designed for making requests to Language Model APIs. Here's how you can use it:

  • Conduit Arguments:

    • operations: a list of Operation objects
  • LLMOperations Arguments:

    • try_limit: the number of times the user wants a request to be tried by the agent if it is not able to get a response on the first try
    • timeout: the amount of time the user wants the agent to allow for a response to be received from a model before requesting again
    • max_tokens: the maximum number of words the user wants the model's response to be
    • llm_settings: a list of LLMSettings objects defining the settings for the different LLMs the user wants the agent to switch between (OpenAISettings, ...)
    • workflow_type: the type of agentic workflow the user wants the agent to implement (use chat_completion)
  • OpenAISettings Arguments:

    • name: the name of the api
    • api_key: key for the api
    • model: the specific OpenAI model the user wants to use (e.g., gpt-3.5-turbo)
    • temperature: the temperature the user wants the model to use (0.0 - 2.0)
from agent.config.operation import LLMOperations, OpenAISettings
from agent.config.command import Standard
from agent.conduit import Conduit

# Define LLM settings
openai_settings = OpenAISettings(
    name="OpenAI", api_key="<your_api_key>", model="gpt-3.5-turbo", temperature=0.7

# Create LLM operations
llm_ops = LLMOperations(

# Add LLM commands to the operation
llm_ops.append(Standard(role="user", content="Hello, how are you?"))

#running the LLM Operations list
agent = Conduit([llm_ops]) = True)