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Bing Chat Prompts


Table of Contents

DIY Template

[topic]: "your_topic", [task]: "your_task", [requirements]: "your_requirements_for_task".


  1. Choose a category that matches your task.

  2. Replace the 'placeholders' in the prompts with your details.

  3. Copy and Paste the prompt into Bing Chat and hit ENTER.

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🚗 Car Maintenance Guide

[car_brand]: "your_car_brand", [task]: "Provide a car maintenance guide for [car_brand]", [requirements]: "Include routine checks and DIY maintenance tips."

🚗 Car Price Check

[make_model]: "your_make_model", [task]: "Check the current price of [make_model]", [requirements]: "Include new and used prices."


🎨 Art Project Ideas

[medium]: "your_preferred_medium", [task]: "Suggest creative art projects using [medium]", [requirements]: "Include step-by-step instructions and required materials."


🛒 Shopping Assistant

[product]: "your_product", [task]: "Find the best deals for [product] online", [requirements]: "Include prices, sellers, and customer reviews."

🛒 Product Reviews

[product_type]: "your_product_type (e.g., laptops, headphones)", [task]: "Provide reviews for the top [product_type] in 2023", [requirements]: "Include pros, cons, and user ratings."


💼 Competitor Analysis

[competitor]: "your_competitor", [task]: "Provide a detailed analysis of [competitor]", [requirements]: "Include strengths, weaknesses, and market share."

💼 Resume Builder

[profession]: "your_profession", [task]: "Help me create a professional resume for a [profession]", [requirements]: "Include relevant skills, work experience, and a compelling summary."


📈 Budget Planner

[goal]: "your_budgeting_goal (e.g., saving for a vacation)", [task]: "Help me create a budget plan for [goal]", [requirements]: "Include income, expenses, and savings projections."


🍔 Recipe Finder

[cuisine]: "your_preferred_cuisine", [task]: "Find a delicious recipe for a [cuisine] dish", [requirements]: "Include ingredients, step-by-step instructions, and cooking tips."


🏋️‍♂️ Workout Routine Creator

[goal]: "your_fitness_goal", [task]: "Design a personalized workout routine to achieve [goal]", [requirements]: "Include exercises, sets, reps, and rest intervals suitable for the individual's fitness level and equipment availability."

🏋️‍♂️ Yoga Instructor

[level]: "your_yoga_level (e.g., beginner, advanced)", [task]: "Guide me through a [level] yoga session", [requirements]: "Provide poses and breathing instructions."

🏋️‍♂️ Nutrition Advice

[goal]: "your_nutrition_goal (e.g., weight loss, muscle gain)", [task]: "Recommend a nutrition plan to achieve [goal]", [requirements]: "Include meal ideas and dietary guidelines."


🌱 Plant Care Advisor

[plant_type]: "your_plant_type", [task]: "Provide care instructions for [plant_type]", [requirements]: "Include watering schedule, sunlight needs, and common issues."

Home Improvement

🏠 DIY Home Renovation Tips

[room]: "your_target_room", [task]: "Offer tips for renovating the [room]", [requirements]: "Include budget-friendly ideas and safety precautions."

Real Estate

🏠 Property Search

[location]: "your_location", [task]: "Search for available properties in [location]", [requirements]: "Include property types, prices, and contact details."

🏠 Neighborhood Insights

[location]: "your_location", [task]: "Give me information about [neighborhood]", [requirements]: "Include safety, schools, and amenities."


🌐 Website Recommendations

[interest]: "your_interest", [task]: "Suggest top websites for [interest]", [requirements]: "Include website names and brief descriptions."

🌐 Social Media Analytics

[platform]: "your_social_media_platform", [task]: "Provide analytics for my [platform] account", [requirements]: "Include engagement metrics and audience insights."

🌐 Blog Post Ideas

[niche]: "your_niche (e.g., travel, technology)", [task]: "Suggest blog post ideas for [niche]", [requirements]: "Include catchy titles and potential content topics."

Events and Activities

📅 Local Event Finder

[city]: "your_city", [task]: "Find upcoming events in [city]", [requirements]: "Include event details, dates, and venues."


