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Zpy shell

ZpyContent Next level command line shell with script languages, like python or js. Work in shell with your favorite language.

(Zpy) pwd | "Current folder %s" % z | cat
Current folder /Users/XXXX/pytho-nal
(Zpy) j request = require('request')
(Zpy) j ['New York', 'Paris', 'London', 'Berlin', 'San Francisco'] 
      |[for] j request(`${z}`, (err,res,body) => sync(JSON.parse(body).data)) 
      |j => `${data.location} has temperature ${data.temperature} Β°F`) 
      |[for] echo $z >> weather.txt
['', '', '', '', '']
(Zpy) cat weather.txt
New York has temperature -7 Β°F
Paris has temperature -7 Β°F
London has temperature -7 Β°F
Berlin has temperature 4 Β°F
San Francisco has temperature 24 Β°F


Zpy Demo Combine Python and JavaScript together in the terminal is really easy! Just look at Full Video with additional features!


Zpy ideology says - pipeline make work in terminal great again! Pipeline play the major role in zpy. If you want to use every opportunity of Zpy you should know a few things about the pipeline. Input command will be splited by pipeline character, each of token will be evaluated by shell,python or js interpreter, and tokens will be chained into 1 chain. Zpy pass previous token evaluation result as stdin to next token and you have access to z-variable if token not expects to stdin. So Zpy pipes work like standard unix pipes.


If you want use Zpy you should a few rules.

  • Command will be evaluated by unix system if you add ` symbol in begin of the token, or you command begin with 142 linux commands
  • Command will be evaluated by javascript language if you add j at begining of token.
  • Command will be evaluated by Chain Pool if you add specific characters [%function%] at begining of token, where %function% is specific chain pool function, like for function.
  • Command will be evaluated by python command in any other case(by default just evaluate python code - python is default language)

From Python to Unix

(Zpy) "\n".join(["Zpy so awesome #review #1e%s"%i for i in range(10)]) | grep "5\|6\|8"
Zpy so awesome #review #1e5
Zpy so awesome #review #1e6
Zpy so awesome #review #1e8

Generate array with text joined with number from zero to ten, join it by using \n character, that we can use it in unix pipe cause grep use data splited by \n characher. Filtering results by using grep command, show only string which contrains 5,6 or 8 digits.

(Zpy) "%s.%s" % ('index','php') | cat $z
cat: index.php: No such file or directory
(Zpy) "%s.%s" % ('index','cpp') | touch $z

Generate "index.php" as z-value, and send it to next pipe. Last pipe will be evaluated by unix system, we have access to z-variable as like path variable or stdin. So you can write $z to access variable ...|touch $z or stdin ...|grep "index".

From Unix to Python

(Zpy) ls | z.split('\n') | filter(lambda x : 'index' in x, z) | list(z)

Get current files, convert it into array and filter it by some condition We have access to z-variable as z.

From (Unix or Python) to Js and back

As you can see abowe, we have access to z variable from unix or python just use z or $z variables, this rule works the same way in js.

(Zpy) '' | j req(z, (err,res,body) => sync(body)) | j JSON.parse(z).data | "Today is %s and current temperature %s" % (z['date'], z['temperature'])
Today is 03-12-2017 and current temperature -14

python -> javascript-> javascript-> python Get current temperature and date from Note here we use sync function from javascript, this command will send data from Async function call (see description in javascript section).

Salad of languages

(Zpy) j [1,2,3,4].map((e) => `js ${e}`) | ["python + %s" %x for x in z] | "\n".join(z) | sed -e 's/$/ + bash = Zpy/'
python + js 1 + bash = Zpy
python + js 2 + bash = Zpy
python + js 3 + bash = Zpy
python + js 4 + bash = Zpy

How about dah? javascript -> python -> bash


  • Python 3
  • pip3
  • compgen
  • nodejs or any other js runtime.


Install via pip

pip3 install zpyshell

Install from github sources:

git clone
cd zpy;pip3 install -r requirements.txt

If you want use power of js, install nodejs.


If you install zpy via pip just run in terminal

$ zpy

But if you install from sources, navigate to repository root folder and run it like python script

python3 Zpy/   


python3 tests/


Currently zpy support 3 languages

More languages

Now Zpy supports python and js, but in the first release, we will add more languages!


Zpy written in python, so python it's the first language which was be added and supported.

Python Imports

If you wan't import some modules into zpy, just add ~ in the begging and type your import command.

