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RepeatButton represents a control that raises its press event repeatedly from the time it is pressed until it is released. The repeatDelay property determines when the event begins. You can also control the repeat rate of the repetitions with the repeat rate property.



RepeatButton repeatButtonVariable;

Button Events

enum ButtonEvents {
  PRESS = 1,     // Occurs when a key is pressed
  RELEASE = 2,   // Occurs when a key is released
  HOLD = 3,      // Occurs when a key is hold
  REPEAT = 4     // Occurs when a key is pressed an hold


bool repeatButton();    // Executing the Repeat button function


void buttonMode(uint8_t pin, uint8_t mode /*INPUT | INPUT_PULLUP*/);
void debounceDelay(uint16_t debounceDelay /*mS*/);
void repeatDelay(uint16_t repeatDelay /*mS*/, uint16_t repeatRate/*mS*/);


void buttonEvents(KeyEventCallback keyEventCallback);    // Occurs when a key is changed

// typedef void (*KeyEventCallback) (ButtonEvents e);


bool isKeyPressed();    // Determines whether the specified key is pressed
bool isKeyReleased();   // Determines whether the specified key is release
bool isKeyHolding();    // Determines whether the specified key is holding
bool isRepeating();     // Determines whether the specified key is repeating


Key Press and onKeyPressed

#include "RepeatButton.h"

#define buttonPin 2                     // Define the button input pin.

RepeatButton button;                    // Decalre the RepeatButton object

void OnKeyStateChanged(ButtonEvents e); // Occurs when a key is changed

void setup() {
  button.buttonMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the button mode
  button.buttonEvents(OnKeyStateChanged);     // Configure the callback function event on the key pressed
  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);               // Set the LED_BUILTIN mode

void loop() {
  button.repeatButton();                      // Executing the Repeat button function
  if (button.isKeyReleased(true)) {           // Steady State Key Pressed -> False = Rising Edge, True = Seady State
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);          // Turned LED ON
  } else {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);           // Turned LED OFF

void OnKeyStateChanged(ButtonEvents e) {
  Serial.println("Event on Key Pressed");     // Print message event on key Pressed

Key Release and onKeyReleased

#include "RepeatButton.h"

#define buttonPin 2                     // Define the button input pin.

RepeatButton button;                    // Decalre the RepeatButton object

void OnKeyStateChanged(ButtonEvents e); // Occurs when a key is changed

void setup() {
  button.buttonMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the button mode
  button.buttonEvents(OnKeyStateChanged);     // Configure the callback function event on the key released
  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);               // Set the LED_BUILTIN mode

void loop() {
  button.repeatButton();                      // Executing the Repeat button function
  if (button.isKeyReleased(true)) {           // Steady State Key Released -> False = Rising Edge, True = Seady State
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);          // Turned LED ON
  } else {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);           // Turned LED OFF

void OnKeyStateChanged(ButtonEvents e) {
  Serial.println("Event on Key Released");    // Print message event on key Released

Key Hold and onKeyHolding

#include "RepeatButton.h"

#define buttonPin 2                 // Define the button input pin.

const uint16_t holdDelay = 3000;    // Set Hold Time 3000 milliseconds

RepeatButton button;                // Decalre the RepeatButton object

void OnKeyStateChanged(ButtonEvents e);  // Occurs when a key is changed

void setup() {
  button.buttonMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Set the button mode
  button.holdDelay(holdDelay);                // Set the Hold delay
  button.buttonEvents(OnKeyStateChanged);     // Configure the callback function event on the key holding
  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);               // Set the LED_BUILTIN mode

void loop() {
  button.repeatButton();                      // Executing the Repeat button function
  if (button.isKeyHolding(true)) {            // Steady State Key Holding -> False = Rising Edge, True = Seady State
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);          // Turned LED ON
  } else {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);           // Turned LED OFF

void OnKeyStateChanged(ButtonEvents e) {
  Serial.println("Event on Key Hold");        // Print message event on key Hold

Key Repeat and onKeyRepeating

#include "RepeatButton.h"

#define buttonPin 2                 // Define the button input pin.

const uint16_t repeatDelay = 500;   // Set Delay 500 milliseconds
const uint16_t repeatRate = 200;    // Set Repeat rate 200 milliseconds

RepeatButton button;                // Decalre the RepeatButton object

void OnKeyStateChanged(ButtonEvents e);  // Occurs when a key is changed

void setup() {
  button.buttonMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);   // Set the button mode
  button.repeatDelay(repeatDelay, repeatRate);  // Set the Hold delay
  button.buttonEvents(OnKeyStateChanged);       // Configure the callback function event on the key holding
  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);                 // Set the LED_BUILTIN mode


void loop() {
  button.repeatButton();                        // Executing the Repeat button function
  if (button.isRepeating()) {                   // Steady State Key Repeating -> False = Rising Edge, True = Seady State
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);            // Turned LED ON
  } else {
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);             // Turned LED OFF

void OnKeyStateChanged(ButtonEvents e) {
  switch (e) {
    case PRESS:
      Serial.println("Event on Key Pressed");   // Print message event on key pressed
    case REPEAT
      Serial.println("Event on Key Repeat");    // Print message event on key repeat                          