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A social network for generating and sharing AI images, made with Next.js.


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Dream Canvas

A social network for generating and sharing AI images, made with Next.js. You can see a working example at

Note: Unfortunately, I can't guarantee that the image generation in this demo will work forever, as the API costs come out of my own funds.

Key FeaturesArchitecturePrerequisitesSetupKnown Issues / Potential improvementsCreditsDonateLicense




Key Features

  • User authentication using NextAuth/Auth.js
  • Premium users and Stripe integration
  • Generation limits for free and anonymous users that are reset daily
  • Create, comment, like and share posts
  • Follow, block and report users
  • Multiple Stable Diffusion checkpoints and LoRas
  • Free and priority queues
  • Real-time generation status updates via websockets
  • Real-time notifications via websockets


The repository is a monorepo consisting of 2 separate projects:

  • Frontend: A Next.js project that acts as the project's frontend and also comprises most of the backend logic via API Routes.

  • Server: A Node.js backend project designed to handle processes that wouldn't be possible in Next.JS due to its serverless architecture. It currently runs the Websockets server responsible for sending notifications and generation status updates, as well as processing the generation queue and running scheduled jobs.

There are also other services that are part of the project and are not contained in this repository:

  • A serverless Stable Diffusion API running on RunPod.

  • A postgreSQL database.


To get started, you'll need the following resources already setup:

  • A postgreSQL database
  • An SMTP server for sending authentication emails
  • A Stripe account for payment support
  • An S3-compatible bucket with public access


Stable Diffusion API

To set up a Stable Diffusion API in Runpod, I used the amazing work of Ashley Kleynhans in his Automatic1111 worker template. Make sure you've followed all the steps in his guide and in the end you'll have a working Stable Diffusion API.

You should also make sure that the checkpoints and LoRas downloaded to the Network Volume match the models in the project (which can be seen in models.ts, modifiers.ts and models.ts). The table below contains all the models used in the project, as well as their filenames and the link to find them.

SDXL Model Type Path/Filename Url
Juggernaut XL Checkpoint /models/Stable-diffusion/juggernautXL_juggernautX.safetensors
anima_pencil-XL Checkpoint /models/Stable-diffusion/animaPencilXL_v310.safetensors
epiCRealism XL Checkpoint /models/Stable-diffusion/epicrealismXL_v6Miracle.safetensors
Disney Princess XL LoRa /models/Lora/princess_xl_v2.safetensors
Sinfully Stylish LoRa /models/Lora/sinfully_stylish_SDXL.safetensors
Cucoloris Casting Shadow LoRa /models/Lora/casting shadow style v2.safetensors
Painted World LoRa /models/Lora/Painted World-000006.safetensors
ParchartXL LoRa /models/Lora/ParchartXL_CODA.safetensors
Neon Cyberpunk Impressionism SDXL LoRa /models/Lora/Neon_Cyberpunk_Impressionism_SDXL.safetensors
SDXL VAE VAE /models/VAE/sdxl_vae.safetensors
SDXL Refiner Refiner /models/Stable-diffusion/sd_xl_refiner_1.0.safetensors
ESRGAN 4x Upscaler /models/ESRGAN/4x-UltraSharp.pth

Next.js Frontend

The first step is to configure the environment variables correctly. Below is a table with the names of the variables and their respective descriptions.