(Zpy) ~import random,os
(Zpy) ~from PIL import Image
(Zpy) find /Users/XXXX/Pictures -name "*.jpg" | z.split('\n') | z[random.randint(0,len(z))] |

Show random Image from your Pictures folder. Note: change /Users/XXXX/Pictures to your folder with images

(Zpy) ~import os
(Zpy) pwd | os.listdir(z)
['__pycache__', 'a.txt', '', 'linux-command-to-list-all-available-commands-and-aliases', '', 'Zpy']
(Zpy) ~from Zpy.Utils import get_linux_commands
['adduser', 'arch', 'awk', 'bc', 'cal', 'cat', 'chdir', 'chgrp', 'chkconfig', 'chmod', 'chown', 'chroot', 'cksum', 'clear', 'cmp', 'comm', 'cp', 'cron', 'crontab', 'csplit', 'cut', 'date', 'dc', 'dd', 'df', 'diff', 'diff3', 'dir', 'dircolors', 'dirname', 'du', 'echo', 'ed', 'egrep', 'eject', 'env', 'expand', 'expr', 'factor', 'FALSE', 'fdformat', 'fdisk', 'fgrep', 'find', 'fmt', 'fold', 'format', 'free', 'fsck', 'gawk', 'grep', 'groups', 'gzip', 'head', 'hostname', 'id', 'info', 'install', 'join', 'kill', 'less', 'ln', 'locate', 'logname', 'lpc', 'lpr', 'lprm', 'ls', 'man', 'mkdir', 'mkfifo', 'mknod', 'more', 'mount', 'mv', 'nice', 'nl', 'nohup', 'passwd', 'paste', 'pathchk', 'pr', 'printcap', 'printenv', 'printf', 'ps', 'pwd', 'quota', 'quotacheck', 'quotactl', 'ram', 'rcp', 'rm', 'rmdir', 'rpm', 'rsync', 'screen', 'sdiff', 'sed', 'select', 'seq', 'shutdown', 'sleep', 'sort', 'split', 'su', 'sum', 'symlink', 'sync', 'tac', 'tail', 'tar', 'tee', 'test', 'time', 'touch', 'top', 'traceroute', 'tr', 'TRUE', 'tsort', 'tty', 'umount', 'uname', 'unexpand', 'uniq', 'units', 'unshar', 'useradd', 'usermod', 'users', 'uuencode', 'uudecode', 'vdir', 'watch', 'wc', 'whereis', 'which', 'who', 'whoami', 'xargs', 'yes']

Print all linux commands defined in zpy.

Default imports

If you don't want import general modules like os every time when you launch zpy, you can use default imports You just need execute zpy method add_def_imports.

(Zpy) zpy.add_def_imports("numpy","import numpy as np")
(Zpy) zpy.get_def_imports()
numpy => import numpy as np

Done! When you launch Zpy, this modules will be imported automatically. Let's try evaluate something.

(Zpy) np.arange(20)
[ 0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19]
(Zpy) np.arange(20) | np.std

Note Here we use np.std without input arguments, Zpy will pass z-value as 1 argument to function and evaluate it. Function will be evaluated with z parameter as argument by default, if return type of evaluation is function.


Zpy have some cool things, like modules! Modules is your own script which will be imported by default. Zpy have own zpy module.

(Zpy) zpy
<Zpy.languages.zpy.zpy object at 0x10268d2e8>

zpy is just python class, which can storage some information (like scripts). zpy Methods :

  • get_scripts() - return list of scripts
  • add_script(name) - Currying add_new_script method, returns add_new_script(name=name)
  • add_new_script(name, script) - create new script
  • remove_script(name) - remove script
  • eval(name, input='') - eval script and send input
  • eval_with_input(name) - Currying eval method, returns eval(name=name)
  • last_zcommand() - return last z-command. Note after evaluation last_zcommand() method and value returns,, last z-command will be last_zcommand()
  • add_module(module_name, path_to_module_file_py) - add module, it will be available from zpy like module_name
  • get_modules() - returns all modules
  • remove_module(name) - remove module by name, file will not be deleted
  • as_table(data) - trying to convert string to table data
(Zpy) zpy.get_scripts()
(Zpy) zpy.add_new_script("ls", "ls -lah")
(Zpy) zpy.get_scripts()
ls => ls -lah
(Zpy) zpy.eval('ls')
total 408
drwxr-xr-x   9 albert  staff   306B Feb 27 22:29 .
drwxr-xr-x  33 albert  staff   1.1K Feb 24 22:47 ..
drwxr-xr-x   8 albert  staff   272B Feb 27 22:36 .idea
-rw-r--r--   1 albert  staff   6.1K Feb 27 22:13
drwxr-xr-x   7 albert  staff   238B Feb 27 22:35 Zpy
-rw-r--r--   1 albert  staff   685B Feb 27 22:25
-rw-r--r--   1 albert  staff   182K Feb  1 20:00 linux-command-to-list-all-available-commands-and-aliases
-rw-r--r--   1 albert  staff    36B Feb 27 15:47 random.file
-rw-r--r--   1 albert  staff    24B Feb 27 22:13 zpy.conf

