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Deploying Spring Boot Applications With AWS ECS Fargate (Free Course)

AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) Fargate is a fully-managed container orchestration service that allows developers to deploy and manage containers without managing underlying EC2 instances.

Deploying Spring Boot applications with ECS Fargate can be an excellent choice for organizations that want to reduce infrastructure management overhead and increase the scalability and reliability of their applications.

When combined, Spring Boot and AWS ECS Fargate provide a powerful solution for deploying and managing Java applications in a containerized environment.

By utilizing Spring Boot’s ease of development and AWS ECS Fargate’s simplicity of deployment, developers can build scalable and highly available applications that leverage the benefits of containerization.

Welcome to the start of our article series, where we will explore the process of setting up a Spring Boot REST API on AWS ECS Fargate from scratch as a totally free course.

In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through each step involved in deploying your Spring Boot application as a containerized REST API using the power of AWS ECS Fargate.

Deploying Spring Boot Applications With AWS ECS Fargate

Article Series