📚 Book Suggestions

[reading_preference]: "your_reading_preference", [task]: "Suggest a list of books that match my [reading_preference]", [requirements]: "Ensure a diverse selection of genres and authors."

📚 Latest Research Papers

[topic]: "your_topic", [task]: "Find and summarize the most recent research papers on [topic]", [requirements]: "Include key findings and publication dates."

📚 Research Assistance

[topic]: "your_topic", [task]: "Find academic papers and articles related to [topic]", [requirements]: "Include publication sources and summaries."


🎶 Song Lyrics Finder

[song_title]: "your_song_title", [task]: "Find lyrics for the song '[song_title]'", [requirements]: "Ensure accurate and complete lyrics."

🎶 Concert Tickets

[artist]: "your_artist", [task]: "Help me find and purchase concert tickets for [artist]", [requirements]: "Include ticket prices and availability."

News and Updates

📰 News Summary

[topic]: "your_topic", [task]: "Provide a summary of the latest news in [topic]", [requirements]: "Include key headlines and developments."

📰 Weather Forecast

[location]: "your_location", [task]: "Provide a weather forecast for [location] for the next 5 days", [requirements]: "Include temperature, precipitation, and wind information."


🌍 Flight Booking Assistance

[destination]: "your_travel_destination", [task]: "Find the best flight deals to [destination]", [requirements]: "Include departure dates, airlines, and prices."

🌍 Hotel Booking

[destination]: "your_destination", [task]: "Help me book a hotel in [destination] for [dates]", [requirements]: "Include options, prices, and guest ratings."

🌍 Visa Information

[destination]: "your_destination", [task]: "Give me visa requirements and application steps for visiting [destination]", [requirements]: "Include processing times and fees."


🚆 Public Transit Info

[city]: "your_city", [task]: "Provide public transportation schedules and routes in [city]", [requirements]: "Include bus, subway, and train information."

Environmental Conservation

🌊 Sustainable Living Tips

[topic]: "your_sustainability_topic", [task]: "Share tips for sustainable living in [topic]", [requirements]: "Include eco-friendly practices and product recommendations."

Mindfulness and Well-being

🧘‍♀️ Meditation Session

[focus]: "your_focus (e.g., relaxation, stress relief)", [task]: "Guide me through a [focus] meditation session", [requirements]: "Provide a calming and effective meditation script."


📸 Photography Tips

[skill_level]: "your_skill_level (e.g., beginner, intermediate)", [task]: "Offer photography tips for [skill_level] photographers", [requirements]: "Include composition techniques and camera settings advice."


🏫 Homework Helper

[subject]: "your_subject (e.g., math, history)", [task]: "Assist with a homework problem in [subject]", [requirements]: "Provide step-by-step solutions and explanations."

🏫 Free Course Finder

[topic]: "your_topic", [task]: "Search for free online courses on [topic]", [requirements]: "The courses must be free-of-charge, and ".

Outdoor Activities

🏞️ Hiking Trail Suggestions

[region]: "your_region (e.g., mountains, coastal)", [task]: "Suggest scenic hiking trails in [region]", [requirements]: "Include trail difficulty, length, and highlights."


🐾 Pet Training Advice

[pet_type]: "your_pet_type", [task]: "Give training tips for [pet_type]", [requirements]: "Include positive reinforcement techniques and troubleshooting tips."

Puzzles and Games

🧩 Sudoku Generator

[difficulty]: "your_difficulty_level (e.g., easy, medium, hard)", [task]: "Generate a [difficulty] level Sudoku puzzle", [requirements]: "Ensure a solvable puzzle with a unique solution."


🏫 Online Course Recommendations

[subject]: "your_subject", [task]: "Recommend online courses in [subject]", [requirements]: "Include course names and providers."


🎯 Car Maintenance Guide

[car_brand]: "your_car_brand", [task]: "Provide a car maintenance guide for [car_brand]", [requirements]: "Include routine checks and DIY maintenance tips."


🎯 Shopping Assistant

[product]: "your_product", [task]: "Find the best deals for [product] online", [requirements]: "Include prices, sellers, and customer reviews."

