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Neural Docstring Generator (ndg)

A small program to generate docstrings using Ollama-compatible LLMs

Table of Contents


I don't like writing docstrings.

Large language models (LLMs) don't complain about writing docstrings.

Therefore, if I can get LLMs to write docstrings for me, then I'll be happy and free!

This tool (neural docstring generator, or ndg) is meant to provide a proof of concept on how to:

  • Read in source code files
  • Extract functions and their supporting code from the source file
  • Inference with LLMs self-hosted via Ollama with LangChain

How to Install

ndg was tested to work on x86-64 Linux computers running Python3.10.

It is assumed that you have a working ollama instance on your computer. To learn more, see the Ollama GitHub repository.


The following dependencies are required:

  • python3.10
  • poetry
  • langchain
  • progress
  • click
  • pyfs

Installation Instructions

To install:

  1. git clone this repository
  2. cd into this repository
  3. Install dependencies with pip install -r requirments && poetry install
  4. Build and install the ndg tool with make

How to Run

Usage: ndg [OPTIONS]

  -i, --input PATH   Source file to generate docstrings for  [required]
  -m, --model TEXT   LLM used to generate docstrings. NOTE: Must be
                     recognizable by Ollama
  -s, --system TEXT  The system prompt to use
  -o, --output PATH  File to output docstrings to  [required]
  --help             Show this message and exit.

If your input and output are equivalent, then a new file will be created in the same directory as input, but with the .ndg file extension appended to avoid overwriting content between the two files.

Default LLM

By default, Ollama's default CodeGemma model (codegemma) is used for this tool.

Default System Prompt

Here is the default system prompt.

This file contains code for counting lines of code of software projects.
Generate suitable docstring for these Python functions in Google's style.
Do not explain the result.
Only return the docstring and function declaration.
Return as raw text.

This can be adjusted with ndg --system