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Note: need to put '' around the YAML Also, need to put a space after the colon You can't have ' marks in the YAML For numbers in the YAML, you don't need quotes

In most scenarios, you can avoid URL encoding if you ensure that your slugs don't contain any characters that have special meanings in a URL context. These characters include #, ?, &, %, /, :, ;, =, @, +, $, ,, , ", <, >, {, }, |, , ^, ~, [, ], `, and '.

title: What's This? date: 2023-07-30

Normal Text




Bold bold text

Italic italicized text

Blockquote > blockquote

Strikethrough The world is flat.

Ordered List

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

Unordered List / Bullet Points

  • First item
  • Second item
  • Third item

Code This is inline code

Horizontal Rule: Try to put a blank line before...

...and after a horizontal rule.

Link title

Table Syntax Description
Header Title Text
Paragraph Text Text

Markdown Previewer

Note: This is a note, quote, or blockquote

This is a callout

Emoji! 😀

Image from url A cute kitten

Gif from local NFT

Image from local Patrick

Rounded Image from local Patrick

<ConsCard title="vanilla CSS" cons={[You're building a large web application.]} />

<ProsCard title="vanilla CSS" pros={[ You don't want to add a toolchain. Vanilla CSS works with every browser & language., ]} />

This link will use CustomLink

Here's an internal link, an anchor link, and an external link.

Combining with multiple attributes: internal link I love supporting the EFF. This is the Markdown Guide. See the section on code.

This is a reference-style link:

Here's a footnote reference,1 and another.2 Here's another footnote reference that refers to the same footnote,1 Here's another footnote reference that refers to a different footnote,3 Here's another footnote that refers to the another long footnote,2 Here's another footnote that refers to the a different long footnote,4

  • Latex
  • Images
  • Lists
  • Code
  • Headings
  • Table
  • Spacing
  • Notes or Quotes (blockquote)
  • Links
  • line
  • line break
  • callout (made from mdx.tsx)
  • inline code
  • bold
  • italic
  • strikethrough
  • horizontal rule
  • task list
  • emoji
  • ProsCard (made from mdx.tsx)
  • ConsCard (made from mdx.tsx)
  • Rounded Image
  • CustomLink a (made from mdx.tsx)
  • Footnote Reference with multiple blocks
  • Footnote


  1. Here is the footnote. 2

  2. Here's one with multiple blocks.

    Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they

    they also like

    something they also so something 2

  3. Here is a different footnote.

  4. Here's one with multiple blocks.

    Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they they also like something they also so something