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Releases: MewPurPur/GodSVG


17 Apr 23:39
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1.0-alpha3 Pre-release

After months of hard work, GodSVG releases its third alpha! Many thanks to everyone who contributed ❤️

Please consider making a donation on Github sponsors or Ko-Fi. Any financial support would make it significantly easier to push GodSVG to the finish line.

The biggest changes:

Expand Assets below to download the version for your platform.

Known issue: The UI is now tiny on big displays. There will be another alpha release soon that will fix this. In the meanetime, go to the Settings, Other, and increase the UI scale. In the dropdown, you can choose at most 2, but if you use the LineEdit, it actually allows up to 2.5


21 Dec 12:40
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1.0-alpha2 Pre-release

There is now a web build for GodSVG! It's not tested thoroughly and might have some bugs:

Lots of thanks to @aaronfranke for working out MacOS exports with me, and @aladvs for working out web exports with me.

The biggest changes:

  • Added optimizer that automatically formats attributes (by @MewPurPur)
  • Implemented the ability to drag and drop SVG files inside the window (by @Kiisu-Master)
  • Implemented CLI file opening and the ability to use GodSVG in "Open With..." dialogs (by @ilikefrogs101)
  • Various improvements to input handling in the viewport (by @Kiisu-Master)
  • Added handles for circle and ellipse radii and for rect sides (by @MewPurPur)
  • Added the ability to convert between tag types (by @MewPurPur)
  • A lot of small improvements
  • Bugfixes
  • New bugs


05 Dec 14:09
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1.0-alpha1 Pre-release

Finally, GodSVG releases its first development build, GodSVG 1.0-alpha1! Currently only on Windows and Linux, but the process will improve before the first release and it will become available on more platforms. Thanks a lot to everyone who has contributed!