Variable Description
NEXT_PUBLIC_URL The url where the Next.js project will be hosted.
DATABASE_URL The url of the project's postgreSQL database.
SMTP_HOST The url of the SMTP server.
SMTP_PORT The port of the SMTP server.
SMTP_USER The username of the SMTP server.
SMTP_PASSWORD The password of the SMTP server.
EMAIL_FROM The address that people will see in the from field when they receive the email.
NEXT_PUBLIC_DAILY_FREE_IP_GENERATIONS How many generations anonymous users have per day. Defaults to 5.
NEXT_PUBLIC_DAILY_FREE_USER_GENERATIONS How many generations free users have per day. Defaults to 25.
NEXT_PUBLIC_DAILY_PREMIUM_CREDITS How many premium credits free users will earn per day. Defaults to 50.
SYSTEM_DAILY_FREE_GENERATIONS How many free generations the server can do before it runs out of resources. Defaults to 200.
SYSTEM_FREE_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE The maximum number of generations that can be in the free queue at the same time.
STRIPE_SECRET_KEY Stripe secret key.
STRIPE_PRODUCT_WH_SECRET The key that will be used to validate the product price change webhook.
STRIPE_SUBSCRIPTION_WH_SECRET The key that will be used to validate the subscription webhook.
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID The credentials for Google's OAuth provider. You can leave this blank, but the OAuth login buttons will no longer work.
GITHUB_CLIENT_ID The credentials for Github's OAuth provider. You can leave this blank, but the OAuth login buttons will no longer work.
JWT_SECRET The secret that will be used to sign and verify the JWT authentication of websockets.
NEXTAUTH_SECRET NextAuth's secret key. Required in production.
NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBSOCKETS_SERVER The url for the Node.js backend service.
AWS_REG The S3-compatible bucket region.
AWS_KEY The S3-compatible bucket access key.
AWS_SECRET The S3-compatible bucket secret access key.
AWS_BUCKET The name of the S3-compatible bucket.

The next step is to run the migrations to configure the postgreSQL database schemas.

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Generate migration files
$ npm run migration

# Push migration to db
$ npm run dbpush

You can then start the application in developer mode.

# Start in developer mode
$ npm run dev

Backend service

The first step is to configure the environment variables correctly. Below is a table with the names of the variables and their respective descriptions.

Variable Description
JWT_SECRET The secret that will be used to sign and verify the JWT authentication of websockets.
PUBLIC_URL The url where the Next.js project is hosted.
DATABASE_URL The url of the project's postgreSQL database.
API_URL The url for RunPod's serverless function. It should have the following format:
API_KEY RunPod API access key.
AWS_REG The S3-compatible bucket region.
AWS_KEY The S3-compatible bucket access key.
AWS_SECRET The S3-compatible bucket secret access key.
AWS_BUCKET The name of the S3-compatible bucket.
DAILY_FREE_IP_GENERATIONS How many generations anonymous users have per day. Defaults to 5.
DAILY_FREE_USER_GENERATIONS How many generations free users have per day. Defaults to 25.
DAILY_PREMIUM_CREDITS How many premium credits free users will earn per day. Defaults to 50.
SYSTEM_DAILY_FREE_GENERATIONS How many free generations the server can do before it runs out of resources. Defaults to 200.

You can then install the dependencies and start the project in developer mode.
# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Start in developer mode
$ npm run dev

Stripe Webhooks

2 webhooks will be required:

  • The first is responsible for handling price changes and will listen to the following events: product.created, product.deleted, product.updated, price.created, price.deleted, price.updated. The endpoint url will be https://FRONTEND_URL/api/webhooks/product-change. Only the first product created will be considered a subscription to the service.

  • The second will be responsible for handling customer subscriptions and will listen to the following events: customer.deleted, customer.created, checkout.session.completed, customer.subscription.created, customer.subscription.deleted, customer.subscription.updated. The endpoint url will be https://FRONTEND_URL/api/webhooks/subscription.

In addition, it is necessary to limit each customer to just one subscription in Settings > Payments > Subscriptions.

Potential Improvements

There are some points in the project that, if I were to rewrite it from scratch, I would do differently. Others are problems that I don't like but are beyond my control. They are:

  • Models defined in the code: The initial plan was to define the models available in the database and request them when they were needed. The solution of defining the models in a javascript object was only temporary, but I ended up referencing this object locally in many places in the code, so it would have been too much work to replace all the occurrences and rework the logic. Oops, sorry about that.

  • Stable Diffusion API too slow: Unfortunately, cold starts are always going to be part of projects like this. There are some solutions on the Internet for optimizing RunPod cold starts. However, most of them involve higher financial costs (such as setting a worker as always active), which is not justified in a non-commercial project like this.


This project would not have been possible without the following open source projects and software:


If you think this project has helped you in any way or you've learned something new, consider buying me a coffee, I love it!

Buy Me A Coffee


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


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