Some advanced stuff

(Zpy) ~import requests, json
(Zpy) requests.get('') | z.text | z.replace('//','') | json.loads(z)[0] | z['pcls_fix']
(Zpy) zpy.last_zcommand()
requests.get('') | z.text | z.replace('//','') | json.loads(z)[0] | z['pcls_fix']
(Zpy) zpy.last_zcommand()
(Zpy) requests.get('') | z.text | z.replace('//','') | json.loads(z)[0] | z['pcls_fix']
(Zpy) zpy.last_zcommand() | zpy.add_script("Get stock NSE:HDFC")
(Zpy) zpy.eval('Get stock NSE:HDFC')

Adding new module

You may want to add the module to Zpy functionality written in python, in Zpy you can do this in few steps

1)Create python module
(Zpy) pwd
(Zpy) cd to
(Zpy) pwd
(Zpy) ['def square(a):','\treturn a * a'] | "\n".join(z) | cat >
(Zpy) cat
def square(a):
    return a * a
2)Add module to Zpy

Run zpy method add_module from zpy python module.

(Zpy) zpy.add_module("some_model","/path/to/"

Or edit zpy.conf file - add name and py file location to [MODULE] section :

some_model = /path/to/


And try evaluate method from some_module

(Zpy) some_module.square(4)
3)Processing input from pipe

Passing pipe output to your module function - really easy. You just need declare zpy_input in your function argument list :

def square(a):
    return a * a
def square_from_pipe(zpy_input):
   return square(zpy_input)

(Zpy) 12 | some_module.square_from_pipe

Also, we can use currying if we want implement pow function, we should pass 2 variables - base value and exponent value. But pipe can send only 1 variable, we can pass them as string array and parse them inside our function OR we can use carrying,

import math
def square(a):
    return a * a

def square_from_pipe(zpy_input):
   return square(zpy_input)
def power(base, exponent=None):
    if exponent is None:
        def currying_function(zpy_input):
            return math.pow(base, zpy_input)

        return currying_function
        return math.pow(base, exponent)

zpy.conf Universal function power is done! Let's test it

(Zpy) some_module.power(2)(2)
(Zpy) some_module.power(2)(4)
(Zpy) 5 | some_module.power(2)


Javascript one of the most popular language ever, so zpy work with them. You can use nodejs with some features like File System I/O, or other JS runtime. Special thanks for PyExecJS! Zpy use this module inside, so you can see the full list of available runtimes in the link above. Everybody knows javascript use async functions, this is a problem cause pipes do not works async. This problem will be solved bu using sync or sync_err functions.

JS Syntax

Command will be evaluated by javascript command if you add j at begining of token.

(Zpy) j 2 + 3

JS Imports

If you wan't import some modules into js chain, use require.

npm i request --global
(Zpy) j request = require('request')
Added new requirements : { [['request', 'request']] }

Note your modules should be installed globaly

JS Default imports

If you want import general modules like request every time when you launch Zpy, you can use default imports. You just need execute method add_def_imports from zjs object.

(Zpy) zjs.add_def_imports('request', 'require("request")')
(Zpy) zjs.get_def_imports()
request => require("request")


Async to Sync

As I wrote above, we should have ability going from async function to sync function, but why we cannot use async without any modification? If we want make a request and after request send data to next chain, request should be fineshed before we go to next chain.

(Zpy) j [1,2,3].join("-") | z.split("-")
['1', '2', '3'] //It's work great! Cause js chain not async.
(Zpy) j request('', (err,res,body) => "") 
{'method': 'GET', 'uri': {'auth': None, 'path': '/api.php?city=New+York', 'host': '', 'hostname': '', 'hash': None, 'query': 'city=New+York', 'protocol': 'http:', 'port': 80, 'search': '?city=New+York', 'href': '', 'pathname': '/api.php', 'slashes': True}, 'headers': {'host': ''}}

As we can see result of evaluation request function is object with request properties like href, headers, host etc. Zpy trying convert it to JSON format. If result of evaluation is function and this function has attribute skip_print='zkip_' zpy skip result of evaluation (it will be helpfull in async function calls). Zpy do not return evaluation result if this is a func and func has properties skip_print='zkip_' or we use sync, sync_err function call.

sync function

sync command will send data from Async function call and finish current chain. It's realy easy to use.

(Zpy) j request('', (err,res,body) => sync(body)) | "Python retreive requests results from js `%s`" %z
Python retreive requests results from js `{"apiVersion":"1.0", "data":{ "location":"New York", "temperature":"-14", "skytext":"Light snow", "humidity":"64", "wind":"7.56 km/h", "date":"03-12-2017", "day":"Sunday" } }`


Throw error from async function call.

(Zpy) j setTimeout(function(){ sync_err('SOME ERROR') },200)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File ....
  execjs._exceptions.ProgramError: SOME ERROR

Chain Pool

Chain pool is programming language which have a lot of usefull functions inside Zpy. To start use functions like [for] just type this keyword after pipe character |, like |[for]. Square brackets [] indicate Chain pool function for. Chain pool take stdin as input stdin, and do some work with stdin, what work you enter after |[CHAIN_FUNCTION] keyword, you can use your favorite language with Chain pool function.

[for] function

[for] function iterate throught every item in array or data splited by \n character as stdin and evaluate every iterated item by any other language.


[ for ] any other language command, where [] is Chain pool syntax, for - for function. Chain pool [for] function

Here we generate data by python, simply by typing array initialization keyword, after that we use [for] keyword, split this array to 2 stdin arguments, evaluate shell function ls for every argument ('folder1' and 'folder2') and finally join result into array, and send into next chain. And in the last chain we just concatenate array by , character.

(Zpy) ['.', '..'] |[for] ls $z | ','.join(z)
Zpy ...., parent_folder content

Code for diagram above. Generate array, use Chain pool function for and join results by using ',' character.

(Zpy) ~import numpy as np
(Zpy) np.arange(10).reshape(2,5).tolist() |[for] [for] z**2
[[0, 1, 4, 9, 16], [25, 36, 49, 64, 81]]

Iterate every row and column and change every value, by power function.


(Zpy) ~import os
(Zpy) pwd | os.listdir(z) | "Files divided by commma %s" % ",".join(z)
Files divided by commma .idea,__pycache__,a.txt,,linux-command-to-list-all-available-commands-and-aliases,,Zpy

Get current directory using shell command, pipe into python code as z-variable and print result of last chain

(Zpy) ~from terminaltables import AsciiTable, SingleTable
(Zpy) ls -lah | z.split('\n') | [' '.join(x.split()).split(' ') for x in z] | SingleTable(z).table
β”‚ total      β”‚ 8  β”‚        β”‚       β”‚      β”‚     β”‚   β”‚       β”‚                β”‚
β”‚ drwxr-xr-x β”‚ 4  β”‚ albert β”‚ staff β”‚ 136B β”‚ Mar β”‚ 4 β”‚ 23:32 β”‚ .              β”‚
β”‚ drwxr-xr-x β”‚ 10 β”‚ albert β”‚ staff β”‚ 340B β”‚ Mar β”‚ 4 β”‚ 23:34 β”‚ ..             β”‚
β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚ 1  β”‚ albert β”‚ staff β”‚ 0B   β”‚ Mar β”‚ 4 β”‚ 23:32 β”‚ empty_file.txt β”‚
β”‚ -rw-r--r-- β”‚ 1  β”‚ albert β”‚ staff β”‚ 9B   β”‚ Mar β”‚ 4 β”‚ 23:32 β”‚ not_empy.txt   β”‚
β”‚            β”‚    β”‚        β”‚       β”‚      β”‚     β”‚   β”‚       β”‚                β”‚

Convert ugly result after evaluation ls -lah to great table! Note This functionality available inside zpy module ls -lah | zpy.as_table

(Zpy) ['',''] |[for] j request(z, (err,res,body) => sync(body))
(Zpy) `wget -qO- | z.split(" ") | filter(lambda x : "head" in x,z) | list(z) 
['html>\n<html>\n<head>\n', '\n</head>\n\n<body>\n<div>\n']
(Zpy) `wget -qO- | z.split(" ") | filter(lambda x : "head" in x,z) | list(z) | "Total size : %s" % len(z) 
Total size : 2

Download content from page and count current entrance word 'head'

(Zpy) find ./ -name "*.py" | z.split("\n")[:2]
['.//', './/Zpy/languages/']
(Zpy) find ./ -name "*.py" | z.split("\n")[:2] | "\n".join(z) |grep "an"

First evaluation will find file in current directory and get first 2 results. Second evaluation do the same plus filter results by shell command grep

(Zpy) ~import re
(Zpy) "" | `wget -qO- $z |  re.findall(r"Book[^\.].*?",z,re.IGNORECASE) | "COUNT : %s" % len(z)
COUNT : 645
(Zpy) ~import uuid
(Zpy) uuid.uuid4() | str(z) | cat > random.file
(Zpy) cat random.file

Danger tricks (Do not evaluate)

(Zpy) ~from Zpy.Utils import get_linux_commands

(Zpy) ~import random,os

(Zpy) get_linux_commands() | z[random.randint(0,len(z))] | os.system(z)
staff everyone localaccounts _appserverusr admin _appserveradm _lpadmin _appstore _lpoperator _develope...

Get all shell commands declared in Zpy, and execute random one

(Zpy) ~import random,os

(Zpy) ['you are lucky','displaysleepnow','lock'] | z[random.randint(0,len(z))] | os.system("pmset %s" %z)

If you run on OSX, 33% nothing happens


The module is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.